Lectures of European Professors – Francisco Macias and Hermann Stuppner at TSMU

On May 2, 2014, the lectures of two European scientists were held at Tbilisi State Medical University.

Professor Francisco Macias from Spain  delivered lecture on" The role of alelopathy in the search for biologically active substances". Professor Francisco Macias is the Head of Alelopathy Direction at the Department of Organic Chemistry and Director of Institute of Biomolecules - Scientific School of  Cadiz University. He introduced to the audience the results of the investigations conducted at the laboratory for a long time.   

According to Professor Francisco Macias he was working on the issue related to seeking for natural substances since he was a doctoral student. This was the traditional approach to the study of natural substances. He was always interested in: why the plant produces so many substances? and/or why their synthesis is carried out? In the universe the most important is chemical communication. Due to the fact that  the plants are deprived of mobility, they are producing special substances for self-defense. Every living organism has its microflora, which was is transforming. The transformation results can be a source of unique findings.

The topic of the lecture delivered by Austrian scientist, Head of Pharmacy /Pharmacognosy Institute of Innsbruck University, Professor Hermann Stuppner was: “Traditions of using medical remedies and scientific principles”. He was working on extraction of biologically active substances from the plants and serves traditions and innovations in this field. Obtaining optimally good results is possible only through  this way, linking traditions, innovations and analysis.

The lectures were attended by: Associate Professor Dali Berashvili, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of TSMU, the other academic staff, students and graduates as well. The investigations of Professors Francisco Macias and Hermann Stuppner interested everybody. According to the Professors listening to the students to understand their thoughts and future interest was of great importance for them.

Students and Professors agreed that future active relationship will be fruitful to establish and maintain development of high quality teaching at the Faculty of Pharmacy.