The Lecture by Prof. Dr. Victor Weilert at TSMU

On  October 27, 2014, Prof. Dr. Victor Weilert surgeon of the Clinic of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery and Implantology at Duisburg-Essen (Germany), TSMU Honorary Doctor visited Tbilisi State Medical University to deliver lectures for the students, residents and academic personnel of the TSMU Faculty of Stomatology.

Dental implantology is one of the most important and interesting topic in today's dentistry. Prior to the lecture, the audience was welcomed by Prof. Marina Mamaladze, PhD, the Head of Odontology Department of Tbilisi State Medical University, President of the Professional Dental Association of Georgia. She reminded the audience about the contribution made by Prof. Victor Weilert and the lecture topics. His lecture covered the concepts and capabilities of modern implantology: "Actuality of Panoramic X-ray and CT diagnosis in dental implantation - operation protocol"; "The stages of surgical treatment, dental implants and modern types and systems" and “The features of implantation surgery at bony deficiency: augmentation of alveolar processe and sinuslift”.

It is very important that the planned master class, where the university students, residents and academic personnel become acquainted  how the concepts of theory is implemented  practice.  After the lecture, the students noted that this course was really important source of information for them: "It was the first time I listened to Professor Weilert. I know that he was invited to our university before and the students told me what an interesting and useful lecture they had heard… but what I saw and heard, it was beyond my expectations. I think that such lectures will help us to become professionals. I am waiting for the next meeting by Professor Weilert with great interest".