by the resolution # 24/2 (December 29, 2017)
of the Academic Council of
LEPL - Tbilisi State Medical University
Planning, elaborating, approving, developing,
modifying and annulling the educational program
Procedures for planning, elaborating, approving, developing, modifying, and annulling the educational program (educational programs are regulated by the Accreditation Provisions, approved by Order No. 65/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated May 4 "Regulations on Accreditation of Programs of Educational Institutions", the statute of Legal Entity of Public Law (LEPL) - Tbilisi State Medical University, was approved by Order N1243 of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated September 3, 2013. TSMU Bylaws, Resolution N24/3 of TSMU Academic Council dated March 23, 2012, about the procedure and criteria for 2012 on the procedures and criteria for assessment of educational programs and educational literature for studies by quality assurance service, based on TSMU Rector's Order No. 102/ and TSMU Rector's Order N and TSMU Faculties provisions.
Chapter I – General Requirements for Educational Program
educational program is a combination of training program components aimed at
generating field and general competencies for the graduate by the level of the
relevant level of higher education qualifications framework and the level of
characteristic features. The educational program is designed to meet the
university's mission and define the conditions for granting the academic
degree; The obtained competence is a necessary condition for working on a
further level of study and/or obtained qualifications;
The qualifications to be granted should be under the qualifications, specialties/specialties / specialized courses (in the case of master's educational programs) defined by the National Qualification Framework;
The TSMU provides all three levels of educational programs of higher education: Bachelor’s, one-step MD/Doctor of Dental Medicine programs, Master's and PhD programs.
One-step MD/Doctor of Dental Medicine programs envisages gaining the relevant
sectoral knowledge and development of skills necessary for employment in
accordance with the obtained qualification taking into account the restrictions
under the applicable law of Georgia as well as continuing education in
Master’s/Residency/PhD Programs.
Scope of One-step MD/Doctor of Dental Medicine programs (ECTS): includes no
less than 360/300 credits allocated between the program components. Student
workload per academic year comprises 60 credits on average. Depending on the
program specificity and/or student's load (plan), the number of credits per
academic year may be less than 60 or more, but not more than 75 credits. The
minimum term for teaching/learning under the program is 12/10 semesters;
The program learning outcomes must be determined by the qualification
descriptors and sectoral documents/benchmarks.
4. The prerequisite for awarding an MD/Doctor of Dental Medicine diploma is the accumulation of 360/300 credits following the conditions defined by the program;
Article 4
A bachelor’s program is the first step of a higher educational program that
envisages together with professional training in relatively deep study of
theoretical aspects of the study subjects that prepare the person to continue
studies in a Master’s Program and to work further with acquired qualifications
taking into consideration limitations determined by the legislation of Georgia.
Teaching methods are compatible with the modern methodological requirements of
higher education. The program is designed according to the European Credit -
Transfer System. The educational program envisages the study of the basic
principles of the subject necessary for employment with obtained
The capacity of the bachelor's educational program will consist of not less
than 240 credits, which will be distributed among all components of the
program. Student's load for one academic year - 60 credits. According to the
program specificity and/or student’s loading (plan) during the academic year,
the number of credits could be more or less 60 credits, but should not exceed
75 credits. The program's minimum study period is 8 semesters.
Bachelor level of higher education knowledge skills and values (learning
outcomes) is determined by descriptors of higher education qualifications and
sectoral benchmarks
5. Prerequisite for the bachelor's academic degree is 240 credits, according to the program prerequisites.
Article 5
1. The master’s program is the second level of higher education, which together with the study component includes elements of scientific research and aims to prepare person for the second level of higher education or future research work, and also prepares a person for doctoral studies for employment in the relevance gained qualifications (by the limitations of Georgian Law).
2. The master's program comprises not less than 120 credits which is distributed among all components. Master’s program student’s loading consists of 60 credits. According to the specificity of the program and Master’s program student’s loading during the academic year number of credits could be more or less 60 credits but should not exceed 75 credits. The program's minimum study period is 4 semesters.
3. The master’s program should include a Master's thesis prepared based on study components and independent research. It is also possible this program consists of a practical work component.
4. The second level of higher education targets the level of knowledge skills and attitudes (Learning outcomes of the programs) shall be determined by descriptors of higher education qualifications and sectoral benchmarks (if available).
Article 6.
1. The Doctoral Program is the third level of higher education. The aim of the doctoral program is preparing academic staff with scientific work and pedagogical skills which will be finalized with awarding the doctoral degree.
