Approved by: Tbilisi State University Representative Council
June 8, 2012 Resolution #23/5
Tbilisi State Medical University Faculty of Pharmacy
Article 1. General Decrees
1. The faculty of Pharmacy (hereinafter “the Faculty”) of the Tbilisi State Medical University (hereinafter “the University”) is the main educational as well as academic and scientific and administrative unit which carries out educational programs and research within the framework of academic freedom.
2. The Faculty shall, stemming from the level of the State development, create the best conditions to students for learning and independent research, shall ensure a chance of acquiring education in the relevant field of science, meeting the contemporary standards and oriented on the future and shall permanently care for the improvement of studying conditions. In case of successful completion of education programs award the relevant academic degree to the graduate and issue a certificate of the degree.
3. The activities of the Faculty is governed based on the Georgian legislation in force, the Statute of the University, the Internal Regulations of the University, the administrative acts of the Rector and the current Regulation that shall be approved by the Representative Council in agreement with the Academic Council as proposed by the Faculty Board.
4. The Faculty has a round seal, stamp and blank sheet
Article 2. Objectives, goals and activities of the Faculty Main directions
1. The objective of the Faculty is to upbring specialists with adequate qualification to contemporary requirements, high qualification, competitive, adaptable to changing professional environment.
2. The main tasks of the faculty are:
(A) prepare BA students with higher education oriented on practical activities;
(B) prepare MA and PhD students with higher education oriented on scientific research and practical activities;
3. Main Directions of Faculty Activities
(A) implementation of vocational higher education programs, BA, MA and PhD academic programs;
(B) Preparation, development and participation in the implementation of educational programs and Curricula in the specialties of Pharmacy;
(C) Elaboration, introduction and development of programs and Curricula corresponding to the content, orientation and structure of ECTS;
(D) implementation of join scientific and research projects including with international educational, scientific and research centers;
(E) elaboration and development of textbooks and methodical recommendations;
(F) upgrade of qualification of the professors, teachers, research associates of higher education and vocational educational institutions;
(G) ensure the preparation, training and upgrade qualification of scientific and teaching staff.
(H) Promotion of practical activities of professors and teachers.
4. In accordance with the existing legislation, the Faculty shall:
(A) elaborate the main directions of educational, scientific and research activities, develops relevant educational programs and plans;
(B) participate in developing the rules for hiring academic staff that shall be approved by the representative Council of the University upon the proposal of the Academic Council;
(C) determine the coefficients for the Unified National Examinations in the beginning of an academic year;
(D) elect the representatives of managerial Bodies in the manner provided for by the Statute of the University;
(E) create quality assurance office;
(F) decide within its competence on the issues of funds raised by the Faculty and of holding and disposing the assets owned by the Faculty in accordance with the legislation of Georgia and in the manner provided for by the Statute of the University;
(G) participate in elaboration of the main strategy of the educational and scientific policies of the University;
Article 3. Faculty Structure and Management Bodies
The Faculty is the main educational and scientific as well as administrative unit of the University that ensures preparation of students in one or more specialties and awarding the respective qualification:
1. The Management Bodies (Managers) of the Faculty are:
A) Faculty Board;
B) Faculty Dean;
C) Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty.
2. The structural units of the faculty are: (18.12.2017, #23/16)
A) The fields of studies (directions) and their departments
B) Dissertation Board
C) The Curriculum Committee
D) Dean’s Office
E) Laboratories for scientific and research activities and for practical skills
F) other supporting structural units.
3. In order to conduct the learning process and research in a coordinative manner, fields of studies/ directions (departments) shall be created within the Faculty ensuring the implementation of educational and scientific programs.
4. In the manner provided for by the Statute of the University, a scientific research laboratory, library and/or other structural units may be created on the Faculty the working rules of which shall be regulated by the regulation approved by the Faculty Board
5. The structural units within their competence shall enforce the decisions adopted by the Faculty Board and Dean’s Office, shall elaborate the proposals for the development of the relevant fields and shall submit them for approval to the Faculty Board.
