შეხვედრა სტომატოლოგიის ფაკულტეტის პირველ სემესტრელ სტუდენტებთან

Meeting of the First Semester Students with the Dean of the Faculty of Stomatology

On October  23, 2018, the Dean of Faculty of Stomatology of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Samson Mgebrishvili, Deputy Dean Associate Professor Nana Kipiani and Associate Professor Dea Vadachkoria - TSMU Department of Orthopedic Stomatology met with the first semester students of the Faculty of Stomatology.  The students were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty Professor Samson Mgebrishvili, who reviewed the basic processes on the faculty. Associate Professor Nana Kipiani  made a presentation and provided the students  with  detailed information about the programme:

·         Students'  registration (by semester)

·         Student's rights

·         Student commitments

·         Student’s activities

·         Transferring  to another faculty

·         Evaluation criteria

·         Scholarships

·         Students’ involvement in research activities

At the end of the meeting the question-answer session was arranged. pr