Graduation Ceremony of TSMU Faculty of Medicine (English Medium)

On January 15,  2016, Graduation Ceremony of English-Medium Medical Faculty  was held at Tbilisi State Medical University.

The event was attended by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of TSMU ,  Prof. Rima Beriashvili Vice-Rector, academic staff,  students and family members of the graduates.

The graduates were addressed and congratulated on the successful completion by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU, Prof. Rima Beriashvili Vice-Rector and Prof. David Topuria Head of the Department of Overseas Students Education.  They noted that the University will always remain their fan, watching and rejoicing every success and achievement of its alumni.

The graduates were awarded diplomas. At the end, the students took the Hippocratic Oath. TSMU wishes success to each graduate  in their career advancement.