Emory University Professors Lectures at Tbilisi State Medical University

Within the framework of celebration, a 30-year cooperation between the Emory University and Georgia guests from Atlanta conducted lectures and training for the TSMU students at Tbilisi State Medical University. 

On March 7, 2023 Assoc. Prof. Eric Flenaugh, Vice Chair of Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine, Chief and Director of Pulmonary and Critical Care & Interventional Pulmonary Medicine at Grady Hospital delivered a lecture "Modern issues of pulmonary and critical care medicine management". Assoc. Prof. Gabriela Oprea Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of Emory University School of Medicine was also involved in discussing interesting clinical cases during the lecture. 

On March 7, Prof. Mary Jo Lechowicz of Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology of Emory University School of Medicine conducted a training “The importance of communication with patients” for the US MD program second semester students. Based on the role play, the students were given the opportunity to observe the importance of proper communication between the doctor and the patient for the diagnosis and management of disease.

On March 9, Prof. Gordon Churchward Assistant Dean for Medical Education & Student Affairs and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology of the Emory University School of Medicine, Prof. Mary Jo Lechowicz of Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology of Emory University School of Medicine, Prof.  Douglas Ander of Emergency Medicine and Emeritus Joel Felner Professor of Cardiology met the US MD program clinical stage students. The theme of the meeting was: “Doctors career development”'. The guests shared their experiences with the students. The discussion was interesting from deciding to become a doctor through residency to becoming a field professional. Moreover, Emory University representatives consulted the students individually regarding career development opportunities and residency in the USA.

In addition, Emory University representatives gave individual recommendations to students regarding career development and US residency. The American guests initiated a modeling process of interviewing students for the US residency. The initiation was supported by the administration of the US MD program administration of TSMU.

On March 9, Prof. Mary Jo Lechowicz, Prof. Joel Felner and Director of US MD program Eka Ekaladze met the US MD program students who had undergone clerkship at Emory University School of Medicine. The aim of the meeting was on the one hand, to evaluate the ongoing clerkships by the TSMU students in order to improve further clerkships and on the other hand plan how to share students obtained experiences to local academic and invited staff of the program.

On March 10, Prof. Douglas Ander delivered a lecture: "Role of emergency medicine during natural disasters”. The lecture was attended by the students of the US MD program and academic staff of TSMU. Contemporary principles of emergency medicine management during the natural disasters and challenges and opportunities for further  field development  were discussed. 

On March 13, Prof. Gordon Churchward conducted a lecture “Time management - an important skill for a successful medical career”. The professor talked about time management in terms of professionalism and encouraged students to work on their time management skills constantly.

The American delegation visited Tbilisi State Medical University as part of the framework of  celebration of 30-year cooperation between Emory University and Georgia.