2. The Doctoral Program should include teaching and scientific research work which theoretical, experimental, and clinical results which should have relevance to the specialties of the healthcare system.
3. The Ph.D. program capacity is 180 credits, which is distributed among all components of the program. 75% of Ph.D. programs should include a research component (doctoral research) and 25% - a training component (training courses).
4. If the Doctoral research program envisages human involvement and/or research on human biological materials and/or data in the study. The program and attached documentation will be given to the ethics committee of the TSMU on Biomedical Research, which positive conclusion is necessary for approval of PhD research program. The regulations of the TSMU Ethics Committee on Biomedical The research defines the work of this Committee, including program presentations and evaluation deadlines.
5. If the Doctoral research program envisages experiments on animals, the program and additional documentation for evaluation together with the enclosed documentation should be passed to the TSMU Committee on ethical norms for Research on animals. Regulations of the mentioned committee define the work of the Committee.
6. Permission to study for a doctoral degree is given to a person with an academic degree of Master's or equal. The period of doctoral studies is 3 years and consists of 180 credits. In clinical disciplines period of studies may be extended by maintaining the same capacity of credits up to 4-5 years.
7. The prerequisite for granting doctoral degrees is 180 credits under the conditions defined by the program (including Ph.D. thesis defense).
Chapter II - Educational Program Development
Article 7.
In the decision-making process regarding the educational program elaboration,
implementation, development, and cancellation, the University envisages the
labor market requirements (the labor market and employer requirement analysis),
feedback between graduates and employers, students and graduates survey
results, students' academic
monitoring results (in terms of learning outcomes), the employment rate of
graduates, consultations with professional associations, local and
international best practices.
Educational programs developed at the University comply with the university's
mission, they enable students to acquire academic knowledge, as well as the
skills needed for personal and professional development and employment.
The program should be drawn up by the European Credit Transfer System have a
consequential structure under current legislation and be approved by the
authorized body;
Educational programs should be oriented toward the student and the learning
The educational program could be initiated by the faculty academic personnel.
The basis for initiating the educational program may become the labor market
and/or employer demand analysis, university research priorities, and
cooperation with foreign and local higher education institutions and research
Employers, students, administration, graduates, and professional organizations,
together with the academic personnel of the faculty, participate in the
development of educational programs. Based on their joint decision the ways of
achieving general and discipline-specific competencies should be found.
Guideline documents for program development include: educational program
standards relevant to the corresponding level of the University, the
Dissertation Board and Doctoral Study regulation, "Regulation on Authorization
of Educational Institutions", approved according to the Order No99/N,
issued by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, October 1, 2010;
"Regulation on Accreditation of Educational Institutions and Educational
Programs ", approved according to the Order No65/N, issued by the Minister
of Education and Science of Georgia, May 4, 2011; "National Qualifications
Framework", approved according to the Order No120/N, issued by the
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, December 10, 2010; the order N3,
from January 5, 2007, issued by the Minister of Education and Science of
Georgia, regarding the "Approval of the Rules for the Calculation of
Higher Education Programs by Credit hours"; Discipline-specific standards,
instructions, and provisions developed by the university management bodies.
All components of the program should be reflected in the program curriculum.
The learning outcomes of the Educational Program individual component (course /
module, etc.) should build up the common learning outcomes of the Educational
Program. Competences should be developed progressively: from simple to complex,
from general to specific.
In the process of elaborating and planning the Program the following should be
taken into consideration:
The ratio of the number of students to be admitted, and the number of academic
and visiting teachers should comply with the university regulations and should
meet the requirements of the components and the quality of various services
supported by The program for the students:
Suitable infrastructure, technical equipment, training resources, financial
support, etc.
Aimed for the development and effective implementation of Program components,
the educational program should have a Chief. The program, according to its
specificity, might also be coordinated by the Program Director or Program
The Educational Program Leader could be a Faculty Professor or Associate
Program manager (s) shall provide the development, modification, and
preparation of amendments to the program.
Program manager (s) is responsible for fulfillment of the following aspects of
the Program:
The Program should meet the requirements of the University and the requirements
of the accreditation; inform students about curriculum, training courses /
other components, etc. within the time limits.
Submit proposals on organizational issues related to the implementation of the
Program to the Dean within reasonable time limits.
Meet the requirements of the Program (its components) taking into consideration
issues related to the human resources, material-technical basis
infrastructure of the University;
Cooperation with employers, professional associations, and other stakeholders
in terms of development of the Program.
The Program Director shall provide planning, organizing, and controlling of
methodology training activities;
The Program Coordinator shall provide effective communication between the
Program Head (s) and the persons and structures involved in the Program.
