
By Decree 23/3 of March 18, 2008,
of the Representative Council of 
LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University
Updated on 24.01.2018

LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Economics 
Chapter I
General Provision
Article 1

The present decree defines the legal status of the LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Economics (hereinafter referred to as “the Department”), its structure, authority, and accountability, and organizes the issues related to its various activities.

Article 2

The department is the structural unit of the university.

Article 3

The department is guided by the constitution of Georgia, legislative and legal normative acts, legislative acts of the university rector and head of administration (chancellor), and separate tasks of the rector and the head of administration (chancellor).

Article 4

The department carries out its responsibilities and functions while operating under the name of the university.

Article 5

The department is accountable to the head of administration (chancellor), who carries out work-related supervision over it. It is also responsible to the rector and structural units (officials) envisaged by the internal rules and regulations.

Chapter II

Functions and Authorities of the Department

 Article 6

1. The function of the department is to:

a) carry out financial-economic, public procurement and accounting activities;

b) coordinate and manage financial-economic activities of the main educational and structural units of the university;

c) develop the draft consolidated budget as well as budget changes, manage and monitor the approved budget execution, and report on budget execution;

d) carry out accounting activities of the university, prepare the forms of financial reporting defined by the joint balances and/or legislation encompassing the university system scale, and submit them accordingly;

e) plan public procurement and implement it for the needs of the structural units of the university based on the Law of Georgia on Public Procurement and the rule of respective normative acts;

g) carry out other responsibilities granted based on legislation by the rector and head of the administration (chancellor), as well as fulfilling the directions and separate tasks of the head of the administration (chancellor) and the rector;

2. The department is authorized:

a) to discuss and put into the consolidated form budgets of main educational and structural units of the university with the view of effective management of financial means of the university system;

b) to implement the procedures related to issuing bonuses, additions, subsistence, and monetary rewards for medical university employees/students by the Rule of Defining and Issuing the Amount of the bonus, addition, subsistence, and monetary reward at LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University.

c) to carry out monitoring of already made communication/transportation expenses, control the correspondence of fuel expenditure with the limit set by the respective individual-legislative acts;

b) to require necessary information and/or data in the process of discussing and addressing separate issues with the view of coordinating financial-economic, public procurement, and accounting activities of the system as well as invite heads and/or employees of the respective sphere of structural units and main educational ones within the university system to explain.

c) to develop and submit for approval drafts of respective legislative acts based on the rule defined by the legislation with the view of providing efficient management of public procurement and accounting as well as financial-economic activities of the university;

d) to carry out other responsibilities granted based on legislation by the rector and head of administration (chancellor), as well as fulfill the instructions and separate tasks of the rector and head of administration (chancellor);

Chapter III Structure of the Department

The department consists of the following sub-divisions:

Article 7

The department consists of the following sub-divisions:

1. Planning-financial department (07.03.2018, N23/3);

2. Procurement department;

3. Reporting-registration department;

Article 8

1. The planning-financial department:

a) Ensures management and coordination of the joint budget;

b) Ensures preparation of the draft of the joint budget of the university with the view of reviewing and approving by the representative board;

c) Ensures preparation of the draft of amendments in appropriations to be envisaged for main educational and structural units with the view of further discussion and approval by the representative council;

d) Ensures preparation of quarterly and annual reports on the spending of appropriations envisaged for the university and their submission by the rule defined by the legislation;

e) Carries out other responsibilities envisaged by the legislation.

2. Procurement Department:

a) Ensures planning of public procurement, development of the annual plan of public procurement, and, in case of necessity, making amendments to it;

b) Ensures submission of the annual plan of public procurement and, in case of necessity, the amendment according to the rule defined by the legislation;

c) Ensures implementation of procedures of public procurement by the acting legislation, including carrying out of preparatory work, defining presumable prices, selecting the means of procurement and compiling respective documentation;

d) Ensures carrying out of tender procedures following the rule within the scope of competence. Issuance and receipt as well as registration of tender documentation and proposals as well as others;

e) Within the scope of competence, ensures issuance and registration of competition terms and conditions and proposals and other documentation following the rule of implementing the procedures of the public procurement competition;

f) Ensures preparation of the drafts of agreements related to public procurement and, in case of necessity, amendments to be made to them;

g) Within the scope of competence, ensures control of compliance with the agreements on public procurement in relation to the united electronic system of procurement;

h) Ensures analysis of quarterly information on public procurement carried out by main structural units;

i) Carries out other obligations envisaged by the legislation;

