Academician Grigol Mukhadze Surgery Society Board Dedicated to the Professor Giorgi Botchorishvili’s 100 Anniversary

Academician Grigol Mukhadze Surgery Society Board Dedicated to the Professor Giorgi Botchorishvili’s 100 Anniversary

On June 26, 2019 Academician Grigol Mukhadze Surgery Society Board dedicated to the Professor Giorgi Botchorishvili’s 100 Anniversary was organized at Tbilisi State Medical University. The Board was opened by Prof. Gia Tomadze, the Head of Grigol Mukhadze Association of Surgeons. Prof. Tomadze remembered the role of Prof. Botchorishvili in the development of unique techniques in surgery. Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, the Rector of TSMU addressed the audience and noted Prof. Botchorishvili’s important role in the development of Surgery School at Tbilisi State Medical University. Ketevan Gugulashvili, TSMU Medicine Faculty student granted with Giorgi Botchorishvili’s scholarship spoke about the achievements of the professor. Prof. Botchorishvili was honored and remembered by his students Academician Roman Sharikadze, Professors: Amiran Gamkrelidze, Gogi Kakoishvili, Besik Iashvili and Tamaz Chkhikvadze. At the end of the board documentary film about life and work of Academician Giorgi Botchorishvili was shown to the audience.