18. The Program Director and Coordinator are accountable to the Program Manager (s).
Chapter III - Approval of Educational Program
Article 8.
The Faculty is responsible for amendments and coordinates the program,
elaborated by the faculty members and curriculum elaboration processes and
Educational program (project) will be transferred to the Quality Assurance
Office for the evaluation. In case of a positive assessment from the Quality
Assurance Service, the program will be delivered to the Curriculum Committee
for revision and for Doctoral –to the Scientific Work and Research Coordination
Service of Master and Doctorate stage.
After reviewing the session, the Faculty Council make/does not decide on the
presentation of the program for approval at the TSMU Academic Council.
The Faculty Board decides on the present educational program/changes to the
Academic Council for approval of the nomination, if:
The program is compatible with the University's Mission and Priorities,
envisages innovations in relevant field,
Ensures achieving goals and its results,
Provides postgraduate competitiveness in Georgia and international education
and labor market too,
e) There are material and human resources for implementing the program etc.
Chapter IV – The assessment and development of the educational Process
Article 9
Evaluation of educational and Training programs is carried out once a year by
Quality Assurance Service and the Curriculum Committee of the Faculty. the
internal and external evaluation forms are applied In the assessment process.
In both cases, the conflicts of interest are excluded. The elaborated changes
and criteria are public and are available on the TSMU website. Results and
assessments of various research conducted by Quality Assurance Service will be
submitted to the Faculty Board and Academic Council on the website.
The quality assurance service, academic staff, students, employers, curriculum
committees and other management bodies are involved in the evaluation process
of educational programs.
Quality Assurance Service applies the PDCA approach (Shewhart cycle): P - Plan,
D - Do,
- Check, A - Act. The PDCA process is continuous.
The monitoring of Self-assessment report is prepared annually to evaluate
educational programs. Quality Assurance Service determines the form and
criteria of program evaluation.
The monitoring of reports of scientific-pedagogical academic personnel is held
The survey of participants involved and concerned individuals in questionnaire
program is held annually.
With the purpose of internal evaluation of the educational program, the quality
insurance service elaborates:
Criteria for educational program evaluation for all educational stages;
Criteria for Syllabus Assessment and provides assessment by internal evaluator
and conclusions.
8. based on Internal assessment results of the Customer Care Service will work out the recommendations to develop the Academic Program.
Chapter V - Changes in Educational Program
After enabling an educational program, it is possible to amendments to the
study and teaching process. Changes can be made by any parties concerned.
The basis for the changes can be:
The findings identified by the internal program system evaluation mechanisms,
External evaluation of the program,
The student, graduate, or other concerned individual feedback data from the
questionnaire about the program satisfaction survey and others;
Recommendations given by the Accreditation / Authorization Experts about the
Developing and enhancing the program.
3. The changes to be implemented in the program will be reviewed by the program manager/staff involved in the program. In the case of Quality Assurance Service of faculty and the Faculty Council’s positive decision, Information about the changes will be informed the Quality Assurance Service of the University and all structural units related to the implementation of the amendment; In case the change refers to the learning outcomes of the program or the academic degree to be awarded, the Faculty Board decision will be sent to the Academic Board and Quality Assurance Service of the University for discussion. The final decision on the program amendments are made by the University Academic Council and sent to the Educational Quality Enhancement National Center.
VI - Cancellation of the Educational Program
Article 11.
The educational program can be revoked if:
Educational Program does not comply with the legislation and standards
applicable in the country;
There have not been any applicants to educational programs during consecutive
six academic years;
Implementation of the educational programs does not correspond to the
University mission;
There is an objective factor that makes impossible the implementation of the
educational program.
In other cases envisaged by the legislation.
Decision on the cancellation of the Educational Program, initiated by the
program manager and /or the dean, along with the consideration of Faculty
Quality Assurance Office conclusion is adopted on Faculty Council,
The decision made by the Faculty Council on the cancellation of the program is
submitted to the University Academic Board for discussion and the final
A decision on the cancellation of the Educational Program shall be sent to the
University Quality Assurance Office, Legal Service, and all relevant structural
units for the planning and implementation of further processes and procedures;
In case of University Initiative Program cancellation, the University gives
students the opportunity to complete the academic semester provides students
with timely information and, according to the student's choice, facilitates
their transfer to other related/similar University programs or other higher
education institutions (through mobility).
The university provides Educational Program information accessibility.
Educational Program Catalog is updated in compliance with the changes made in
the Program. It is available for all persons interested and is placed on the
University website.
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