The provision of Institute of Pharmacochemistry of Iovel Kutateladze Tbilisi State Medical University
Article 1. General provisions
1. Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry (hereinafter - "Institute") LEPL - Tbilisi State Medical University (hereinafter - "TSMU") is an Independent scientific-research unit.
2. The Institute caaries out its the activity on behalf of the TSMU envisaged by the scientific, research, educational, economic, consulting, expert and other law within the scope of its competence.
3. The Institute is guided by its law, by the law of Georgia
"On Higher Education", other normative acts, including international agreements of Georgia, agreements, the charter of the TSMU and the present Statute. (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
4. The institute has the right to use the requisites agreed and approved by TSMU (seal, application form, logo, web site, etc.).
5. The Institute has bank subaccounts and grant accounts opened by TSMU
6. The Institute conducts economic and property relations, receiving and administering financial resources under the established rule within the scope of the TSMU delegated rights.
7. The address of the Institute is: Tbilisi, P. Sarajishvili str. 36.
Article 2. The objectives and goals of the institute
a) The main goal of the Institute is conducting the scientific-research and educational processes effectively, implementation of Consulting, economic and expert activities;
(B) to support the country's scientific-technological progress, scientific activity, chemical and pharmaceutical industry;
C) inventing and and implementing of various medications;
D) enhence the international scientific cooperation;
E) Encourage mobility of scientific personnel;
F) Participation in training and retraining of new scientific personnel.
G) Participation in preparing MAs, PhD students and continuous professional staff (in pharmaceutical and related fields).
2. The main goal of the institute is to carry out fundamental, applied and development-oriented studies In the direction to detect natural biologically active substances, their chemical nature, synthetic and chemically modified natural compounds, study of pharmacological efficacy, preclinical studies, technologies, analysis techniques and on the basis of all above mentioned and to invention of curative pharmacological drugs, Cosmetics, veterinary and aelochromic drugs, biologically active food additives; Identify prospective medicinal plants and study the areas and resources of their spread, biological features of plant growth and development, to develop agro-recommendations and to introduce and cultivate medicinal plants;
Produce permitted pharmaceutical drugs and their realization; To carry out applied works ordered by the state or private sector; Prepare highly qualified scientific staff in pharmaceutical, pharmacochemistry, chemical, biological, analytical and technological studies of natural biologically active substances.
3. The Institute has the right to:
A) carry out fundamental and applied scientific research activities.
B) carry out consultation and expert activities in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia.
C) to organize scientific conferences with the rules established by the TSMU Other scientific activities.
D) cooperate with Georgian and foreign scientific-research institutions in accordance with the regulation of the TSMU / TSMU charter;
E) Participate in international scientific activities with the present provision And / or by the TSMU Charter.
F) to participate in the preparation and implementation of higher education programs as defined by the TSU, as well as to perform undergraduate and postgraduate papers and dissertations by students.
G) Students will be involved in scientific grant projects, local and international scientific conferences and scientific research activities as defined by TSMU.
(05.04.2016წ N23/3) H) if necessary (no more than 6 months) ask a scientist to perform a specific job temporarily.
I) Exercise other activities permitted by the Georgian legislation. (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
Article 3. The structure and management of the institution
1. Management bodies of the institute are scientific councils, directors, financial directors.
2. The Scientific Council of the Institute shall conduct the Scientific Board.
3. The organizational and administrative activities of the institute are within the competence of the Institute Director.
4. Administrative and financial-economic management of the Institute Within the scope of the competence the financial director is in charge.
5. The rule of activity of scientific structural units shall be determined by the Director of the Institute.
The rule of activity of non-scientific structural units shall be determined by the Director of the Director of the Agreement with the Director of the Institute. (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
Article 3 1. Structure of the Institute
1. The scientific structural units of the Institute are:
A) Phytochemical Scientific-Research Department
- The direction of lipids and anthracin.
- The direction of alkaloids.
- The direction of steroid compounds.
- The direction of the terminals
- The direction of phenolic compounds.
- The direction of pharmacopeatics.
- The direction of fermentology.
- Direction of chemical biopolymers and chemical modification of natural substances.
B) Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Standardization
C) decommissioning of pharmaceutical products, biologically active additives and forms of cosmetic technologies
- Direction of pharmaceutical product technology;
- Direction, direction of cosmetic means.
