TSMU Academic Council awarded the Status of TSMU Affiliated Clinic to

On 28th of October, 2015, the meeting of TSMU Academic Council, chaired  by  Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU, was held at TSMU. At the meeting Associate Professor Zaza Bokhua, Director of TSMU Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuous Professional Development, represented the recommendation of TSMU professional council on awarding  the Status of TSMU Affiliated Clinic to "Avtandil Kambarashvili clinic", Ltd. Telavi, to the members of Academic Council. "Avtandil Kambarashvili clinic" Ltd has the working experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It should be emphasized that the residency students of Tbilisi State Medical University  are  passing professional trainings while the undergraduate students are passing  summer schools at this multiprofile clinic for many years"- said Associate Professor Zaza Bokhua. The members of TSMU  Academic Council unanimously approved the recommendation and "Avtandil Kambarashvili clinic" was awarded  the status of TSMU Affiliated Clinic.