  Applied changes: (25.12.2019 #23/15)
According to the resolution of the representative council of TSU on February 5, 2019
Tbilisi State Medical University
Decree of International Faculty of Medicine and Stomatology 

Article 1. General Provisions
1. The International Faculty of Medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University (here in after referred to as "The Faculty") represents the main educational, academic and scientific and administrative unit of the university providing all levels of educational programs, scientific research and practical work implementation, continues professional development, granting appropriate academic qualifications and qualifications.
2. The faculty is guided by the enacted legislation of Georgia. By the normative and legal acts of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia; by the Present University Regulations, Regulations of the International Faculty of Medicine; Rector and Chancellor’s Orders.
3. The faculty has a stamp, round seal and a title page. The title page is represented by the full name of the university.
4. The main objective of the faculty is to provide the student learning process in accordance with the approved and accredited educational programs.
5. Faculty Objectives, goals and Main Directions:
a. to prepare Highly qualified specialists;
b. To elaborate and develop implementation of training and scientific research directions, programs and plans;
c. Implementation of educational programs by the modern methods of scientific research and developing relevant skills;
d. Implementation and development of continuous medical education and continuous professional development of doctoral programs;
e. Coordination of practical work and training, scientific-research of fundamental, preclinical and clinical departments (clinical, laboratory and other);
f. Development, implementation and orientation of relevant content Accumulation System, and structure programs. Elaboration curriculums of the European Credit Transfer (ECTS);
g. Cooperation with international training and research centres and implementation of joint scientific research projects;
h. Financial and material-technical support of training and scientific research work;
i. Promote, approve and develop textbooks, methodical recommendations and guidelines in accordance with modern requirements;
j. Preparation and retraining of scientific and academic staff and ensuring improvement of qualifications, further improvement and development of teaching methods and technologies;
k. To promote practical activities of professors and teachers.
6. Faculty resources are focused on teaching and scientific research, training and retraining the staff, raising the qualification level.
7. Faculty financing sources are:
a. The tuition fees covered by a state grant;
b. Income received as a private grant, donation or a will;
c. Self-financing (for students, doctor, doctoral or sponsor entrants);
d. Foreign grants;
e. Scientific-research grants issued by the state;
f. Special state-budget programs allocated for the promotion of entrants to priority units for the state;
g. Programs financed by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
h. Long-term bank loans;
i. Income derived from other activities permitted by the Georgian legislation.

Article 2.Faculty structure and management

1. Faculty consists of academic, administrative, and supportive structural units.
2. Faculty structural units are:
a. Programs and their departments together with their existing laboratories;
b. Dean’s office;
c. Other subsidiary structural units.
3. Implementation of training programs and software departments are conducted by the departments, as well as other structural units of the faculty, that are ensured by the relevant regulations approved by the Faculty Board.
4. According to the rules established by the university statute, a research institute, laboratory, center, clinic and/or unit could be established on the faculty and its activity is regulated by the relevant regulation approved by the Faculty Board.
5. The Faculty's Structural Units within its competence, fulfil the decisions taken by the Faculty Council and Dean’s office, elaborate proposals for development of the relevant service and submit to the Faculty Board for approval.
6. Faculty management authorities (managing subjects):
a. Faculty Board,
b. Faculty Dean,
c. Faculty Quality Assurance Service.

