Codified version (04.04.2018 N23/5)
Approved by TSMU Representative Council Decree
N 23/3 of February 8, 2012
Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulation Centre of Tbilisi State Medical University
Chapter I: General Provisions
Article 1
1. The Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Center (hereinafter "Center") of Tbilisi State Medical University (hereinafter "University") is a structural unit of the University. The center was created to develop and participate in implementing measures necessary for undergraduate and postgraduate education (both in bachelor and residency programs, as well as process educational programs) and continuous professional education and development in the university. The center learns and acquires the skills to perform medical procedures in practice to provide the appropriate professional competencies for students, residents and medical professionals, pharmacists, dentists, healthcare workers and others. (04.04.2018 N23/5)
2. The center also designs specialized training programs for primary and emergency medical care for professionals in various fields.
3. The Center's activities are governed by the Constitution of Georgia, the Law of Georgia "On Higher Education," other legislative and normative acts, the statute of the TSMU, the administrative acts of the university management body, and the present provision, which is approved by The Decree of the University's Representative Council.
4. The center utilizes the property and financial funds transferred for its operation in accordance with the rules established by this provision.
5. The center has a round seal approved by the University, with the full name in both Georgian and English, a stamp, and a title paper.
6. The center’s location is Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Ave. #29, TSMU, 1 building, I floor. (04.04.2018 N23/5).
Article 2.
1. The main goals and objectives of the Center are:
a) Preparation of various teaching programs for postgraduate medical education on clinical skills, constant improvement, and participation in its implementation (04.04.2018 N23/5).
b) Organization of objectively structured clinical examinations (OSCE) for students, residents, and doctors, and implementation of an evaluation system corresponding to international standards.
c) Preparation of a special training course for clinical skills in the rehabilitation programs of medical professionals, taking into account qualifications.
d) The Constant updating of auxiliary technical equipment, simulations, mannequins, and diagnostic equipment and the introduction of new treatment and rehabilitation methods into the teaching curriculum.
e) Professional development of the centre's staff by attending international experts' training, conferences, and workshops (04.04.2018 N23/5).
f) Preparation and implementation of special courses - "standardized patients."
g) Creation of local associations to utilize simulations in healthcare and medical education, in collaboration with relevant international organizations to enhance teaching methods and provide support in planning and management.
h) Participation of the Center in the organization of international meetings and conferences (04.04.2018 N23/5).
i) Preparation and implementation of a special program for conducting practical medical procedures within the adult education program for university staff, as well as other interested individuals.
j. Preparation of continuing medical education programs to enhance the professional clinical skills of both general practice (family) doctors and narrow specialists such as reanimatologists, surgeons, obstetricians-gynaecologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, and others.
k. Development and implementation of a special training module for conducting clinical diagnostic procedures and medical manipulations in the postgraduate training program of nursing education, specifically the Nursing Education Diploma Program.
l. Develop training programs for nurses that consider the specifics of their workplaces, adapt examination tests and evaluation sheets to international standards, and provide objectively structured clinical examinations.
m. Preparation of educational programs for professionals in various fields (e.g., policemen, firefighters, emergency workers, teachers) to learn the skills of primary and emergency medical care, considering professional needs.
n. Preparation and distribution of educational materials such as books, brochures, booklets, and posters on conducting various types of medical procedures.
o. Support for the development and popularisation of clinical skills and a multidisciplinary simulation centre (e.g., organizing open sessions at the center for school pupils, arranging parenting workshops to learn child care principles using lifelike baby models, etc.).) and participation in the "university open-door days" and other events planned and organised by the Ministry of Education and Science (04.04.2018 N23/5).
p. Preparation and implementation of a specialized training course for junior medical and nonmedical personnel employed in medical institutions, focusing on communication skills, patient care, and first aid.
q. Participation in developing the required legal framework and organizational rules for improving the quality and accessibility of medical services together with the relevant structural units of the Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia.
s. Evaluation of manipulations on mock-ups and mannequins in the educational process based on complete computer and technical equipment, utilizing the existing surveillance system.
t. Use multimedia tools to demonstrate and teach practical communication skills; include Internet pages in the educational process; search web pages for the educational process; and plan
innovative educational activities.
u. Ensure compliance with technical safety rules when working with simulators and mannequins.