C) Laboratory of clinical pre-clinical research;
2. The non-scientific structural units of the Institute are: a) Infrastructure and Financial-Economic Service b) Apparatus
C) production-experimental base. (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
Article 4. Staff of the Institute
1. The Institute's staff consists of scientific, administrative and support staff.
2. Scientific personnel of the institute belong to scientists and postdoctoralists.
a) Scientists are the following scientific officials: the chief scientific worker, senior scientific worker and scientific worker
b) PHD is a person elected by the Scientific Board of the Institute in accordance with the Academic Council, on the basis of the competition for not less than 2 years for implementing a specific scientific-research project. A PHD can be selected only once.
C). The Director of the Institute and the Deputy Director belong to the Institute's administrative staff. The director / deputy director of the institute shall not hold other administrative positions in the same institution or be the head of the subdivision.
d). The supporting Staff of the university include the Laboratory staff, the employees of information- technological service for study optimization, the staff of human resourse department and accounting staff, engineers, warehouse guards, guards, technical and vivarium workers etc.
e). If necessary, the Institute is authorized to temporarily invite the scientist or specialist to perform a specific work (not more than 6 months).
f). The rights and obligations of the Institute's personnel shall be regulated by the applicable legislation, the TSMU Charter, Internal Regulations and the present Regulation (05.04.2016წ N23/3)
Article 4 1.
1. The Regulation on appointing the position of Scientific Institute Personnel and holding the compitition
2.The date and conditions of the competition shall be published a month before receiving the
documents in a manner prescribed by Georgian legislation and this statute. not less than 1 month before receiving the documents
3. The announcement about opening a competition shall be posted on the official website of TSMU and shall be placed in the places visible to everyone in order to ensure the publicity and availability of such information.
4. Director and the winner of the scientific staff compitition Sign the Individual labor contract.
5. 1. Holding a scientific position may only be through an open competition, which should comply with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition.
a) A person holding the degree of a doctor of philosophy or equal to it and having the scientific and research work experience of not less than 6 years and is enabled to develop relevant scientific direction copmatible to modern standards; can be elected on the position for 5 years.
b) A person shall be permanently elected for the position if satisfies the requirements defined by subparagraph "a" of this paragraph and has special scientific achievements (eg scientific publications in leading local and international journals and other publications, participated in national and international scientific research projects). Senior scientist being elected for a lifetime is subordinated to probation once in 5 years. (N23/8; 18.05.2018) B)
6. A holding the degree of a doctor of philosophy or equal to it and can hold a senior scientist position for a term of five years. (N23 / 8; 18.05.2018)
7. A person holding the Master’s or equal to it and can hold a science worker’s position for a term of five years ( N23/8; 18.05.2018)
8. Additional conditions for the position of scientific personnel of the institute is elaborated by the scientific counsil and with director ‘ agreement submits it to the TSMU academic counsil. Which shall submit additional conditions for approval to Representative Council of the Higher Education Institution.
9. A person holding the degree of a doctor of philosophy can be elected as Postdoctoral in accordance with the regulations defined by TSMU Academic Board.
A person who has a doctorate degree can be selected.
10. The Institute Scientific Personnel is appointed and dismissed by the Director of the Institute.
11. The grounds for dismissal of academic staff shall be:
a) Own request;
b) Expiration of the term of labor contract;
c) Rough or systematic violation of code of ethics and disciplinary liability norms;
d) Infringement of terms and conditions of the agreement and/or requirements of the University legal acts;
f) Other cases defined by the legislation.
12. The compatibility of academic and scientific position is determined by the TSMU statute. (05.04.2016-called N23 / 3)
Article 4 2. The rights of scientists
1. The rights of scientists shall be determined by the legislation of Georgia, Institution regulations and / or labor agreement.
2. The scientist has the right to:
A) Conduct scientific research without any interference and publish the results of the research without restriction, unless the limitation is envisaged by the contract or contains the state secrecy.
B) Define the contents of scientific research independently, research methods and means.
C) Take part in the study and research components of educational programs.
D) Together with the implementation scientific-research activities should participe in grant receiving programs for grant financing and also benefit from individual grants / grants and receive additional funding.
E) carry out legislative and sub-legislative acts of Georgia Other powers granted to him.