Article 3.Faculty structure and management board

1. The Faculty Board is a faculty representative body comprising the faculty academic personnel and student self-government representatives. Academic personnel on the Faculty Board are elected according to the faculty directions (departments), based on the regulations established by the University. The number of students is determined by 1/4 of the membership of the Council.
2. The Faculty Council implements the authorization granted by the Georgian legislation and the Charter of the University.
3. The Faculty Council activities are conducted in accordance with the Regulations of the Council. Faculty council activities are coordinated by the Dean of the Faculty who is responsible for the implementation of the decisions made.
4. Faculty Council:
a. The Faculty Dean is elected on the basis of free and equal elections by the majority staff, under secret voting;
b. The Faculty Development Strategy Plan will be elaborated and submitted with the proof of faculty Dean on approval of to the University Academic Council; Discusses and submits educational and scientific research programs to approve by the university academic council;
c. Upon submission of dean of the faculty, elaborates faculty structure, statute and represents the University Council for approval;
d. Upon submission of the faculty board, elaborates the regulations of the faculty dissertation committee, statute and represents the University Council for approval;
e. Elects the Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Service;
f. Is entitled to redivision on early termination of the term of the dean in the office at least 1/3 of the Faculty Council members in case the Dean has failed to fulfil the duties inadequately imposed by the faculty members. The decision on early termination of the dean’s term shall be taken by secret ballot, with the majority of its members on the list. The dean shall not participate in balloting.
g. In case of early termination of the authority of the Dean, the Faculty Board entitled the responsibility to the professor or associate professor of the same or other accredited higher education institution.
h. International Faculty of Medicine authorized in case when need just for one issue consideration, or accelerated solution purpose needs to call extraordinary session, decision have to be accepted by asynchronous electronic communication format, decision rates as accepted , if it’s supported by majority from the list of board members. Decision regarding electronic format of consideration of exact issue accept by the Dean of Faculty.
i. Implements the other Rights granted by the Georgian legislation and the university statutes.

Article 4. The Dean

1. The faculty Council elects the Faculty Dean for a term of 4 years. The same person may serve as a dean only for two consecutive terms. The announcement about the registration of candidates shall be published by the faculty Council at least one month before the beginning of registration, according to the University regulation on the elections, pursuant to the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition. Registration will continue not more 1 and not less 2 weeks. Elections will be held within 10 to 30 days after registration.
2. For the position of the Dean can be elected the University professor or the associate professor.
3. The Dean is the manager who:
a. Ensures the effective scientific and research process of the faculty;
b. Submits strategic development plan as well as educational and research programs to the faculty board for discussion;
c. Develops the faculty structure and regulations and submit them to the Faculty Board for discussion;
d. Is entitled within his/her competence to execute the decisions of the Representative Council (Senate), Academic Council and Faculty Board;
e. Presides over the meetings of the Faculty Board
f. Carries out other duties and responsibilities envisaged by the administrative-legal acts of the University managing bodies (governing individuals) the regulations and the Georgian legislation.
4. The early termination of the authority of the Dean shall be determined by the University statute. In case of early termination of the authority of the Dean, the position of the Dean shall be exercised for the remainder of the term of the Dean.

Article 5.The Dean’s Office

1. The Dean’s office is the discussion organ which carries out the decisions taken by the Faculty Board.
2. The office is responsible for the planning, organization and control of the faculty training, scientific and methodical work.
3. The Dean's office functions are:
a. Organizing academic process on educational programs;
b. Registration and control of the academic process taking place at the faculty;
c. Development of documentation related to the planning and teaching process;
d. Registration of students of the faculty, drawing up of students' personal affairs and control of documentation;
e. Development of measures to increase the quality and efficiency of students' learning;
f. Planning and organization of methodical work;
g. Development of plans for further improvement of faculty development and material- technical base;
4. Implementation of technical, legal and organizational work of supporting facilitating the activities of faculty management bodies.
5. Structure of Dean's office:
a. Dean's office (Dean, depute Deans, Coordinator for Relations with Departments, Coordinators for students and study programs (secretaries);
b. Quality assurance service (head of the service);
c. Secretariat (Head of Secretariat, Secretaries).
6. The academic work is conducted by depute Deans, 1 stage Coordinator for Relations with Departments, Coordinator of First Phase of certified MD Program);
7. The functions of depute Deans, 1 stage Coordinator for Relations with Departments, Coordinator of First Phase of certified MD Program are: To control the study programs. To inform the students and professors about the faculty teachers about ongoing training and scientific processes, control of the creation of training tables, control of lectures and seminars, to control timetables; Study programs for students, supporting orientation and individual training programs, explaining the relations of programs, periodic control of students' personal affairs. Deputies of Dean are appointed by the Rector's Order on the basis of the Faculty Dean's nomination.
8. Functions of the Coordinator for Relations with Departments: Relations with Departments on Educational Programs about all issues related to the Program implementation; elaboration the budget of the faculty with coordination with departments - calculation and planning of revenue and expenses.
9. Functions of the Head Secretariat are: to control and collect Registering and the written information entered and sent from the Dean's Office. To calculate and control all the University documents of the act and process analysis, administration services and the coordination of the Secretariat, the students Professors and database control.
10. Functions of the secretary are: student registration, creation of personal affairs, computer database and demographic data base and systematic updates; Organize concluding agreements with students; Providing information about tables, lists, assignments and student movement for relevant structures; give certificates and information to students; Processing of examination statements; Statistical processing of academic data; Control over student academic and financial debts; Organize student graduation certificates, verification of demographic data to fill the diploma in the archives of students' personal affairs.