2. The center implements educational and scientific goals at the necessary level.
3. To find out the goals defined by this regulation and to solve the tasks, the center cooperates with:
a) with the university's structural units;
b) with university and partner clinics;
c) with medical institutions in Tbilisi and Georgian regions;
d) with Georgian and foreign governmental and non-governmental institutions and international organizations.
Chapter III. The structure of the Center
Article 3.
a. A deliberative-consultative body, known as the Center Council, may be established within the Center.
Chapter IV. Director of the Center
Article 4.
1. The centre's director is appointed and dismissed by the university's rector.
2. The center director is accountable to the rector and the chancellor, taking into account the competence of these management bodies.
3. The director of the center ensures:
a) management and protection of property transferred by the university for the operation of the center;
b) the participation of the academic staff of the relevant departments and program areas of the university faculties in the activities in the implementation of the tasks defined for the center by this regulation;
c) submits the selected candidates to the rector of the university for the signing of an agreement for the successful conduct of the educational process at the center;
d) control over the center's revenue mobilization;
e) planning and managing the center's organizational activities (organizational, materialtechnical, internal measures);
f) submitting appropriate requests and documentation to the university regarding financial and/or economic activities;
g) submitting proposals to the rector regarding remuneration, incentives and disciplinary responsibility of the center's employees;
h) implementation of other activities that directly or indirectly serve the goals of the center.
4. The approved internal legislation can regulate organizational, legal, disciplinary, and other relations related to the centre's activities.
5. The relevant agreement, the acceptance-handover act, and the applicable legislation determine the scope of the center director's property responsibility.
6. The centre's director, within limits established by TSMU or by proxy, represents the centre in relations with third parties, including in concluding contracts.
Chapter V. Center apparatus and the support personnel.
Article 5.
1. The Rector appoints and dismisses the Center's staff based on the recommendation of the Center's Director.
2. The university's staff schedule determines the number of staff at the center.
3. An invited person, based on an employment contract, conducts separate directions of activities not covered by the university staff schedule.
4. The centre's staff ensures proper performance of functions as stipulated by this regulation and the relevant labour contract.
5. Staff directly involved in storing, processing, or using the transferred property and valuables are explicitly agreed by written agreement acknowledging full material responsibility.
Chapter VI. Center property
Article 6.
The centre protects and appropriately utilizes TSMU property in all its endeavours.
Chapter VII. Revenues and expenses of the center
Article 7.
The income of the centre can be:
1. Revenue generated from implementing clinical skills, medical education programs, and other economic activities.
2. Income obtained through scientific grants.
3. Income derived from activities resulting from successful tender bids.
4. Other income allowed by law.
5. The University use the income from the centre's commercial activities to achieve the centre's goals and objectives.
6. The university manages the center's revenues and expenses through its structural units.
Chapter VIII. Economic activity of the center
Article 8.
1. The centre conducts economic activities in accordance with the present provision and the signed agreements of current legislation.
2. The center uses the cost accounting prices and tariffs approved by the TSMU for its economic activities.
3. Prices and tariffs regulated by the state or local self-government bodies are binding on the Center.
Article 9
The center conducts accounting and statistical records in accordance with the legislation's specified scope and periodicity.
Chapter X. Control of the Center's activities
Article 10.
1. The relevant management bodies of TSMU control the centre's activities.
2. The center's activities are inspected in accordance with established legislation.
Chapter XI. Liability and Dispute Resolution
Article 11.
1. The center is responsible for fulfilling its obligations.
2. The responsibilities of the center's director and workers are defined in accordance with
applicable legislation.
Chapter XII. Termination of activity of the center
Article 12.
The center's activity may be terminated in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.
Chapter XIII. Final Provisions
Article 13.
According to legislation, the university's representative council must approve changes to the
center's statute, including cancellation.