Article 4. Faculty Board
1. The Faculty Board is the representative body of the Faculty members that includes all members of the academic staff and representatives of student’s self-government bodies.
2. The number of the representatives of students’ self-government bodies to be elected to the Faculty Board shall be 1/4 of the members of the Faculty Board.
3. The Faculty Board shall carry out the powers granted to the Board by the legislation of Georgia and by the Statute of the University.
4. The Faculty Board shall carry out the activities in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Board. The Dean of the Faculty shall coordinate the activities of the Faculty Board and shall be responsible for executing the decisions of the Faculty Board.
5. The Faculty Board shall:
A) Submit the budget of the Faculty to the Chancellor of the University;
B) Elect the Dean of the Faculty, based on free and equal elections, by secret ballot, by the majority of the full list;
C) upon the proposal of the Dean, submit, for approval, the strategic plan of development of the Faculty, and the educational and scientific research programs to the Academic Council of the University;
D) upon the proposal of the Dean, elaborate the structure and regulations of the Faculty and, in agreement with the Academic Council, submit them for approval to the Representative Council;
E) elaborate the Regulations of the Dissertation Council and submit them for approval to the Academic Council;
F) Elect the Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Office;
G) elaborate and approve the rules of procedure of the Faculty;
H) be authorized to consider the premature termination of the Dean's power upon the request of 1/3 members of the Faculty Board in case of violation of the Georgian legislation by the Dean, inadequate fulfillment of the duties imposed on him/her and/or inappropriate activities of the Dean. The decision on the premature termination of the dean's power is made by secret ballot, by the majority of the members. The Dean does not participate in the ballot envisaged by this paragraph.
I) appoint an acting Dean in case of premature termination of the power of the Dean.
J) exercise other powers granted by the legislation of Georgia.
K) The Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy is authorized to make a decision in the form of asynchronous electronic communication in the event that there is only one issue to be discussed, or in order to consider the issue in an accelerated manner, it is necessary to call an extraordinary meeting. The decision is considered to be adopted if it is supported by the majority of the members of the Council. The decision to consider the issue in electronic form is made by the Dean of the Faculty. (24.07.2019, 23/8)
L) fulfills other powers granted to him by the legislation.
Article 5. Dean of the Faculty
1. The Faculty Board shall elect the Dean of the Faculty for the period of four years, by secret ballots, in the manner provided for by the Internal Regulations of the University. The same person can be
elected for the position of the Dean only twice. The Faculty Board shall publish the announcement on launching the registration of the candidates for the Dean’s position at least one month ahead based on principles of transparency, equality and just competition. The registration lasts no less than 1 and no more than 2 weeks. The election shall take place in no less than 10 days and in no more than 30 days after the registration of the candidates.
2. The Dean of the Faculty shall:
A) Ensure the efficient process of learning and scientific activities in the faculty;
B) Submit to the Faculty Board the strategic development plan of the Faculty as well as the educational and scientific research programs;
C) Designs the Faculty structure and regulations and submits them to the Faculty Board for approval;
D) be responsible within his/her competence for the implementation of the decisions adopted by the Academic and Representative Councils of the University and by the Faculty Board.
E) Issue individual legal acts within his/her competence;
F) Chair the sessions of the Faculty Board;
G) be responsible for purposeful utilization of the budget of the Faculty as prescribed by the Statute of the University;
H) carry out other powers granted by the existing legislation of Georgia and the Statute of the University.
3. The Statute of the University provides for the rules and conditions for premature termination of the power of the Dean. In case of premature termination of the power of the Dean, the acting person shall hold the position of the Dean until the rest of the term of Dean whose powers were prematurely terminated.
4. The Dean, in accordance with the powers granted to him/her, shall issue individual acts for solving the individual cases that regulate all legal issues related to study and scientific activities within the Faculty.
5. In case of temporary inability to carry out the powers of the Dean, his/her duties shall be carried out by the deputy Dean of the Faculty.
