Approved by the resolution 23/5 of the 
Representative Council of Tbilisi State Medical University April 4, 2018  

LEPL-Tbilisi State Medical University
Mechanisms of Electronic Services and Management of Electronic Systems

The development strategy of electronic system eFlow: involvement of all structural units of the university system, implementation of VPN protected connection, modernization of document turnaround and permanent updating;

The development strategy of management system (LMS):
Immediate reflection of training programs and changes of the academic process in the electronic system, updating appropriate modules;
Creation the electronic processing module of timetable;
Creating an online system to provide students with certificates and documents;
Optimization of relational databases (increasing the speed and dynamism of the information).

The development of electronic journal for student attendance and academic report, creating the mobile version (increasing access to users);

Website structural updating, modernization of navigation system, modernization of the search system (increasing the speed of information retrieval).

Expanding the base of educational examination system, elaboration and introduction of new types of tests, enrichment of MCQ tests, creation of relevant modules and introduction for statistical processing and analysis of test results;

Creating necessary modules for the development of electronic services and the management of electronic systems and reconstruction of the existing ones.