Article 6.Faculty Quality Assurance Service

1. The Faculty Quality Assurance Service shall be established in accordance with the provisions of the present Provision and University Quality Assurance Service for facilitating the study and scientific-research work on the faculty, as well as to facilitate the systematic internal assessment and development of professional development of academic personnel.
2. The main of Quality Assurance is to guarantee the high quality of teaching to support learning, teaching and assessment methods through the use of modern, academic, and its accompanying implementation of the regulatory processes of the university and international regulatory and / or reference documentation Introducing recommendation documents for staff involved in faculty programs and promotion of their implementation, as well as implementation of relevant requirements and procedures within its competence.
3. The Faculty Quality Assurance Service is authorized to cooperate with other universities, including the transparent criteria of quality control and allocation of the methodology for all university countries and university departments.
4. The Faculty Quality Assurance Department is elected by the Faculty Board for 4 years. The rule and conditions of the election are determined by the university regulations.
5. Faculty Quality Assurance Service is accountable to the Faculty Board.

Article 7. Faculty Dissertation Council

1. TSMU dissertation council (thereafter - The Dissertation Board) of the international faculty if Medicine is formed at the faculty and represents the authorized body awarding an academic degree or professional qualification.
2. The procedure for the Dissertation Board formation and the regulations for Chairperson's elections shall be determined by the University Academic Board in compliance with the provisions approved by the Faculty Council.
3. The Dissertation Board is composed of all professors and associate professors of the faculty of doctoral degrees, Chief and Senior Scholars of TSMU Scientific-Research Units. The procedure and terms of invitation of a representative of another higher education institution in the Dissertation Board shall be determined by the current legislation of Georgia.
4. The Dissertation Board acts in accordance with the provision approved by the Academic Council by the Faculty Board and grants the Doctor's Academic Degree in Medicine.

Article 8. Curriculum Committee of the Faculty

1. The main goal of the Committee is to evaluate / review the issues related to the development and development of academic curriculum programs of the International Faculty of Medicine. The Committee shall review the expert assessments presented by the Quality Assurance Service in compliance with the relevant rules, procedures and established criteria, educational programs and curriculums, educational literature, syllabuses of training courses, etc. About. Prepares the relevant recommendation for the Board of the Faculty and then to the University Academic Council.
2. The Committee Functions are:
a. Discuss educational programs prepared by faculty training structural units (department, direction) and preparation of relevant recommendations;
b. Preparation of recommendations for the purpose of implementing the curriculum of the International Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University (Main, supportive, other) literature;
c. Preparation of recommendations for the purpose of any issue submitted by the Faculty Dean or Studying Departments, which are related to the studying process.
3. Committee Structure and the staff:
a. The Committee consists of the Chairman of the Committee, the Secretary of the Committee and the members of the Committee.
b. The number of members of the Committee shall be determined by at least 15 persons.