Article 6. Faculty Dean’s Office
1. The advisory body of the Dean is the Dean’s Office which included the following persons according to their official positions: The Dean, the deputy Dean(s), the Head of Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty, the heads of the structural units of the Faculty. (18.12.2017, #23/16).The Dean’s Office shall execute the decisions adopted by the Faculty Board.
2. The Dean's Office shall plan, organize and monitor the study, scientific and methodological work of the Faculty.
3. The functions of the Dean’s Office are as follows:
A) elaborating the documents related to the planning of the study schedule and teaching process;
B) registering and monitoring all the types of study process that takes place on the faculty;
C) organizing the study process on all levels of education;
D) designing the measures for enhancement of the quality and efficiency of education for students;
E) planning and organizing methodological works;
F) organizing and monitoring the scientific works;
G) monitoring the quality of teaching and study process;
H) designing the plans and prospects for the development of the Faculty and for the improvement of its material resources.
4. In the dean's office, the teaching-methodical and scientific work is directly supervised by the deputy dean(s) of the faculty.
5.The functions of the deputy Dean are as follows:
A) monitoring the right implementation of study programs of students; B) informing the students, professors and teachers on existing study and scientific processes;
C) monitoring the drawing of study timetables;
D) monitoring the process of lectures and seminars;
E) managing and monitoring the session exams;
F) introducing educational programs to students, assisting them with orientations and developing their own educational program, explaining the relations of the programs;
G) checking files of students periodically;
6.Deputy Dean(s) shall be appointed by the order of the Rector upon the nomination by the Dean;
6. The functions of the secretary shall be as follows:
A) registration of students, binding up the files of the students, creating a computer version of the base as well the demographic data and update them
B) organize signing contracts with students;
C) providing information to relevant bodies regarding the time-tables, lists, sheets and movements of students;
D) issuing certificates and information to students;
E) preparation, issuing, receiving and elaborating the examination sheets; statistical processing of academic data;
F) monitoring the academic and financial indebtedness of students; G) organizing the attestation of final year students, verifying the demographic data for filling in the diplomas
I) binding up the files of students and deliver them to archives.
Article 7. Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty
1. The Quality Assurance Office is established in order to promote the studies and scientific research activities at the Faculty, and systematically asses the quality of the professional development of the academic staff and promote their development; the Office shall act in accordance with the regulation of the Faculty and the regulation of the Quality Assurance Office of the University.
2. The Quality Assurance Office may cooperate with other universities including with foreign countries and with relevant offices of other higher education institutions for the purpose of establishing transparent criteria for quality control and the methodology for their assurance.
3. The head of Quality Assurance Office shall be appointed by the Faculty Board with a period of the length of the educational program (4 years)
4. The head of the Quality Assurance Office must be a professor, associated professor or an assistant professor with academic degree in the relevant field (18.12.2017, #23/16)
5. The main objective of the Quality Assurance Office is to promote within its competence the high level of teaching quality through modern methods of learning, teaching and assessments (modules, credit systems), introducing the Georgian, University and international normative acts and recommendatory documents regulating the academic and accompanying process to the staff involved in the programs of the Faculty and support their implementation, and implementation of the relevant requirements and procedures (18.12.2017, #23/16).
6. The Quality Assurance Office shall be responsible for its activities towards the Faculty Board.
Article 8. Dissertation Board of the Faculty
1. The Dissertation Board shall be established at the Faculty granting an academic degree of Doctor.
2. The Faculty Dissertation Board includes all the professors and associate professors of the Faculty holding the Doctoral academic degree. Further, it shall include senior scholars of the scientific research institutes of the University holding major and academic degrees. (18.12.2017, #23/16)
3. The rules of composition of the Dissertation Board and rules of electing the Chair and activities of the Board shall be provided for by the regulations approved by the Academic Council of the University upon the proposal of the Faculty Board.