3. A scientist is obliged to:
A) fulfill the requirements of the Georgian legislation and the Statute of Independent Research Unit.
B) to fulfill the obligations under the labor agreement.
C) submit a report of the work performed annually by the Georgian legislation (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
Article 4 3.
The regulation on appointing the Position of the head of the scientific structural unit of the Institute and holding the copmitition for rhe position.
1. The Head of the Scientific Structural Unit of the Institute shall be elected by the Scientific Board and approved by the Director;
2. The date and conditions of the competition shall be published by the Georgian legislation and at least 1 month prior to the receipt of the documents in accordance with this Regulation.
3. Announcement of the competition shall be placed on the official websites of the TSMU and the in order to ensure public access for the interested people.
4. The announcement shall indicate the date of registration of candidates, deadlines for receiving applications and the list of necessary documents.
5. The competition shall be held in compliance with the principles of transparency,
equality and fair competition. Competition data assessment is carried out by the Competition Commission of the Institute upon nomination of the Director, the competition shall be ensured by the competition commission, which shall be set up by the 7 members holding the degree of a doctor of philosophy or equal to it.
Competition Commission is not allowed to be a member of the contestant.
6. The purpose and functions of the Competition Commission are:
A) selection of competition candidates for vacant positions;
B) evaluation of professional competence and qualification of a person;
C) Recommendation on the results of the evaluation of the contestants for the scientific council.
7. The issues related to the competition procedure for the position of head of scientific structural unit shall be determined by the Competition Commission.
8. The rule of the competition commission work is determined by the Redulations about the Procedure which is elaborated by the scientific board and approved by the director.
9. the criteria of selecting the head of the Scientific Structural Unit acordin the competition regulations is approved by the director.
10. Director of the Scientific Structural Unit and the Winner of the compitition shall sign the individual labor contracts.
10) If the person does not the position of the Chief Scientific Officer or Senior Scientist in the Institute, he / she is considered to be a relevant Scientific Officer in case of being elected as the Head of the Scientific Structural Unit (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
Article 4 4. Regulations on Appointing the support Staff of the Institute.
1. The institute's supporting personnel and the head of the non-scientific structural unit shall be appointed by the financial director;
2) The financial Director of the Scientific Structural Unit sign the individual labor contracts with the supporting staff. (05.04.2016წ N23/3)
Article 5. Scientific Board of the Institute
1. The Academic Council shall be composed of the main scholars of the Institute.
2. The Scientific Board of the Institute:
A) Discuss and solve institute scientific management and institute development issues independently.
B) Takes part in program performing component monitoring process In case of implementation of higher education program;
C) performs other functions envisaged by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, other legislative and sub-legislative acts and regulations of independent scientific research unit.
d) Discuss the Candidate for the Institute Director’s position and submit to the TSMU Academic Council for approval.
3. The work of the Scientific Council of the independent Scientific-Research Unit shall be conducted by the Chairperson elected by majority of its Members composed from the list. (05.04.2010 N23 / 3)
Article 6. Authority of the Scientific Council and its Members
1. The authority of the Scientific Council shall be created on the first session of the Council in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
2. The Scientific Council is authorized, if it is attended by the half of its members.
3. The Scientific Council shall be entitled to:
A) To report the institute's activities by the institute's director;
B) consider the main directions of the research activities of the Institute;
g) discuss the annual scientific plan and present for approval to director of the institute.
discuss and consider general scientific work and its resuls. Discuss the activities conducted by the heads of departments, revise individual scientists reports in accordance with the established procedure at least twice a year and submit the recommendations to the Director of the Institute for decision.
E) Prepare annual report on scientific activities of the institute;
F) Discuss scientific cooperation with other educational and scientific institutions;
G) to select the members of the Scientific Journal and periodically hear their reports;
H) consider the scientific management and development of the institution.
4. approves the deputy chairman of the scientific boardpresented by the chairperson of the Scientific board with the majority of the list members. In case the absence of chairperson the rights of the chairperson is implemented by the deputy chairperson If the candidate selected by the chairpeson is not elected, The Chairman of the Scientific Board will present a new candidate for approval after consultation with the Council members.
5. The meeting of the Academic Council shall be invited by the chairman if necessary at least once a month. The unplanned session of the Scientific Council shall be convened by the Chairman's own initiative, upon the request of the director of the third and / or institute of the scientific board.
