From May 1 to October 2, 2022 within the framework of Doctoral program "The role of cytokines in different types of epilepsy in children" (supervisor Prof. Sophia Bakhtadze) and European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Research experience fellowship program TSMU doctoral student, Tatia Gakharia was at the Children's Neuroscience Centre of Evelina London Children's Hospital (UK).
Professor Ming Lim was the supervisor of the TSMU doctoral student in London. The scientific experience obtained in London gave the doctoral student the opportunity to gain detailed knowledge about the current issues of neuroimmunology.
The results of the collaborative publication were published in the peer reviewed and high impact factor international journal "Children". One of the dissertation articles was presented as a poster report at the 8th European Academy of Neurology Congress (Vienna).
Within the framework of the project Tatia Gakharia participated in conferences and workshops throughout the country.