Article 9. The Curriculum Committee
1. The objective of the Curriculum Committee is to discuss the issues related to the implementation of the academic educational programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy;
2. The Committee shall hear the expert opinions on the educational programs, curricula, study literature, syllabi of study courses etc. that are submitted by the Quality Assurance Office in accordance with the relevant rules, procedure and established criteria; The Committee shall prepare the recommendations to submit them first to the Faculty Board and then to the Academic Council of the University; (12/18/2017, #23/16)
The functions of the Curriculum Committee are as follows:
A) reviewing the educational programs prepared on the Faculty and develop relevant recommendations;
B) reviewing the compulsory and elective study courses - syllabi and preparing relevant recommendations for the Faculty Board;
C) Reviewing the textbooks and preparing the recommendations for using them in the educational programs of the faculty to the Faculty Board and Academic Council.
D) Preparing the recommendations on the issues of academic and research processes as submitted by the Dean of the Faculty and by the structural units of the Faculty; (18.12.2017, #23/16)
Article 10. Departments of the Faculty
1. A Department is a study and scientific division of the Faculty carrying out study, methodological, scientific and practical works (laboratory works etc.) Ensuring preparation of Faculty students (including MA and PhD students).
2. Functions of the department are:
A) elaboration of the syllabi of study disciplines;
B) managing the process of studies;
C) designing and implementing MA and PhD programs;
D) designing methodological recommendations and textbooks;
E) elaborating and implementing scientific projects;
F) planning and implementing practical (laboratory) activities;
3. The operation of the department is managed by the head of the department in agreement with the Dean of the Faculty; the head of the department is responsible for functioning of all the units in the structure of the department.
4. The study departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy are as follows:
A) Department of pharmaceutic and toxicological chemistry
B) Department of pharmaceutical technology;
C) Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy;
D) Direction of Pharmacognosy and Botanics: (18.12.2017, #23/16)
D1) Department of Pharmacognosy D2) Department of Pharmaceuical Botanics
E) Department of Biochemistry
F) Department of Medical Chemistry
Article 11. scientific -research and practical skills Laboratory
In the manner established by the Statute of the University, within the Faculty there is a laboratory for scientific and research activities and for practical skills.
The aims and tasks of the laboratory are as follows
1. Participation in the implementation of scientific and research activities of the Faculty and also of BA, MA and PhD programs:
A) assisting students of the Pharmacy Faculty to acquire practical skills;
B) serving MA and PhD programs of the basic and profile departments of the University;
2. Attracting local and international scientific grants;
3. Creating efficient and secure environment for studies and scientific activities in the laboratory, improving material resources and upgrading them;
4. Recognition of the competencies of the laboratory by the National Center of Accreditation; Head of the laboratory
1. The laboratory is managed a person (with PhD or equivalent degree) who is assigned and removed from the position by the Rector of the University.
2. The head of the laboratory shall be responsible towards the Rector, Chancellor and the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
3. The responsibilities of the head of the laboratory for the assets assigned to him/her shall be prescribed by the relevant delivery and acceptance act and the existing legislation of Georgia.
4. The head of the laboratory shall distribute the functions among the staff and monitor their implementation.
5. The organizational, legal and disciplinary and other relations in the activities of the laboratory may be governed by the internal regulations approved by the head of the laboratory in agreement with the Chancellor.
The staff of the laboratory and supporting personnel
1. The employees of the laboratory are appointed and dismissed by the Rector;
2. Some of the directions of the laboratory that are not envisaged by the staff list of the University shall be carried out by invited persons based on the labor contract.
3. The employees of the laboratory shall ensure proper fulfillment of their functions under the Regulation and labor contract. (18.12.2017, #23/16)
Article 12. Faculty Staff and their functions
The staff of the Faculty consists of academic, administrative, scientific and supporting staff:
1. The academic staff of the Faculty consists of professors, associated professors and assistant professors;
2. The Academic Council shall decide on the work load threshold for the professors;
3. Academic position of the University is held through the open competition, which shall comply to the principles of transparent, equal and fair competition.
