Tbilisi State Medical University the First University Clinic Returns to Multidisciplinary Activities

The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused emergency situation in the world. TSMU The First University Clinic contributed to the fight against the virus. During four months the clinic admitted nearly 600 critical patients and 200 of them were covid-infected. The success of the clinic, while fighting against the virus was due to the innovative medical infrastructure and professional staff, most of them are professors at Tbilisi State Medical University.

On July 14, the clinic re-opened and returned to its multidisciplinary medical activities. Professor Levan Ratiani, Director of the First University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University hosted representatives of media and thanked them for support and sending direct messages to the society about the pandemic situation in Georgia. In frames of the event press representatives visited and got acquaintance with the activities of the clinic.

TSMU The First University clinic was founded on March 25, 2015. The project was implemented jointly by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the Medical University. The aim of the clinic was to reinforce development of students’ medical education, practical skills and clinical experience, as well as providing high quality medical services to the population. On the one hand the clinic educates future doctors and on the other hand, diagnosis patients. 

The First University Clinic is fully equipped with modern laboratories and medical technologies, also five lecture-halls and 70 teaching-rooms for teaching activities. The clinic is oriented on serving patients based on internationally recognized medicine standards and has 187 beds, equipped with modern laboratories and medical technologies for radiological diagnostics and high technology treatment, where Georgian and international Professors work for educating future doctors and providing high quality medical service to the society.