Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues, Future Colleagues!
The history of Tbilisi State Medical University begins on June 17, 1918, while the Faculty of Medicine was opened by the decision of the Council of Professors of the Tbilisi State University (the first Caucasus Region University). On June 10, 1930, the Tbilisi State University was reorganized and Tbilisi State Medical Institute was founded. Accordingly, Tbilisi State Medical University has counted nearly a century of independently developing history and represents the cornerstone of medical education in Georgia (and in the region).
Tbilisi State Medical University is famous for the quality of education and research, democratic governance principles, transparent management and academic freedom. These basic principles determine the high standard of constantly developing medical education, health care provision and the persistent pursuit for perfection.
Tbilisi State Medical University collaborates with the leading universities and clinics worldwide, regulated by bilateral agreements or memorandums of understanding, as well as joint international projects (ERASMUS+, HORIZON EUROPE, and others). The university is a member of authoritative international organizations and associations. The students, residents, academic and administrative staff, researchers, and doctors of Tbilisi State Medical University participate in exchange programs.
Tbilisi State Medical University annually hosts professors from European countries, the USA, the UK, Israel, Turkey and other countries. The aim of the visits is to conduct lectures, practical training, consult patients and demonstrate surgeries. The number of international students has been increasing and nowadays over 3,500 students from 84 countries are studying on various programs.
Tbilisi State Medical University has founded clinical bases: Tbilisi State Medical University the First University Clinic, G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic, Ingorokva High Medical Technology University Clinic, Apolon Urushadze Dental Clinic, TSMU N1 Dental Clinic, Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry and Vladimer Bakhutashvili Institute of Medical Biotechnology. The educational departments of Tbilisi State Medical University operate in various partner or affiliated clinics. All the structural units of rehabilitation direction of TSMU including Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are located in Ken Walker University Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation.
Noteworthy, by 2025 construction of a new Clinic of Psychiatry and Narcology and dormitory is planned to be completed.
Tbilisi State Medical University graduates work in various local and international clinics. It is also important that constantly growing educational, scientific opportunities and research outcomes are reflected in the works of researchers.
The role and responsibility of Tbilisi State Medical University in protecting the health and wellbeing of the society of our country were especially significant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the pandemic years, the clinics of Tbilisi State Medical University, their doctors, students, academic and administrative staff, stood at the ‘forefront’, facing the risk of infection, effectively coping with the global challenges.
Tbilisi State Medical University, with its history, goals, and functions, plays a crucial role in serving the country. Its graduates, residents, and employees, along with the TSMU research institutes and clinics will always have the opportunity to contribute to the development of Tbilisi State Medical University.