4. The rules, dates and terms of the competition are provided for by the legislation and the Statute of the University.
5. The criteria for the selection of academic staff through the competition shall be developed and approved by the Academic Council.
6. The rector shall sign an individual labor contract with the winner in the competition in accordance with the requirements of the laws on higher education and labor.
7. The powers of the academic staff shall be automatically prolonged until the recognition of powers of the newly elected academic staff.
Functions of academic staff are as follows:
1. The academic staff within their competence may:
A) participate in the management of the University including in the elections of the management bodies;
B) independently carry out teaching, research and creative activities as wells as publications of scientific works within the approved programs;
C) Within the framework of the educational program, independently determine the content of the study course programs (syllabi), teaching methods and means;
D) Exercise other powers granted to them by the legislation of Georgia.
2. The academic staff is obligated to:
A) observe the code of ethics and norms of disciplinary liabilities;
B) fulfill the obligations under the employment contract;
C) After the professional development present a report on the works undertaken;
D) Observe the requirements provided for by the Statute of the University, Faculty Regulation and the legislation.
3. Professor is a person with PhD academic degree with at least 6 years of scientific and teaching experience supervising within his/her field of study or department the study process and the scientific and research work of the associated professors, assistant professors and students. 23/16- 18.12.2017
4. An associate professor is the person with a PhD degree participating in the teaching process and supervising the scientific and research work of assistant-professors and students within the field of study or a department . 23/16- 18.12.2017
5. An Assistant Professor is a person with PhD academic degree supervising laboratory, seminar and practical studies. 23/16-18.12.2017
6. Reasons for the dismissal of the academic staff are:
a) personal written application;
b) expiration of the term of a fixed-term employment contract;
C) sever or systematic violation of code of ethics and disciplinary norms;
D) Violation of the conditions of the employment contract;
E) retirement or receiving the emeritus status;
F) in other cases, as provided for by the legislation;
7. Administrative positions of the faculty are: The Dean, deputy Dean(s), Head of Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty and other persons as provided for by the existing legislation of Georgia;
8. A person who has reached 65 years cannot be elected or appointed to the administrative position.
9. The grounds for removing from the administrative position are provided for by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and by the Statute of the University;
10. Apart the academic staff, the Faculty staff includes invited specialists and teachers conducting seminar and practical and laboratory works without holding the academic position; 23/16-18.12.2017
11. The number of invited teachers on the Faculty shall be determined by the volumes of methodological and scientific work according to the time budget for each teacher. (18.12.2017, #23/16)
12. The work load of the invited teachers shall be determined by the administration of the University according to the qualifications, work volume and work specificities of the teachers taking into account the scientific and methodological work. A person with administrative functions may have work load according to their profession and qualification; (18.12.2017, #23/16)
13. Supporting staff of the Faculty include other persons envisaged by the staff schedule necessary for functioning of the Faculty;
14. Some of the directions of the activities of the Faculty that are not envisaged by the staff list of the University shall be carried out by invited staff based on the labor contract.
15. The relations associated with promotion and disciplinary liability of the Faculty staff is regulated by the Statute and Internal Regulation of the University and other normative acts.
Article 13 Study programs of the Faculty and study process
1. The study programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy corresponds to the requirements of the existing legislation and includes:
A) the first level of higher academic education - Bachelor’s Program – an educational program includes at least 240 credits;
B) the second level of higher academic education - Master’s Program - educational program included at least 120 credits;
C) the third level of higher academic education - Doctoral program - the educational program includes at least 180 credits.
2. Students learn subjects envisaged by the study program through weekly lectures, practical and laboratory classes.
3. The Faculty Board shall determine the content of the education program, its structure, curriculum, provision of human and material resources and infrastructure, forms and methods of teaching, assessment methodology and its principles, results of the studies, acquired general, transferable and field competencies, knowledge, the areas of employment and continuation of studies. In case of a positive decision, the program shall be submitted to the Academic Council of the University in the established manner.
Educational programs may be proposed and supervised by professors or associated professors.
