Summer Internship in the University Medical Center Utrecht (Holland)

On August 18-31, 2013 five students of the faculty of medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University did the internship in the Department of Normal Anatomy of the University Medical Center Utrecht (Holland) (Supervisor: TSMU Normal Anatomy Department Professor Davit Topuria).

During the internship students were able to perform anatomic dissections of the head, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Lecture-seminars were interactive, where each student could study with using some practical learning resources.


The students also were introduced to latest 3D anatomic research methods and were attending the ongoing scientific-lab researches in the Department of Normal Anatomy.

At the end of the program, Head of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the University Medical Center Utrecht, Professor Ronald Bleys met with the students and awarded them by certificates. He expressed his positive attitude towards the participants of the program and wished them success in their medical career. The future collaboration was planned.

During the summer internship students participated in socal-cultural events and visited the museums and sightseeing of the city.