The 63th Conference of the European Section of the International College of Dentists (ICD)

On June 21-25, 2018, the 63th Meeting of the European Section of the  International College  of Dentists (ICD)  was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The Conference was attended by Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of TSMU Odontology Department; Lia Sanodze Associate Professor of Odontology Department, Director of TSMU Apolon Urushadze Dental Clinic; and Natia Nizharadze Associate Professor, Department of Odontology.

The delegation presented the poster- presentation on "Minimally Invasive Dentistry - Achieving Excellence in Contemporary Dental Practice", which caused a great interest among the attendees. At the conference the main accents were made on adhesive restorations of the teeth and implementation of minimally invasive techniques. It should be noted that minimally invasive dentistry is an approach implemented in the clinical practice of TSMU Odontology Department and Apolon Urushadze Dental Clinic. That is why the new concepts presented at the Conference will be used and implemented in the clinical activities of students, as well as doctors.