Approved By the
Decree # 24/1 of 17 September, 2010 of the TSMU Academic Council
LEPL - Tbilisi State Medical University
Rules of Evaluating Students’ Achievement
1. The results of the studies achieved by the student at the Tbilisi State Medical University (hereinafter - the University) will be evaluated in the course/discipline based on its interim assessment and final assessment evaluation. (06.11.2020, N24/7)
11. Definition of terms in accordance with the Order N3 of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated January 5, 2007 "On approval of the rules for calculating credits of higher education programs":
Educational component – a constituent part of the educational program, which is presented in the form of a training course/subject, practice, creative/performative practical project/work, undergraduate research project/work or other component; (28.02.2022, N 24/10)
Assessment components – assessment components are interim assessment (single or multiple) and final assessment, the sum of which represents the final assessment;
Assessment method – the meansused to assess the achievement of the learning outcomes defined in the component of the educational program (Oral/Written, Exam/Survey, Project, Portfolio, Test, Essay, Demonstration, Presentation, Discussion, Presentation of an Audiovisual Work, Exhibition, Performance/Staging, Concert Performance, Practical/Theoretical Assignment, Working in a Working Group, Participation in a Discussion, Case Study solving, participating in a simulated process, objectively structured clinical examination (OSCE), objectively structured practical examination (OSPE), etc.); (28.02.2022, N 24/10)
Evaluation criteria – a measurement unit of the evaluation method, which determines the level of achievement of learning outcomes.
2.Maximum assessment of the course/discipline is 100 points. (06.11.2020, N24/7)
3.Midterm evaluation is the sum of points obtained according to the knowledge evaluation
components provided by the syllabus of the course/discipline and is determined by 60 points. (06.11.2020, N24/7) (28.02.2022, N 24/10)
4. The final exam is evaluated with 40 points. Final Examination Assessment:
a) Is positive if the student receives 20 or more points (50% or more of the maximum exam grade). (11.02.2013; N 24/2 - to be enacted from the 2013/2014 academic year)
b) At the faculties of medicine and dentistry –it is positive if the student has 24 and more points (60% or more of the examination). (11.02.2013; N24/2 - to be enacted from the academic year 2014/2015)
41.In the educational component of the master's and doctoral programs, the minimum competence limit in the separate component of student evaluation (interim, final) is defined in the program.Minimum competency threshold for final assessmentin the study component of master's and doctoral programs does not exceed 60% of the final grade (25.01.2018 N 24/4 - enacted the 2018/2019 academic year). (28.02.2022, N 24/10)
42. The evaluation of the final exam in the training courses/modules of the professional program(s) is positive if the student receives 20 or more points (50% or more of the maximum evaluation of the exam). (17.10.2018, N24/2; 06.11.20202 N24/7);
43. The evaluation of the final exam in the training courses/modules of the Georgian language training program is positive if the student receives 24 or more points (60% or more of the maximum evaluation of the exam). (17.10.2018, N24/2; 06.11.20202 N24/7);
5. The student, which will be awarded 51 points according to the midterm assessment and maximum score,shall be entitled to pass the final examination. (06.11.2020, N24/7; enacted the 2021/2022 academic year).
51. Extracted (06.11.2020, N24/7)
52. The minimum competency threshold for a separate method/part of midterm assessment, if any, is determined by the syllabus of the relevant educational component (study course/module). (06.11.2020, N24/7, to be implemented from the 2021/2022 academic year) (28.02.2022, N 24/10; 17.05.23, N24/11)
53. Exceeding the minimum competence threshold of a separate method/part of the intermediate assessment of the training course/module, if any, is a prerequisite for admission to the final exam (06.11.2020, N24/7, to be implemented from the 2021/2022 academic year) (28.02.2022, N 24/10)
54. The minimum competency threshold for the method/part of the final assessment, if any, is determined by the syllabus of the relevant educational component (study course/module/etc.). (6.11.2020, N24/7, to be implemented from the 2021/2022 academic year; 28.02.2022, N 24/10; 17.05.23, N24/11)
6. A student will be admitted to the exam only if he/she presents an ID card, passport or a document confirming the student's identity issued by the university.
7. The assessment system implies:
A) Five types of positive assessment:
a.a) (A) Excellent -91-100 points,
a.b) (B) Very good-81-90 points,
a.c) (C) Good-71-80 points,
a.d) (D) Satisfactory - 61-70 points,
a.e) (E) Sufficient - 51-60 points,
B) Two types of negative assessment:
b. a.) (Fx)failed to pass- 41-50 points, which means that the student needs more work to pass and is allowed to take one additional exam through independent work;
b. b.) (F)Failed - 40 points or less, which means that the work done by the student is not enough and he has to study the subject again.
