Approved by Resolution N23/2 of March 5, 2021
of the representative council of TSMU

Rule on Attestation of Tenured Professor and Chief Scientific Employee of the
LEPL -Tbilisi State Medical University and the operation of the Competition-Attestation Committee/Commission

Article 1. Scope of rule regulation
This rule/regulation delineates the principles and procedures for conducting the attestation of professors and chief scientific employees (hereafter referred to as the individuals slated for attestation) of the LEPL-Tbilisi State Medical University (hereafter referred to as the University), as well as the operations of the Competitive-Attestation Committee (hereafter referred to as the committee).
Article 2. General Provisions
1. Attestation, in alignment with the regulations stipulated by the legislation of Georgia, entails the assessment of the professional competencies, academic, and/or scientific accomplishments of the professor and the principal scientific personnel, in accordance with the requirements for their respective positions.
2. Every five years, individuals specified in Article 295, Clause 11 of the Statute endorsed by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia No. 124/N of September 3, 2013, on "the approval of the Statute of a Legal Entity of Public Law - Tbilisi State Medical University," are obligated to undergo attestation.

Article 3. Principles of Attestation The attestation process is grounded on the following principles:
a) Legality;
b) Justice;
c) Transparency;
d) Equality.

Article 4. Attestation performance cycle

1. The timing of attestation is determined by the academic council of the university, which releases a notification regarding the attestation at least one month prior to its commencement.
2. The statement of the Academic Council on conducting the attestation provided in the first paragraph of this article must be uploaded to the University official website and in places visible to everyone in the university in order to ensure its publicity and accessibility for interested persons.
3. The statement issued by the academic council as outlined in the first paragraph of this article encompasses:
a) The time and venue of the attestation;
b) The list of professors and principal scientific employees slated for attestation;
c) The enumeration of documents required for attestation and the deadline for their submission.

Article 5. Documentation Required for Attestation

1. The individual undergoing attestation must provide:
a) A written application for admission to attestation in the name of the rector;
b) Autobiographical data (CV) (printed and electronic forms);
c) Copy of a valid identity document;
d) 2 photographs sized 3x4, (printed and electronic forms);
e) Documentation aligning with the criteria outlined in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of this regulation.

Article 6. Competition-Attestation Committee

1. The attestation process is overseen by a Committee established prior to the attestation period, based on the recommendation of the rector and the decision of the academic council.
2. The objectives of the commission:
a) Conducting the attestation of university professors and chief scientific employees in accordance with this rule/regulation;
b) Assessing the qualifications, professional competence, and capabilities of the individuals slated for attestation and generating relevant documentation.
3. The commission adheres to the attestation criteria outlined in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of this regulation, as well as considers the outcomes of interviews (as prescribed by this regulation) when executing tasks and making decisions as detailed in paragraph 2 of this article.
4. The commission is comprised of the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, and members.
5. Chairman of the commission:
a) Chairs the sessions of the commission;
b) Allocates responsibilities among the commission members;
c) Ensures the execution of tasks outlined by this regulation.
6. If the chairman of the commission is unavailable, the deputy chairman of the commission assumes the duties.
7. The secretary of the commission is responsible for:
a) Organizing commission sessions/meetings;
b) Informing commission members and supplying them with necessary materials promptly;
c) Recording protocols of the commission sessions and adhering to directives from the chairman.
8. If the secretary of the commission is absent, responsibilities are assumed by an individual elected during the commission session.
9. Individuals slated for attestation are prohibited from being members of the commission.
10. The Competition-Attestation Commission can make decisions if more than half of its members, with a minimum of 3 members, are present at the session. A decision is considered adopted if it receives the support of more than half of the members present at the meeting. In case of a tie, the chairman of the session holds the decisive vote.
11. The commission decisions are documented in the form of a session protocol, signed by the chairman and the secretary of the commission.
12. Compensation for the work of commission members can be provided in accordance with the regulations established by the legislation of Georgia.

Article 7. Attestation Procedure

1. The preparation of pertinent documentation for attestation is conducted by the technical secretariat, established through an individual administrative-legal act of the rector.
2. During the attestation process:
a) The commission assesses the documentation reflecting the activities conducted by the individual slated for attestation during the attestation period, based on the criteria outlined in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of this regulation;
b) The commission is mandated to interview:
1) Academic staff (professors) slated for attestation on the matters pertaining to medical education methodology and other relevant attestation-related issues;
2) Scientific personnel whose activities is evaluated according to the Annex 2, assigning scores within the range of 30-49 (N23/5; 07.04.2021) c) Deleted (N23/5; 07.04.2021)
3. The results of a person slated for attestation are evaluated negatively, if the clinical activity of this person in clinical specialty, in accordance with Annex 1 of this rule, is evaluated as "insufficient", regardless of the sum of points determined according to other criteria.

Article 8. Evaluation of the person slated for attestation and decision-making

1. Based on the outcomes of the attestation, the commission draws one of the following conclusions:
a) The individual slated for attestation is deemed suitable for the position held;
b) For individuals slated for attestation, whose documentation reflecting their professional skills, academic, and/or scientific activity accumulated 50-69 points in accordance with Annex 1 of this regulation, and 30-49 points as per Annex 2, the commission may decide to extend their contract for a one-year period. Subsequently, a competition will be announced for the duration of the relevant educational program for the vacant position of professor and for a duration of 5 years for the position of chief scientific employee, in which these individuals can participate according to the procedures established by the current legislation and legal acts of the university.
c) Individuals slated for attestation are deemed unsuitable for the position held if the documentation reflecting their professional skills, academic, and/or scientific activity earned 0-49 points according to Annex 1 of this regulation, and 0-29 points as per Annex 2.
d) Clauses "b" and "c" of this article are not applicable to tenured professors of biomedical/natural science profile. The decision regarding the suitability of such individuals is made by the competition-attestation commission based on the interview pertaining to the academic position held.
2. The employment contract with individuals specified in subparagraph "c" of the first clause of this article shall be terminated.

Article 9. Documentation and acquaintance with Attestation Results

1. The commission is required to draft a protocol for the attestation of each individual slated for attestation in accordance with clause 11 of Article 6.
2. The attestation results must be recorded in the attestation card/sheet specified in Annex 3 of this regulation, which is signed by the chairman and the commission members.
3. The attestation results will be published on the official website of TSMU and be notified electronically to each person slated for attestation.
4. The Commission shall report the attestation results to the Academic Council.

Article 10. Contestation of attestation results

1. Complaints regarding the attestation results, submitted to the commission through the TSMU correspondence and records office within 3 working days from the publication of the attestation results, will be reviewed by the commission within two working days, and a response will be communicated to the applicant.
2. Upon completion of the complaint review process, the commission ceases its activities.
3. Any disputes arising from the attestation process or its outcomes are resolved in compliance with Georgia's legislation.

Annex 1
Criteria for attesting the Professor
Academic (teaching-methodical and research), clinical and other professional and social activities.

See Annex 1; 2; 3  in the attached PDF document