The Delegation of the Tbilisi State Medical University in Rambam Medical Center (Haifa, Israel)


From March 28 to April 1, 2018, the delegation of Tbilisi State Medical University consisting of   Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU, Associate Professor Lia Dzidziguri, General Director  of G.Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic and Tinatin Kutubidze  Associate Professor of TSMU Department of Pediatrics,  paid an official visit to the Rambam Medical Center (Haifa, Israel).  The Rambam Medical Center is one of the leading medical academic institutions in Israel, serving over 2 million population of the northern Israel.

Within the framework of the visit, the delegation members met with the representatives of Rambam Medical Center: Prof. Rafi Beyar MD DSc MPH,  Director of  Rambam Health Care Campus;  Prof. Esther Golan Ph.D, Managing Director of International Relations and Chief of Strategic Development; Myriam Ben Arush Clinical Professor, Director, Pediatric Division, Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital; Ronit Segal Hirshberg PhD CEO, Rambam Health Corporation, Managing Director, Economics and Marketing Division; Erez Carmon, Hospital Administration; Dr. Ran Steinberg  Director of Pediatric Surgery; Dr. Arkadi Vachian, director of the minimally invasive surgery unit at Rambam's children's hospital. At the meetings the representatives of Tbilisi State Medical University were accompanied by the coordinator - Abigal Zahari. During the meetings, they discussed the future plans and main directions of mutual cooperation. The visit of the representatives of Rambam Medical Center to Tbilisi State Medical University was scheduled as well.