They Curriculum Committee shall submit an educational program to the Faculty Board based on recommendations 23/16-18.12.2017
4. The study process includes planning, organization and implementation of all types of education and methodology works;
5. The organization and conducting of study process is based on the legislation of Georgia, Statute and internal regulation of the University and current regulation.
6. The main documents regulating the study process on the Faculty are the study plans (curriculum) programs (syllabi) submitted by the departments.
7. The assessment of the knowledge of the students of the Faculty is carried in accordance with the existing assessment system and study programs (syllabi). The student is obliged to pass all the exams in accordance with study program (syllabus) and faculty study plan (curriculum).
8. For the students with limited capabilities the Faculty may establish the privileges for creating necessary conditions for their complete education.
9. The rules of calculation, assessment of credits of the educational program, retaking the subject shall be regulated on the Faculty in accordance with unified rules established in the University.
10. If a student fails to pass the exam for any reasons (unsatisfactory grade, missing the exam, disciplinary misconduct etc.) he/she is obliged to retake the same subject next year or next semester with a compulsory attendance.
11. The condition for suspending the status of a student or termination of the status, also the rules for academic leave shall be regulated by the Statute of the University or its internal regulations and current Regulation.
12. The administration of the Faculty shall issue a certificate regarding the academic leave of a student.
13. The transfer of a student from other higher education institutions or other faculties of the University, as well as restoration of the status of a student is regulated by the existing legislation of Georgia, the Statute of the University and Internal regulations. The internal Faculty organizational issues related to the transfer and restoration shall be regulated by the legal acts of the University, the decisions of the Faculty Board and orders of the Rector.
14. In accordance with the legislation of Georgia the internal University mobility from one faculty to another and also from another higher institution may take place only from the second year of the studies within the established quota of students; (18.12.2017, #23/16)
15. The mobility shall be carried out before the start of the academic semester according to the grade sheets (transcripts); (18.12.2017, #23/16)
16. The Academic Council of the University shall take the final decision on the mobility.
17. In case the mobility of the student is approved, the Dean of the Faculty in agreement with the field of studies (department) shall state a course the transferred student shall continue studies on, also the list of subjects the student has to take based on the transcripts provided by the student; (18.12.2017, #23/16)
18. In case the student is transferred from another higher educational institution, the above procedures shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the current regulation. Based on the transcripts provided by the student, the Faculty Board shall decide the course the student has to continue studies on and the subjects the student has to take compulsorily.
19. The student may be allowed to final (integrated) exam provided he/she has learned the educational program and collected the compulsory credits. On the final (integrated) exam, the knowledge of the student shall be assessed in accordance with assessment system of the University.
20. After learning the educational program, completing the compulsory credits and successfully passing the final (integrated) exam, the student shall be awarded the relevant academic degree.
21. The graduate of the Faculty shall receive together with a diploma the appendix to the diploma of an established form that has no force without the Diploma; the Diploma shall be issued to the person producing the ID card; the Diploma may be issued to another person based on the powers of attorney issued in the manner as provided for by the legislation.
22. The Diploma may not be issued to the student having financial debt towards the University.
23. In case of loss of Diploma, the copy of the Diploma may be issued in the manner established in the University. In the latter case the prove of the loss of Diploma shall be established.
24. The teaching language of the Faculty is Georgian and English.
25. The academic year of the Faculty consists of two semesters. fall and Spring.
Article 14. Bachelor's degree
1. Only a person holding a state certification confirming full general (school) education or a person equal to him/her has a right to study on the bachelor program;
2. The purpose of undertaking a Bachelor’s program is to gain a deeper knowledge of theoretical aspects of study disciplines in addition to receiving the higher level of professional training as compared to general education, which shall prepare a graduate through the research programs for further study for a Master’s level.
