Consolidated (02.10.2019; N24/1)
Approved by: 
Decree N24/6, May 8, 2019
of the Academic Council of
LEPL - Tbilisi State Medical University 

"Procedures for Granting the Status of Visiting Professor and Invited Professor 
at Tbilisi State Medical University".
(02.10.2019 N24/1)
1. The status of Visiting Professor is granted to a foreign citizen who holds the title of Professor or Doctor and is employed at foreign higher education institution, scientific center, or medical facility, or is an emeritus scholar, and upon invitation, entailing remuneration under an employment contract, delivers lectures regularly at Tbilisi State Medical University throughout the academic year. A visiting professor must be involved in the implementation of educational programs at TSMU. The employment contract with the visiting professor should not be for a period less than one year. The employment contract must have a minimum duration of one year, and Visiting Professors are authorized to develop syllabi for elective courses. (02.10.2019 N24/1)
2. The status of Visiting Professor is granted to a foreign citizen (Professor or Doctor) employed at a foreign higher education institution, scientific center, or medical facility, or  holds emeritus status, by the Academic Council of Tbilisi State Medical University upon nomination by the Faculty Council, through an open vote and by a majority of the attendees. (02.10.2019 N24/1)
3. An Invited Professor may deliver lectures on their own initiative with the agreement of the relevant Faculty Council and the University Administration or upon the initiative of the relevant Faculty Council and the University Administration. The status of an invited professor is granted in accordance with paragraph 2 of these rules. (02.10.2019 N24/1)
4. A breach of Paragraphs 1 or 3 of the current rules will result in the revocation of the statuses of both Visiting Professor and Invited Professor. (02.10.2019 N24/1)
5. The proposal to revoke the status of Visiting Professor or Invited Professor is submitted to the Academic Council of Tbilisi State Medical University by the respective Faculty Council. (02.10.2019 N24/1)
6. This rule shall take effect upon its adoption.
7. a) Paragraph 4 of these rule also applies to those invited professors who were granted this status prior to the entry into force of these rules.
b) Prior to the entry into force of these amendments, all invited (visiting) professors are considered to hold the status of an Invited Professor. (02.10.2019 N24/1)
8. All administrative and legal acts regulating the granting of the status of Invited Professor at Tbilisi State Medical University prior to the entry into force of these rules are declared invalid. (02.10.2019 N24/1)