Master Class in Dental Implantation

On February 21=22, 2014, two-day Master Class, supported by TSMU and "ALPHA-BIO TEC" and organized by the company “ImplaDent”, was successfully held.

Master Class was attended by Prof. Samson Mgebrishvili, Dean of TSMU faculty of Stomatology, the students of the same faculty, qualified physicians and young stomatologists. According to the students of the Faculty of Stomatology this master-class was of great importance for them. Theoretical information on implantation and orthopedics is available, but attending such a level of master - class, was a rare opportunity for each of them. Master class was focused on the topics: basic principles of implantation, methods of suturing,  selection criteria of gum formation, taking prints/marks,  entire spectrum  of orthopedic reconstruction, answer-question sessions  focused on the mistakes/errors.