თსსუ-ში საქართველოს მედიკოს სტუდენტთა ასოციაციის მორიგი მასშტაბური პროექტის პრეზენტაცია გაიმართა

Presentation of the Large-Scale Project of Georgian Medical Students Association (GMSA) at TSMU

On March 25, 2019, presentation of Large-Scale Project of Georgian Medical Students Association (GMSA) - "InSimu Virtual Patient" was held at Tbilisi State Medical University.  The representatives of the Association introduced detailed information about the project and InSimu - Mobile Application.  Through this application that gives the opportunity of having virtual patients, will be implemented he above mentioned project, in the form of championship among 7 different university students.  During the presentation, students were introduced to the principles of the application. Also, they received the promo-code, necessary to be involved in the championship. The first phase of the project includes university internal competition, which will reveal 10 best students from each university, who will provide correct diagnosis in the shortest possible time and using non-invasive tests. After this, among the top 10-10 participants from each university, 3 best students will be identified by the same principle. All university championships will be held at 1, 2, 3 April, at the same time, 10 best students will be revealed on April 5, and the final stage will be held on April 8 and 9. The awards ceremony will be held on April 15 at Tbilisi State Medical University.  "The results are reflected on general database,  access to which is limited and excludes data changes." - said one of the project organizers - Elene Gunia. According to her, participation in the project is absolutely free