Approved by:
 Tbilisi State Medical University Representative Council
March 7, 2024 Decree #23/6

Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Clinical Relations

Article 1. General Provision

1. The provision presented here defines the authorization and responsibilities of the Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Clinical Relations and regulates other relations of the mentioned body.
2. The Department of Clinical Relations of Tbilisi State Medical University (afterward Department) represents the structural unit of Tbilisi State Medical University (afterward University).
3. The Department, on its part, operates under regulations of the Constitution of Georgia, Georgian Law on “Higher Education,” “Legal entity of public Law” of Georgia, other legislative and subordinated normative acts, charter and internal regulations of TSMU, Administrative-legal acts of university management bodies and the presented provision.

Article 2. Department's field of activity and objectives

1. The scope of operations of the department is defined under the charter and administrative acts of managing bodies;
2. The main goals of the department are as follows:
a) Execution of country politics under the provision of population health care rights;
b) Preparation of cooperation contracts and memorandums with medical bodies, discussion of terms of agreements with separate bodies, and reaching agreements with university administration. Finalization of agreements and memorandums ready to sign.
c) Monitoring of the terms and conditions of cooperation agreements and memorandums;
d) Estimation of educational and clinical bases of relevant specialties, promotion of university, postgraduate and Life lifelong learning educational processes at University Clinics and clinical bases;
e) Establishment of cooperation with clinical bases and leading international University clinics to ensure the sharing experience of foreign professional Clinicians and promotion of Life lifelong learning activities;
f) Coordinate medical activities at university clinics and clinical departments on contractual clinical bases, provide active participation of academic personnel in mass health care events, and promote lifelong medical education.
g) Implementation of events supporting the participation of University Clinics (of scientific, educational, and practical character) in local and international programs;
h) Promotion of clinical-practical internship activities of university students, residents, and Doctoral students in local and foreign leading clinics;
i) Monitoring of the provision of the requirements of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia regarding quality assurance, infection control, and sanitary-epidemiological regime at the University clinics;
j) Informing the management of university clinics in time and adequately about the changes and news of medical services;
k) Working out medical service quality assurance recommendations and correcting the presented errors.

Article 3. Management and structure of the Department

1. According to the presented provision and staff list, the following positions are authorized in the company:
a) Chief specialist;
b) Deputy Head of the Department
c) Environmental manager
2. The head of the department is appointed and dismissed by the university's rector in the manner established by the law. 
3. In the absence of the head of the department, the deputy performs his duties.;
4. The head of the department:  
a) Coordinates the activities of the department;
b) Distributes responsibilities among employees, issues instructions and tasks;
c) Monitors the execution of the works of the employees of the department;
d) signs and notarizes documents within his competence;
e) is responsible for the performance of assigned tasks and functions, is accountable for the activities of the department to the rector, head of administration (chancellor), and vice-rector in clinical direction;
f) submits proposals to the university management to optimize the structure and staffing schedule of the department;
g) controls the observance of internal regulations by the department employees and periodically listens to the employees' reports on their work.
h) submits a proposal to the university management for consideration on the issues of appointment, dismissal, encouragement, and responsibility of employees;
i) requests to allocate funds, equipment, and inventory necessary to fulfill the department's tasks. With the submission of the head of the department, the rector assigns and discharges the employees of the department under duly legalized Legislation.
k) requests information related to their activities from the heads of the university clinics and clinical bases within the scope of his competence.
L) is responsible for the protection and use of the state property transferred according to the established procedure;
m) carries out other functions and tasks defined by the administrative-legal acts of the university and the legislation of Georgia within the scope of its competence
5. Employees of the department and the environmental manager are appointed and dismissed by the rector by the procedure established by the law on the recommendation of the department head.
6. Department employees and environmental managers are accountable and responsible to the head of the department.
7. The employees of the department and the environmental manager shall ensure the performance of the functions assigned to them by this regulation

Article 4. Reorganization and liquidation of the department

The department's Reorganization and liquidation are carried out per the procedure established by Georgia's legislation.

Article 5. Final regulations

1. The Tbilisi State Medical University Representative Council approves the department's regulations.
2. The annulment of the provision, making changes and additions to it, is carried out using the procedure established for adoption.