White Coat Ceremony 2022

On October 19, White Coat Ceremony of the American MD Program was held at Tbilisi State Medical University. The event was opened by the national anthems of Georgia and the United States of America symbolizing friendship between two countries and collaboration in medical education. (The American MD Program was established at Tbilisi State Medical University in collaboration with Emory University School of Medicine in 2013. The program is based on the Emory University School of Medicine curriculum). 

The event was chaired by Professor Archil Undilashvili, Head of the American MD program and Head of the Physical Rehabilitation Policy and Strategic Management Department of TSMU. The event was attended by Brian Walker, Director of the Walter Reed US Army Medical Research Office in Georgia, Archil Gagnidze, Program Manager of the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, family members of the USMD program the first semester students, TSMU academic and administrative staff. 

Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU congratulated the first semester students on their achievements and talked about the USMD program opportunities. Assoc. Prof. Eka Ekaladze, Director of the USMD Program, Professor Rima Beriashvili and Nika Vashakidze, a successful 10th semester student also congratulated the students on the beginning of the new academic year. 

One of the most emotional parts of the event was dressing the first semester students in white coats. The ceremony was accompanied with music performed by the USMD program students. 

110 students were enrolled in the USMD Program in the 2022-2023 academic year.