International Scientific-Teaching Conference on Clinical Radiology and Modern Problems of Radiation Protection

On November 25-27, 2022 International Scientific-Teaching conference on Clinical Radiology and Modern Problems of Radiation Protection was organized at Tbilisi State Medical University. The conference was dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Mikheil Gedevanishvili and the 125th anniversary of the beginning of X-ray research in Georgia. 

The conference was opened by Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University. The rector emphasized the important role of scientific-teaching conferences for the development of medical education in Georgia. 

George Volski, the First Deputy Chairperson of the Parliament of Georgia, Vladimir Kakhadze, the First Deputy Chair of the Health Care and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, Professor Otar Urushadze, Head of the TSMU Radiology Department also opened the conference with welcome speeches. The teaching-scientific conference was attended by radiologists from Georgia, Croatia, Greece, Netherlands and Austria. The international colleagues delivered lectures and masterclasses, shared their professional experience and research outcomes to the colleagues. 

The event was attended by the representatives of the Nuclear Safety Agency, biophysicists, students, residents and academic staff of TSMU. The teaching-scientific conference was supported by the Parliament of Georgia, the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, Tbilisi City Hall, the Georgian Association of Radiology, Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, TSMU the First University Clinic, the Radiology Safety Association of Georgia, Georgian Medical Physics Association, Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine and Georgian Association of Ultrasound.