თსსუ-ის თეატრის „ჰიგიას“ სპექტაკლი აგვისტოს ომის 10 წლისთავს მიეძღვნა

TSMU Theater "Higia" - dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the August War

10 years have passed since 2008, War between Russia and Georgia, resulting Russian intervention, great human loses and 150,000 homeless citizens. The rankling pain united TSMU students under the supervision of theater “Higia” founder – Natia Gujabidze. They searched the stories related to heroes and presented on the stage.
"The group decided to dedicate the performance to the 10th anniversary of the August 2008 War. The students have searched the stories of killed heroes. Based on the true stories, we brought ten family tragedy on the stage and expressed our protest against the war” Natia Gujabidze said.
On April 25, Theater "Higia" Performed - "Gun Play". The performance was opened by the President of Students’ Self-Government - Giorgi Mikadze.
The opening was attended by the Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Zurab Vadachkoria. The professor talked about the problems of occupation: "The wound inflicted by the Russian-Georgian War is imminent. Unfortunately, occupation is still in process. Definitely, it's hard to live in the country where 20% is occupied by your neighbors. Students will demonstrate protest against occupation and hope that it will soon be over. "
On May 10th  the Theater "Higia" plans to repeat the performance.