8. In case of receiving an evaluation of less than 20 points on the final exam, the exam evaluation is formed in examination report in
column V (final exam score). The point total of the final evaluation is not formed in the source. The exam score will be arithmetically added to the interim evaluation score only to determine the type of negative evaluation (Fx/F) received by the student and to issue the latter with ECTS equivalent.
9. The student has the right to take the additional exam in the same semester. The interval between the final exam and the additional exam in the relevant subject should be at least 5 days.(20.02.2017, N24/4)
91. A professional student has the right to take an additional exam in the same semester. The gap between the final exam and the additional exam in the relevant subject should be at least 10 days. (17.10.2018, N24/2)
10. The student shall be entitled to pass the additional exam:
a) In case of absence from the exam in the main session period, regardless of the reason.
b) In case of receiving Fx of assessment in the main session period.
11.Exam questions, tests, practical skills, etc. must be consistent with the content/syllabus of the course/module that the student is introduced to at the beginning of the course/module study. (06.11.2020; N24/7)
12.Exam in the Examinations and Skills Assessment Center(hereinafter - the Center)
are conducted according to the rules established for the center.
13. The final exam in the department is conducted in accordance with this rule, provided by the syllabus of the course/module and established by the department.(20.02.2017, N24/4;06.11.2020; N24/7)
14. The Head of the Department shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the final examination in the Department. (20.02.2017 N24/4)
15. The head of the department and the academic staff are obliged to summarize/definethe mid-term evaluation and to inform the student about this immediately after the end of the educational process, at the last class. (20.02.2017, N24/4)
16. Study course/discipline exam is conducted in an open and transparent environment.(06.11.2020; N24/7)
17. The head of the department is obliged to ensure the creation of conditions for observing the course of the exam for students, representatives of the dean's office, the university administration, and the Quality Assurance Service. (20.02.2017,N24/4)
18.Only one examiner is not allowed to participate in determining the final exam grade in the department. (20.02.2017, N24/4)
19. The examiners are obliged to inform the student about the final exam grade and the cumulative final grade immediately.
20. a) The student has the right to appeal against the assessment obtained by the intermediate appraisal components within one working day from the date of receiving the latter, for which he shall apply to the Head of the relevant course. (20.02.2017 N24/4).(28.02.2022, N 24/10)
b)The student has the right to appeal the grade received at the exam before the completion of the examination in the department (before the grade is transferred to the examination center). In such a case, the academic staff presents at the exam and invited teachers participate in the repeated discussion of the issue. Their number should not be less than three. (20.02.2017, N24/4).
21.a) Academic forgery by a student (copying from another student's work, impersonation [passing an exam/counting/etc. by someone else], using hidden or pre-agreed signals for mutual assistance, using so-called cheat sheets, including - by electronic means, exam questions and tests (stealing, plagiarism, etc.) in the case of an attempt to commit or in case of detection of forgery, the student will be given a grade of "zero" in the corresponding component of the assessment. An act is drawn up about the above, which is signed by the head of the relevant study course and the teacher, which is reported to the dean's office of the relevant faculty for further response.
