Tbilisi State Medical University students won the Student Initiatives Grant Awards announced by the International Association for Medical Education (AMEE)

Tbilisi State Medical University, Faculty of Medicine students Elene Maisuradze, Veriko Revia and Nini Jgharkava won the Student Initiatives Grant Awards announced by the International Association for Medical Education (AMEE). The aim of the project is to promote improvements in medical education and the development of learning resources in collaboration with students. 

The project developed by the TSMU students envisages the promotion of practical courses at the leading clinics of Tbilisi. A special web platform will be created which will connect the student and the medical institution. An applicant should register online in order to get the desired clinic. The project will be launched from the end of the February, 2022 and will be implemented in three basic stages:

I stage – workshops with the representatives of the clinics. They will be informed about the web-platform;

II stage - integration of clinics with the web-page and signing a partnership memorandum with them;

III stage – creating a web platform.

Tbilisi State Medical University congratulates the students and wishes them success.