Article 15. Master's degree
1. Master’s program - an educational program of the second level of academic higher education, unity of educational programs, which includes the elements of scientific research and aims at the training of the post-bachelor level specialist or researcher; also prepares the person to work with the qualifications obtained and for doctoral studies;
2. Candidates who have obtained 240 credits at Bachelor’s level are eligible to study at Master’s degree, persons whose qualification equals to Master’s degree or hold a diploma taking into account that the amount credit hours obtained by them should not be less than 300 and own an appropriate diploma. The candidates who have the competencies defined by the appropriate Master’s degree and credits obtained by them consists of 240 credits for Bachelor’s degree, specialist with diploma or qualification equivalent to Master’s degree - 300 credits.
3. In order to continue studies at master’s level a candidate should pass National Master’s exams and the exam/exams required by the higher education institution.
4. Master’s candidate who has passed the National Master’s exams minimal threshold defined by the legislation of Georgia are eligible to take the exam/exams required by the higher education institution.
5. Admission requirements and studying terms and conditions, requirements of Master’s studies and Master’s thesis at Master’s Degree are defined and regulated by the Georgian law on “Higher Education”, the university statute, the regulations on the Faculty and Master’s studies.
Article 16. Doctorate
1. Doctorate is the third level of higher education which aims to prepare the scientific and teaching staff;
2. Existence of scientific/research program is compulsory term for admission to the doctoral studies.
3. Doctoral program is accepted after the preliminary expert opinion;
4. Evaluation of doctoral studies includes expert opinion provided in the established manner. Expert opinion consists of evaluation of scientific, methodological, anticipated theoretical and practical values of doctoral research program and adequacy of education component with the program content.
5. Supervisor of the doctoral program is approved by the university Academic Council (after academic council) upon nomination of the Faculty Board.
6. Admission requirements and studying terms for Doctoral studies are regulated by the Georgian Law of Georgia on Higher Education and by the Faculty regulation on Doctoral Studies.
Article 17. Rights and obligations of the Faculty students
1. Student - a person enrolled in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and the Statute of the University and studies for a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral Program, or vocational education;
2. Admitted students should submit the following documentations to the Dean’s office:
A) Original copy of General Education Diploma;
B) Certificate of Mandatory Military Service (for males);
C) 4 passport photos, 3x4;
D) A copy of the National Identification Card (an original must be presented personally);
E) Other documents defined by the internal regulations of the University;
F) Student is obliged to study the subjects defined by the Faculty diligently and obey the statute, regulations, ethical code and current regulations of the University;
G) The rights and obligations of a student is defined by the existing legislation, statute of the University, ethical code and current regulation.
2. A student may:
a) obtain quality education;
b) participate in scientific research;
C) Use material resources, library, information and other means through equality principles, pursuant to the rule established by the Statute of the University, internal regulations and the Regulation;
D) by means of general, direct, equal elections elect and be elected as a representative to the bodies of students’ self-governance, Faculty and representatives’ bodies of the university management;
E) freely found and/or join student organizations in accordance with his/her interests;
F) Freely express his/her opinion and reasonably refuse to share those ideas that were suggested during an educational process;
G) participate in the elaboration of the individual study plans;
H) use other rights provided for by the legislation of Georgia;
3. The relations associated with promotion and disciplinary liability of the student is regulated by the Statute of the University, Internal Regulation and other normative acts.
Article 18. Students’ Self-government of the Faculty
1. The student self-government based on general, equal and direct elections shall function on the Faculty; the self-government shall be guided by the existing legislation, statue of the University and it own regulation.
2. The students’ self-government existing on the Faculty is the basis for creating and functioning of the general students’ self-government on a University level aiming at promoting student mobility and activities.
3. Student Self-Government based on its provisions:
a. protect rights of the students;
b. elect the representatives of the students’ self-government to the Faculty Board;
c. have the right to develop recommendations and proposals related to further improvement of the study process and submit them to the Faculty Board;
d. take other activities as prescribed by the regulation of the students’ self-government; (18.12.2017, #23/16)
e. the administration of the Faculty Administration shall not interfere with activities of the students’ self-government.
Article 19. Final provisions
The annulment of the regulation and making amendments to it shall be done by the Representative Council.