Article 9. Faculty Departments

1. The faculty department represents a academic and scientific division, which conducts training, methodological, scientific and practical (clinical, laboratory, etc.) and facilitates the preparation of faculty students. The work of the departments is regulated by the current legislation of Georgia, the University Charter and the present Regulation.
2. Functions of the department are:
a. To Elaborate the syllabus of the study discipline;
b. To conduct the teaching process;
c. To work on Doctoral research programs;
d. To Create of methodical recommendations and guidelines;
e. To Develop scientific projects;
f. Implementation of scientific projects in collaboration with theoretical, clinical and experimental medicine scientific research institutes;
g. Planning and implementation of practical (clinical, laboratory, etc.) activities.
3. The work of the Department, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty, is conducted by the Head of the Department together with the coordinators of the Software. It is responsible for the work of all the departments in the structure of the department.
4. The Faculty Departments as well as structural subdivisions of Software Fields are defined in accordance with Annex 1 which constitutes an integral part of the present provision.
5. The provisions of the subdivisions mentioned in Article 4 shall be approved by the Board of the Faculty.

Article 10. Faculty staff and their functions

1. Faculty staff include administrative, academic, pedagogical, scientific and support personnel.
2. The faculty's administrative staff include: Dean, Deputy Deans and Head of Quality Assurance Office of the Faculty.
3. A person who has reached the age of 65 may not be elected or appointed for an administrative position. An administrative officer can’t hold other administrative position at the TSMU simultaneously.
4. The bases for early release of an administrative officer are:
a. Personal desire;
b. The conviction entered into force sentenced by the Court to him;
c. Death;
d. Recognizing the Court as incapable and limited;
e. Reaching age of 65;
f. Exemption from the university academic position if this academic position is the prerequisite for holding this administrative position;
g. other cases envisaged by Georgian legislation or university statutes.
5. Faculty academic is represented as follows: professors, associate professors, assistant professors. Professors take part in the study process and scientific research. The level of pedagogical loading of professors is determined by the university academic council and approved by the University Representative Council.
6. Academic staff has the right to:
a. Participate in university management process, in accordance with applicable legislation and university statutes;
a. Exercise, research, creative activity and publication of research papers independently within the approved programs;
b. Identify the content of the curriculum, teaching methods and means independently within the educational program;
c. Once in 5 years, in conformity with the University administration, to take the reimbursed scientific-creative leave for no more than one academic year;
d. To exercise other powers granted to him by the applicable legislation of Georgia.
7. Academic staff obligation is to:
a. follow the requirements of the University Charter, Internal Regulations and the Faculty Statute;
b. follow the code of ethics and the disciplinary liability norms;
c. After the qualification improvement or business trip, submit a report on the work carried out.
8. Holding academic positions could only be attainable through an open competition, which must comply with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition. The rules of conducting the competition are determined by the university academic council and approved by the university representative board - the rule of conducting the competition for the academic position in the Tbilisi State Medical University and the Regulations of the Competition Commission.
9. A professor is a person with a doctor academic degree who has at least 6 years experience in scientific and pedagogic work and is headed by the faculty, assisted professors, assistant professors and students in his department.
10. Associate Professor is a person with a Doctor's academic degree who participates in the course of the department / direction and is guided by the scientific-research work of assistant- professors and students.
11. Assistant Professor is a person with a Doctor's academic degree, which leads to laboratory, seminars and / or practical exercises.
12. Dismissal from academic positions may be:
a. Personal statement;
b. After the expiry of the term of the term of employment term;
c. In case of violation of the code of ethics and disciplinary liability;
d. In case of violation of the conditions envisaged by the labour agreement;
e. Retirement and granting the title of emeritus;
f. In other cases envisaged by the legislation.
13. The faculty pedagogical staff, besides the academic staff, belongs an invited teacher as well. He is entitled to conduct seminars, practical and laboratory works without having an academic position.
14. Number of pedagogical staff of the faculty is defined by the normative acts prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia according to the amount of time spent on teaching, methodical and scientific work, according to the budgeted time for each teacher.
15. The amount of workload of the faculty teachers is determined by the University Administration in accordance with their qualifications, work volume and specifics, scientific and methodical work. Persons carrying administrative functions can have a pedagogic load and are engaged in clinical activities according to their profession and qualifications.
16. Faculty assistant personnel include the staff list of the other persons invited for the faculty activities in accordance to the contract.