6. The Scientific Council makes decisions on the basis of open balloting. The Scientific Council shall make a decision on open balloting. The scientific council is authorized to make an open balloting decision on the issue of secret ballot.
7. The Scientific Council member shall have earlier termination in the following cases:
6) On the basis of the decision of the Scientific Council, if the member of the Scientific Board is not regularly attending the sessions of the Scientific Council;
B) the conviction sentenced by the Court to him Upon entry into force;
C) in recognition of the court as incapable or incapable.
D) when dismissing the Institute from scientific position;
E) death.
(Included in the amendment 5.12.2014 and 23/9)
Article 7. Chairperson of the Scientific Board
1. The Scientific Board is headed by the Chairman of the Scientific Board.
2. The Chairman of the Scientific Board must have a doctoral degree.
3. The Chairman of the Scientific Board organizes the work of the Scientific Board and monitors its activity.
4. The Chairperson of the Scientific Council shall not be elected twice.
A) On the basis of a personal application;
4. The Chairperson of the Scientific Council may terminate the authority in the following cases:
A) On the basis of a personal application;
B) if the Chairman of the Scientific Board does not fulfill the obligations imposed by the decision of the majority members of the Scientific Council,
C) upon the entry into force of the conviction sentenced by the Court;
D) Recognition as a recipient of a support by the court or as a restricted legal act
E) Release of the institute from scientific position;
F) at death.
(Amended 5.12.2014 N 23/9)
Article 8. Regulation on electing Institute Director and Authority.
1. The rule of election of the Director:
The candidate for the Institute Director’s position shall be selected by the majority Board memebers of the list for 5 year period through the competition Only in compliance with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition and submit it to the Academic Council for approval.
b) The date and conditions of the competition shall be published a month before receiving the
documents in a manner prescribed by Georgian legislation and this statute.
c) The announcement about opening a competition shall be posted on the official website of the TSMU and shall be placed in the places visible to everyone in order to ensure the publicity
and availability of such information.
d) The announcement shall indicate the date of registration of candidates, deadlines for receiving
applications and the list of necessary documents.
The voting procedures for the direcror’s candidate is defined by the Scientific Council.
e) The position of the Director of the Institute may be occupied by a person satisfying the requirements of the institute's chief scientist and whose age does not exceed 65 years. If the person does not hold the position of the Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute, in case of holding the position of the Director of the Institute it is considered as the Chief Research Officer as well. Getting the age of 65 does not cause the termination of the director's authority.
G) In addition to the requirements considered in subparagraph "f", the position of the director may be occupied by a person having:
A) Doctor of Pharmacy or academic degree equal to it; B) Experience of not less than 6 years of research in the field of pharmaceuticals;
C) Special scientific achievements that satisfy the conditions defined by the TSMU Charter;
D) not less than 3 years of working in the field of Pharmacy Experience;
E) Action Plan, which assessed by the scientific council before elections;
F) In case if the TSMU academic council’s Grounded refusal on approval of the candidate's candidacy, the Scientific Board of the Institute submits the same candidate or selects another candidate. In case of repeated refusal of the academic council on the approval of the candidate, the acting director of the institute means the rector of the TSMU in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the TSMU Charter. The Scientific Board of the Institute shall be obliged to select a new Director of the Director for not less than 6 months. The Acting Director shall be appointed before the Academic Board approves the candidate's candidacy.
2. The director's authority:
A) The independent scientific-research unit is headed by the independent scientific-research unit. B) together with the financial director within the scope of the competence of the institute's structure and staff schedule, which will be submitted to the Scientific Board of the Institute and further approval - the TSMU Representative Council.
C) development of science, creation of new technologies and attraction from outside,
It is necessary to create new manufacturing techniques or technical upgrades for the same, as well as to facilitate other innovative activities (creation and use of technological and technical innovations);
D) promote the development of science;
E) promote self-regulation of innovative activities, freedom of scientific activity;
F) Promote the development of the Institute's intellectual potential;
G) development of contacts with scientific and higher education institutions of Georgia and foreign countries;
H) in agreement with the TSMU administration in the name of the institute.Agreements, including Agreements with Higher Education Institutions, in the process of implementation of Bachelor's, Master's, PhD students, Vocational Practice Educational Programs. Regarding cooperation.
