Representatives of the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics of TSMU at the European Human Genetics Conference 2018

On June 16-19, 2018, the delegation of the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics of Tbilisi State Medical University participated in the European Human Genetics Conference (Milan, Italy).  The delegation was presented by: Professor Elene Abzianidze, Head of the Department, Associate Professors Nino Portskhelani and Eka Kvaratskhelia, and PhD students:  Ketevan Kartvelishvili and Ketevan Kankava. At the conference they presented 4 poster-reports. TSMU graduate Ketevan Dzagoeva, put forward by Georgian Society of Medical Genetics and Epigenetics and funded by the European Society of Human Genetics, participated in the Conference as well.  In the frames of the conference Professors Elene Abzianidze and Eka Kvaratskhelia were invited to the annual closed meeting of Human Genetics Societies of Europe and the US where they made reports on the activities of TSMU Department and Georgian Society of Medical Genetics and Epigenetics. The representatives of the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics of TSMU met with the Associate researcher of Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Davit Chokoshvili and Professor Pascal Bor, Professor Angus Clarke, Cardiff University and Nicole Leuus, Radboud University, Netherlands. They drew up future plans of cooperation. Leading experts of various fields of genetics from Europe and the USA participated in the conference. The conference was focused on topical issues of genetics and genome such as personalized medicine, clinical Pharmacogenomics, epigenetics, gene regulation, topical issues of neurogenetics, new strategies for gene therapy, and new technologies of genetics and so on