Article 11.Educational and Academic Programs of the Faculty

1. The curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine complies with the applicable legislation requirements and include:
a. one-step higher academic education of certified MD program - diploma mediator, 360 credits;
b. Third level of academic higher education - doctorate degree, 180 credits.
2. During the course of the study, the subjects covered by the program are used as weekly lectures, practical, seminars and laboratory studies.
3. The faculty council discuss and determine the content of educational programs, structure, curriculum, human, material-technical and infrastructure, teaching forms and methods of learning, evaluation methodology and principles, learning outcomes, general, transfer and competence, knowledge and skills, employment and/or learning continuity. In case of positive decision, the program shall be submitted to the University Academic Council for approval. The right to present and direct an educational program has a professor or associate professor.
4. The Faculty Council shall take a decision on the educational program based on the relevant recommendation of the Faculty Curriculum Committee.
5. Preparation for residency education is done by a unified resident program, which is approved by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in agreement with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.
6. Admission Conditions for doctoral programs, as well as requirements for the doctoral program, are regulated by the faculty regulations on doctoral studies.

Article 12.The Rights and Responsibilities of the Faculty Student

1. The student is a person who is enrolled "On Higher Education" and is enrolled in the rules of the university and is studying at the Faculty of Medical, Doctoral, residency Program by the Law of Georgia.
2. The student enrolled in the University will submit the following documents to the Dean of the Faculty:
a. A copy of the general education certificate or a notarized copy;
b. Recognition of military obligatory service (for sons);
c. Four 3X4 photographs;
d. A copy of the identity card (the deputy is presented in person);
e. Other documents established by the regulations of the University.
3. Persons with higher education who are willing to continue their studies in doctoral studies should submit a diploma confirming the quality of a diploma or confirming the completion of the residency.
4. The rights and responsibilities of the faculty student are determined by the applicable legislation of Georgia, the Charter of the University, the Regulations, the Code of Ethics and the present Regulation. The student is obliged to carefully comply with the obligatory subjects defined by the Faculty and follow the University Charter, Internal Regulations, Code of Ethics and the present Regulation.
5. The financial obligations imposed on the student include:
a. To pay the tuition fees established by the university in the university and within the timeframe established by the university and cover the difference between the state grant and the university fee;
b. To pay the prescribed fee for study if the student fails to complete the training program within the established timeframe;
c. Not later than 6 weeks after the commencement of the academic semester, the student paid no scholarship to the student in case of taking academic leave, but will be included in the next semester fee;
d. In case of expelling from the university or moving in other higher education institution during the course of study the student will not get a money refund.
6. Student has the right to:
a. Receive quality education;
b. Take part in scientific research;
c. Use the University's and faculty material-technical, library-information and other means in equal terms with the university statutes, regulations and regulations;
d. Obtain exhaustive information on university activities, including - financial and economic activities in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia;
e. Choose a representative by secret ballot on the basis of universal, direct and equal elections, and elect the student self-governance, faculty and university management bodies in accordance with the Universal Statute and Internal Regulations;
f. Freely establish and / or join student organizations in accordance with their interests;
g. Freely express their opinions and give reasons to share those ideas which are offered during the study process;
h. Take part in elaborating individual curriculum plans;
i. Benefit from other rights granted by the legislation of Georgia;
j. Faculty provides objective assessment of the student's knowledge through appropriate procedures.

Article 13.Student Self-Governance of the Faculty

1. Students' self-governance shall be established on the basis of universal and equal elections of the faculty students, who are acting in accordance with Georgian legislation, university statutes and their own statutes.
2. Faculty student self-governance is the foundation for the establishment and function of the university student self-government, which aims to promote students' activity.
3. Student self-governance, based on its provisions:
a. Ensure the protection of students' rights;
b. Elects student self-government representatives in the Faculty Board;
c. develop recommendations and proposals related to further improvement and improvement of the academic process and submit to the Faculty Board;
d. Perform other activities, defined by the Student Self-Government Regulation.
4. The Faculty Administration does not interfere with the activities of the student self-government.