I) Promotes the qualification of scientific personnel;
J) approve the institute's internal regulations in accordance with the applicable legislation and the TSMU statute;
K) Appoints and dismisses persons selected as a result of the competition;
L) to encourage and appy disciplinary liability measures against scientists in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation; Sh. On the termination of the authority of the members of the Scientific Board.
M) In its competence, issuing individual administrative- Legal act - order;
N) Exercise and consider other rights envisaged by the legislation of Georgia
O) Awarding the status of a "honorary doctor" to the person donated the equipment and / or t other necessary values to the institution.
The grounds for early termination of director’s authority shall be as follows:
a) On the basis of personal statement;
b) In case of effectiveness of the judgment guilty of the court
c) In case of court`s recognition his disability or limited ability;
d) Death;
e) In other cases provided by law. (05.05.2016წ N23/3)
Article 8 1. Authority of the Financial Director
1. The financial, material and human resources of the Institute are managed by the Financial Director.
1.1 Financial Director:
A) together with the Director of the Institute shall design a structure and staff schedule; B) Appoints and dismisses auxiliary personnel envisaged by the Institute's staff schedule, providing employment agreements with them;
C) is authorized to assisting personnel in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation Use encouragement and disciplinary liability measures;
D) submit to the Scientific Board the Budget of the Institute and the Budget Execution report submitted to the TSMU Representative Council for further approval;
e) ensures the cfinancial contracts agreements with employees.
f) governs financial resources of the institution In accordance with the legislation, and the responsibility of the institution's cash and the proper expenditure of the funds;
g) Issues an individual administrative-legal act - order within its competence;
Presents the Intellectual Property Commercialization Plan of the Institute to the scientific counsil and ensures its implementation; encourages the authors as well;
4. The financial director’s authority could be terminated the in the following cases:
A) On the basis of a personal application;
B) if the Chairman of the Scientific Board does not fulfill the obligations imposed by the decision of the majority members of the Scientific Council,
C) upon the entry into force of the conviction sentenced by the Court;
D) Recognition as a recipient of a support by the court or as a restricted legal act
E) Release of the institute from scientific position;
F) at death.
(amended 28.11.2013 N23/7)
Article 9
1. The Institute as the research institute uses the real and movable property of the TSMU for implementation of scientific research and economic activity. It is obliged to provide maintenance of the property
2. Writing or alienation of the immovable and movable property in the use of the institute (lease, rent, sale, transfer to use) implements TSMU together with the institute in accordance with the legislation.
3. In accordance with Articles 18-1 and 21-1 of the Law of Georgia on "Science, Technology and their Development", the Institute shall instruct the TSMU to intellectual property.
Article 10 Institute Financing and Expenses
A) funds allocated from the budget, within the educational program; B) income received within scientific grants;
C) income received from the economic activities of the Institute; D) Other revenues allowed under the Georgian legislation.
2. The institute from its sub accounts and staff acouns carries out: the Utility costs and salaries of contract workers, including grants, as well as expenses incurred for the grant implementation, Expenses which are not subordinated to the procurement law from considering its amount and the disbursement of funds to the TSMU delegated rights.
3. In order to form and Appre the copmound Competition Budget, Institute Provides information for TSMU about revenue and expenses to discuss by the October 25th of the Year
4. The Institute is accountable to report the actual information about the actual revenues and expenses to the University periodically, in specific cases (quarterly).
Article 11. Institute Economic Activities
1. The Institute approves the costs and tariffs on the works and services in accordance with the TSMU market conjuncture.
2. For the purpose of infrastructure development, office inventory, economic activity and material for technical activities, purchising is carried out on the basis of the Law of Georgia on Procurement in accordance with the requirements presented by the TSU Institute.
3. In special cases the institut is authorized to carry out procurements according to the Georgian legislation with the consent of the University.
Article 12. Institute balance Compilation and Its checking.
Institute establishes accounting balance quarterly and submit it to TSMU
Article 13. Institute Reorganization
The reorganization of the institution is governed by the rule established by the Georgian legislation. Article 14. Regulations on Amendments and making Additional Changes
Changes and additions to the institution's provision shall be made under the legislation of Georgia and within the University Charter.