3. Reporting-registration department

a) Carries out accounting and financial reporting;

b) Ensures preparation of accounting and accounts plans and financial reporting and submission following acting legislation;

c) Ensures transferring and issuance of salaries of staff of structural sub-divisions of the university;

d) Ensures registration of payments with organizations and separate individuals;

e) Participates in the process of inventory making and reflects the results in accounting;

f) Prepares drafts of individual-legislative acts related to the issuance of bonuses, additions, assistance, and monetary reward to medical-university employees/students as well as various drafts of legislative acts having financial content by the Rule of Defining the Amount of the Bonus, Addition, Assistance and Monetary Reward and Issuing them at LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University.

g) Carries out control of the cash machine;

h) Ensures receipt of financial reporting forms defined by the legislation and/or accounting balances from main educational and structural units included in the university system

i) Carries out record-keeping of basic means, low-price and fast-depreciated items;

j) Carries out other authorities defined by the legislation;

Chapter IV

Management and Employees of the Department

Article 9.

1. The department is managed by the head of the department who is appointed and dismissed from the position by the rector on the basis of the recommendation of the head of administration (chancellor) following and the rule defined by the legislation.

2. Head of the department is accountable to the rector and the head of administration (chancellor).

3. Head of the department:

a) manages and directs department activities;

b) represents the department while carrying out functions and obligations defined by the present decree;

c) organizes and is responsible for implementing functions and responsibilities of the department defines by the present decree;

d) distributes responsibilities among department employees, gives them tasks and responsibilities;

e) organizes university consolidated budget draft design;

f) periodically analyses and assesses financial condition of the university system;

g) with the view of carrying out public procurement organizes respective work;

h) within the competency discusses and reacts accordingly to incoming and outgoing correspondence of the department;

i) periodically discusses the report of the employees of the department about the activities carried out by them;

j) carries out control of appropriately fulfilling the tasks imposed upon them;

k) submits to university management proposals about the staff number, organization of the working process, raising qualification and training of the department’s employees;

l) carries out other responsibilities granted in accordance with the acting legislation by the rector and head of administration (chancellor);

m)ensures compliance of the department employees with the directions and tasks of the Rector and head of administration (Chancellor);

4. In case of failure to comply with the work authority by the head of the department, the deputy head is fulfilling his/her responsibilities

Article 10

1. The head of the department has the deputy which is appointed and dismissed by the Rector on the basis of the rule, defined by the legislation and recommendation given by the head of administration (chancellor).

2. Deputy head of the department:

a) ensures implementation of functions and authorities by the department with the Head of Department; 

b) supervises and implements control within the scope of competence for the compliance with responsibilities of the department staff;

c) within the scope of competence distributes functions among the department employees and gives them directions and tasks;

d) within the scope of competence discusses and respectively reacts to the incoming correspondence of the department as well as that prepared by the department;

e) Within the scope of competence, he inspects the documents prepared in the department

f) raises the question for the head of the department about job awards of employees and/or disciplinary responsibility;

g) ensures compliance with the instructions of the rector, head of administration (chancellor) and head of the department and tasks by the department employees;

3. Deputy head of the department, is accountable towards the rector, head of administration (chancellor) and department head regarding the obligation imposed over the department;

Article 11

1. The department manages the department, which is headed by the head of the department, who is appointed and dismissed by the rector in accordance with the law.

2. Head of the department:

a) Manages the activities of the department;

b) Distributes responsibilities among department employees and organizes activities of the department;

c) Discusses, distributes and reacts accordingly to the correspondence coming into the department;

d) Carries out control of complying with the instructions and task completion of the rector, head of administration (chancellor), head of the department and its deputy;

e) Controls adherence to work discipline by the employees of the department;

f) Fulfills separate tasks and instructions of the rector, head of administration (chancellor), head of the department and its deputy;

3. Head of the department is accountable to the head of the department and the deputy for complying with the responsibilities imposed;

Article 12

1. The following are employed at the divisions of the department:

a) Deputy heads of the department, who are appointed and dismissed by the rector on the         basis of the recommendation of the head of administration;

b) Chief specialists, who are appointed and dismissed by the rector on the basis of the recommendation of the rector;

c) Chief specialists who are appointed and dismissed by the rector on the basis of the recommendation of the rector;

d) Specialists who are appointed and dismissed by the rector on the basis of the recommendation of the rector;

2. Rights and responsibilities of employees of the department are defined by the present decree, position instructions and the legislating acting in Georgia.

3. The number of staff of the department is defined by the university list which is approved by the representative board.

Chapter IV. Final decrees

1. The department decree is approved by the representative board of TSMU.

2. Cancellation and making amendments and addenda to the decree of the department is made on the basis of the rule defined by the representative board.