Article 14.Academic Process

1. The study process includes planning, organizing and conducting various types of training- methodical work, current and conclusion monitoring of faculty students using educational material. The organization and course of the educational process on the Faculty is based on the current legislation of Georgia, the University Charter, Internal Regulations and the present Regulation.
2. The basic documents regulating the learning process at the Faculty are the curriculum and the syllabus presented by departments, which are developed and regularly updated according to the qualifications requirements of international and state educational standards and alumni.
3. The quality of study process and student academic performance are subdivided into current and final monitoring:
a. Current monitoring is intended to check the quality of study material, improve the educational process management, and stimulate training and scientific work and improvement of the methods of conducting the training. Current monitoring concerns all kinds of learning processes and its form is determined by the faculty dean. The documentation reflecting the monitoring results is kept at the faculty.
b. Final monitoring is intended to check the quality of implementation of the training disciplines and is carried out by the exams system. The Final Monitoring Form shall be established in a separate discipline or in accordance with the syllabus.
4. Student's knowledge on faculty is evaluated in accordance with the applicable assessment system and syllabus at the university. The student is obliged to pass all the exams in accordance with the syllabus and faculty curriculum.
5. Academic year on faculty consists of two semesters - autumn and spring. (Fall and Spring)
6. During the course semester the student must collect credits under the plan to continue learning from the next semester program. Those students who are allowed to be included in the course of the general term of the study will learn from individual schedules. Exams can be passed in the deadline set by the Dean, with a pre-draft plan.
7. For the Students with disabilities privileges will be established by the faculty. They may be able to impose the benefits for creating the necessary conditions for their full education. These in each particular case and are regulated by the decision of the Dean.
8. The examination paper can be issued no more than twice. In the case of a justified case, it is permissible to issue an individual account.
9. The ID card is mandatory for the student when it comes to the examination. Practical training, attendance of a stranger to the examination is not permitted without the permission of the University Rector or Dean of the Faculty.
10. Appraisal assessment on the exam is possible only 24 hours after the examination.
11. Conditions for suspension and termination of status are regulated by the University Charter, University Regulations and Present Regulations.
12. In order to pause a student status, the student should apply to the University Rector. Rector of the University receives the decision on the issue of the Dean of the faculty.
13. Transfer from a higher education institution or other faculty of university (student transfer) and restoration of student status is regulated by the applicable legislation of Georgia with the university statute and regulations. Internal faculty issues of transfer and restoration are regulated by the decisions of the Academic Council and the individual legal acts of the Rector.
14. The final course student must undergo certification in the Deacon where he/she confirms the accuracy of the information in the passport data and the student's personal information.
15. After completing the faculty education program and compulsory credits, the graduate will be awarded the academic degree of Medical Doctor and will be granted a higher education diploma.
16. Along with the diploma, the graduate is given a diploma supplement that has no power without a diploma. Diploma, its copy or certificate will be issued to the holder in the manner in which the passport is presented, or in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 15.Student's Mobility

1. According to the Georgian legislation, the student's mobility from one faculty / program of the university and other higher education institutions is allowed only from the second year of the study within the faculty student quota.
2. Students' mobility should be carried out before the beginning of the academic semester, taking into consideration the sheet of transcripts (transcript).
3. The student's mobility (enrolment) process is completed by the individual administrative legal act of the Rector.
4. In the case of student mobility, the Dean of the faculty shall establish a semester on the transcript presented by the student, where the student who has been transferred shall continue to study and the list of subjects required to be passed.
5. If the student is transferred from another higher education institution, the above procedures shall be carried out, including the requirements set forth in Article 12, paragraph 2 of this Regulation.


Article 1. General decrees 1
Article 2. Faculty structure and management 2
Article 3. Faculty Council 3
Article 4. Dean of the Faculty 4
Article 5. Faculty dean's office 5
Article 6. Faculty quality assurance service 6
Article 7. Dissertation Council of the Faculty 7
Article 8. Faculty Curriculum Committee 7
Article 9. Faculty departments 8
Article 10. Faculty staff and their functions 9
Article 11. Educational programs of the faculty 11
Article 12. Rights and duties of the faculty student 12
Article 13. Student self-government of the faculty 13
Article 14. Academic process 14
Article 15. Student mobility 16