The Visit of Turkish Delegation at TSMU

Interest in Tbilisi State Medical University is increasing every day. It is no accident that there are 1900 students from 37 countries here, the number of applicants is rising steadily.

It's natural, as the key priorities of TSMU are growth and development of teaching level and coming closer to the European standards.

Only for two years, 220 foreign Professors were on the visit to TSMU and the university clinics for delivering lectures and conducting clinical activities.  Day by day it becomes significant that education level rises at TSMU, therefore many successful universities have desire for development of partnership with our University.


On May 5, 2014, the Turkish delegation visited TSMU: Professor Şerif Ali Tekalan Rector of Istanbul Fatih University, Professor Abdulkadir Sengun Rector of Ankara Turgul Ozal University, Professor Hüseyin Ekiz Rector of Suleiman Shah University. The delegation was accompanied by Prof. Ercan Tunçh Rector and Ilia Chiloghlu Vice-Rector of the Black Sea University.

The guests were met by Professor Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Vice - Rectors: Prof. Rima Beriashvili and Prof. Kakhaber Chelidze, Prof. Ia Avaliani, Head of International Relations Department. The plans for future cooperation were outlined.  Both sides have expressed willingness to participate in the exchange program for students and lecturers.  TSMU Rector expressed his desire, that both sides were actively involved in "Mevlan" project.

According to Professor Şerif Ali Tekalan their fund includes 14 Universities in Turkey and 14 abroad. There are 1500 students from 114 countries at Fatih University and the number of Turkish students is 14000.

On the background of growing authority, they have a desire to develop close relationship with Tbilisi State Medical University, as well as the other authoritative and prospective universities.

Professor Şerif Ali Tekalan expressed his admiration relating to the beauty of Georgia. He noted that his first desire to take a photo occurred  here. He presented one photo for exposition and  his  photo album to TSMU Rector. Georgian side handed  the symbolic gifts to the guests  as well.