Public Lecture - Stop Violence!

On November 1, 2018, within the frames of campaign - “Stop Violence”, a public lecture was held at Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University.  The campaign initiated by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), supported by the he European Union and aimed at changing the social norms of violence against the children was launched on June 1, 2018. The lecture was attended by students, residents of Tbilisi State Medical University and the administrative staff of Givi Zhvania  Pediatric Academic Clinic.

Nino Darsadze, psychologist, moderator of the lecture, discussed the forms of violence against children and talked about the ways of prevention.  According to  60% of Georgia's population  using violent parenting  methods is more effective than non-violent parenting techniques. In general, the level of tolerance towards violence as well as tolerance towards children is high. Factors stipulating tolerant attitude towards the violence against children or violence as a whole are the existed social norms. The aim of the campaign "Stop Violence!" is the change of these social norms that can be achieved through public involvement and initiation of discussion in order to ensure that critical mass of the society is aware of violence against children  and that everyone should always react to the fact of violence against children.