Visit of Professor Tamar Sanikidze, Head of TSMU Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics to Poland

On November 5-9, 2018, Professor Tamar Sanikidze, Head of TSMU Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics was in Poland within the frames of the "PROGRESSIO -Pomeranian Medical University Development" project (POWR.03.05.00-00-Z090 / 17). She delivered the lectures in biophysics  for the students of Faculties of Medicine and Stromatology.


- Biological membrane and membrane conductivity at physiological and pathological processes;

- Membrane transport mechanisms: active and passive transport (basic principles of transport mechanisms);

- Mechanism of muscle contraction - physical aspects;

- Biomechanics of fluids and gases  - blood circulation and respiration;

- Bioelectricity and biomagnetism, electromagnetic interactions in live systems.