b) In the case of an attempt to commit academic fraud by a student or detection of fraud in the final exam, the student is removed from the exam and the exam grade "zero" is issued. An act is drawn up about the above, which is signed by the examiners and observers (if they are present at the exam), which is reported to the dean's office of the relevant faculty for further response. The result of learning achieved by the student (final grade) is determined according to the present rule. According to P.P. 1-8. (20.02.2017, N24/4)
22. In case of a combined form of the final examination (tests and verbal component and verbal, clinical component and oral, objectively structured clinical examination, etc.),the evaluation of each part of the exam will be notified to the student and all examiners immediately after the completion of the relevant part. (28.02.2022, N 24/10)
221. Extracted. (20.02.2017 N24/4)
23. The final assessment obtained by the student is published in the examination report (2 copies) upon completion of the exclusion examination assessment is announced after the completion of the academic group/stream examination. (11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be implemented from the 2013/2014 academic year)
24. In case of oral (verbal), test or combined exam, the list of exam questions and sub-questions must be known to the student no later than one month before the beginning of the session period. (11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be implemented from the 2013/2014 academic year)
25. In case of combined or test form of final examination (except for disciplines/training courses of educational programs of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, examinations are conducted at the Examination and Skills Assessment Center) (11.02.2013 N24/2 - to be enacted from 2013/2014 academic year; 20.02.2017 N24/4)
a) If the number of tests is more than 1000, the complete contents of the tests, certified by the head of the department of discipline, will be presented to the Vice-Rector of the University and will be reposted on the TSMU official web-siteno later than one month before the beginning of the session.No more than 20% of the examination tests, under the responsibility of the head of the training department, are subject to renewal in each session. The complete contents of the updated/added tests are not known for the student (11.02.2013 N24/2 - to be enacted from 2013/2014 academic year;20.02.2017 N24/4)
b) If the number of tests is between 500 and 1000, the list of examination questions will be submitted to the Vice-Rector of the university and posted to the TSMU web-site no later than one month before the start of the session. (11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be enacted from the academic year of 2013/2014, 20.02.2017, N24/4)
251. a) In case of the students of the educational programs conduct the exam in a test form at the Center for Exams and Skills Assessment, the list of exam questions and sub-questions should be known to the student and posted on the university's website no later than 1 month before the beginning of the session period. (11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be implemented from the 2013/2014 academic year on 20.02.2017, N24/4). (28.02.2022, N24/10)
b)List of examination issues and sub-queries, certified by the Head of the Department of Studies, will be submitted to the Vice-Rector of the University and will be posted on the University website under his/her responsibility defined by P. 25.1. (11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be enacted from the academic year of 2013/2014, 20.02.2017, N24/4)
c)The Head of the study Department is responsible for the Contextual compatibility of examination issues and sub-queries with syllabus of discipline/training course which is submitted to the Evaluation center(11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be implemented from the 2013/2014 academic year on 20.02.2017, N24/4; 06/11/2020; N24/7)
d) The student is not aware of the full content of the exam tests prepared according to the exam questions and sub-questions. The head of the training department and the director of the examination and skills assessment center are responsible for this. The training department is authorized to update the examination tests submitted to the Center for Examinations and Skills Assessment every session.(11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be implemented from the 2013/2014 academic year, 20.02.2017 N24/4)
e) The examination tests shall be submitted to the examination and skills assessment center in accordance with Appendix 2 of this rule no later than 72 hours before the examination. (11.02.2013, N24/2 - to be implemented from the 2013/2014 academic year on 20.02.2017, N24/4).
26. The head of the Department is responsible for the conducting and keeping the examination documents. (20.02.2017, N24 / 4)
27. The examination papers of the final exam will be handed over to the relevant dean's office after the end of the exam. After the student receives the diploma (with its attachment), it is kept in the personal case of the student/graduate and transferred to the archive in accordance with the law.
28. One copy of the duly completed and signed examination form is sent to the dean's office no later than 24 hours after the end of the exam and is kept in accordance with the law. The second copy is kept in the department until the students complete the relevant educational level and receive the diploma (with its attachment).After that, the documents shall be destroyed by the appropriate act, in accordance with the legislation.
29. For the purpose of verification of the examination documents related to the conduct of exams, it is possible to create a Working Group based on the submission of the head of the Quality Assurance Service of the university by order of the Rector. (20.02.2017, N24/4)
30. A member of the Working Group cannot be an academic or support staff member of the relevant faculty of the department to be examined. (20.02.2017, N24/4)
31. The Working Group will study examination reports, other documents related to conducting exams and submit the relevant conclusion to the Quality Assurance Service.
32. The result of the student's achievement will be posted in the electronic database of the student data within 48 hours from the department submitting the report to the Dean's office.
33. Amendments and additions in the rule of assessment of student achievements at Tbilisi State Medical University will be implemented by the resolution of the Academic Council provided by law.
Transitional Provisions
Paragraph 32 of this rule shall enter into force after the full implementation of the electronic data base of students at Tbilisi State Medical University.
Appendix 1 (Extracted, 20.02.2017, N24/4)
Appendix 2 (20.02.2017, N24/4)
Tbilisi State Medical University Examination and Skills Assessment Center
About the deadlines and form of submission of examination tests
-Examination tests will be submitted to the Examinations and Skills Assessment Center no later than 72 hours before the examination,
-tests must be typed in Georgian Unicode, with 1 space, without formatting,
-The test question is marked with 4 inclined lines - \\\\,
-The wrong answer to the test is marked with 3 inclined lines - \\\,
-The correct answer to the test is indicated by 2 inclined lines - \\,
-Number of test answers - 4-5,
-The inclined lines are separated from the text with 2 blank spaces(with Spacebar),
-1 blank line should be omitted between the tests (with Enter),
-Text should not contain the Greek alphabet characters (α, β, γ, etc.).
18.01.2019, N24/3,
06.11.2020, N24/7,
17.05.23, N24/11.