Lectures by Moldovan Professors at Tbilisi State Medical University

On April 11-13, Professors of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy  (Moldova) were on official visit to Tbilisi State Medical of State Medical University  :

• Prof. Viorel Nacu – Director of Cell and Tissue Bank, Head of Tissue Engineering and Cell Culture Laboratory;

• Professor Olga Tagadiuc – Head of the Department of biochemistry and clinical biochemistry;

• Prof. Victor Botnaru – Head of the Department of pulmonology and allergy.

During the visit, the foreign professors met with prof. Kokhreidze Director of TSMU First University Clinic. The guests visited the clinic and got acquainted with its specifications.

Moldovan colleagues delivered lectures for TSMU students and young specialists:

Prof. Victor Botnaru:

• "Errors at diagnostics of interstitial lung diseases";

• "Lung X-ray: therapist's opinion";

• " Tissue bio-engineering, actual issues";

• "Regenerative medicine at genetic disorders - gene therapy";

• "Differential diagnosis of pulmonary edema."

Professor Olga Tagadiuc:

• "Bone biochemical indicators of physiological condition and osteoporosis";

• "Clinical use of  liver biochemistry”

Prof. Viorel Nacu:

• "Tissue Bank, as a way for cell and tissue transplantation"

Moldovan colleagues visited the Clinical Skills Center of Tbilisi State Medical University: the cabinets of resuscitation and emergency care, obstetrics-gynecology, newborn care and resuscitation, surgery, ophthalmology training and anatomical table (Anatomage).

Prof. Irma Manjavidze Clinical Skills Center, introduced the guests to the principles of medical education at TSMU and the results of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).

At the end of the visit, they met with: Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU, Vice-Rectors: Prof.Rima Beriashvili and George Abesadze, Prof. Tina Chikovani Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. David Delibashvili Deputy Head of the International Affairs Department and Irina Kapetivadze Deputy head of the same Department.

During the meeting they talked about the undergraduate and postgraduate educational system at Tbilisi State Medical University. They discussed the issues of future collaboration and  implementation of joint scientific projects.