Final Consolidated Version 
Approved by Resolution No. 24/5 of May 7, 2012 by the TSMU Academic Council,
Amended by Resolution No 24/1 of September 26, 2014,
Resolution No 24/4 of June 29, 2015,
Resolution No 24/4 of February 20, 2017,
Resolution No 24/5 of February 19, 2018,
Resolution No 24/7 of May 16, 2019,
Resolution No 24/12 of March 9, 2020,
Resolution No 24/16 of July 6, 2020,
Resolution No 24/21 of August 8, 2020,
Resolution No 24/2 of September 23, 2020,
Resolution No 24/17 of April 16, 2021,
Resolution No 24/11 of March 17, 2022 and 
Resolution No 24/15 of June 3, 2022 by the TSMU Academic Council

Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Medicine,
Tbilisi State Medical University

Article 1. General Provisions 
1. Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, regulate rules and terms for pursuing education programs and scientific-research for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Tbilisi State Medical University, hereinafter referred to as the University. 
2. Main goal of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is to recruit scientific and pedagogical staff by applying programs approved by the Academic Council and upon completion of which the Academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred. 
3.Supervision of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is carried out in accordance with these Regulations and the Law of Georgia on Higher Education.

Article 2. Requirements for the PhD Research Program (24/4; February 20, 2017)
1.PhD program shall include taught courses and scientific research whose theoretical, experimental and clinical findings are consequential to the development of medical science.
11.Submission of PhD research projects to the Quality Assurance Service of TSMU, their assessment and approval by the Academic Council shall take place during the academic year (08.08.2020).
2. removed. (July 6, 2020) 
3. Preliminary review of a PhD research program shall be held by decision of the Dean of the Faculty at the session of the department under whose aegis PhD research program was prepared. Every candidate on admission to the status of student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be placed under the supervision of a professor, associate professor or emeritus or principal scientist of a scientific-research unit of TSMU. Other supervisors, in case of joint supervision, may hold Academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
4. Following preliminary review, expert examination of the PhD research program shall be conducted I.e. assessment of the latter from the scientific and methodical points of view, evaluation of theoretical and practical worthiness of anticipated outcomes as well as compatibility of the taught courses with the subject of the program. (24/4; February 20, 2017) 
a) Two copies of the PhD research program together with conclusion on the preliminary review made by the department concerned shall be submitted to the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
b) Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty in the process of assessment of the PhD research program shall be guided by the established rule (see Regulations, Quality Assurance Service).(24/4 of February 2, 2017)
c) Within 10 days of the date of completion of expert examination, Quality Assurance Service shall put forward and submit recommendations to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs which, in its turn, shall present them to a supervisor.(24/4; February 20,2017)
d) Supervisor shall, based on recommendations, and, if he/she considers necessary, make corrections to and submit PhD research program or provide reasoned rejection for adoption of recommendations.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
e) Cost estimation for the PhD research program shall be done by TSMU Economic Department and approved by TSMU Council of Representatives.(24/5; February 19, 2018)
f) Programs for which scientific grants have been disbursed shall not be subject to financial examination.
5. In case of human subject research or research conducted on human biological material and/ or data, program together with appropriate documentation shall be submitted to TSMU Biomedical Research Ethics Committee for ethical review whose positive conclusion shall be mandatory for approval of the PhD research program. Biomedical Research Ethics Committee in its work including timelines regarding presentation and assessment of the program shall be guided by regulations of the committee.
6. In case of animal research, PhD research program together with appropriate documentation shall be submitted to TSMU Animal Research Committee whose positive conclusion shall be mandatory for approval of the PhD research program. Animal Research Committee in its work shall be guided by regulations of the committee.

 6.1. Select Consultative Commission
a. Head of TSMU Quality Assurance Service shall submit PhD research program and attached documents to the Select Consultative Commission headed by the Vice-rector for Research prior to discussion in the joint session of the Faculty Councils of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Select Consultative Commission shall be comprised of permanent and temporary members. Temporary members shall be selected in accordance with the subject of a PhD research program. Permanent members of the Select Consultative Commission shall be defined by the Rector’s administrative-legal act. 
b. Vice-rector for Research, Rector’s delegate, shall select temporary members of the Select Consultative Commission. (24/11; 17.03.2022)
7. Dean of the Faculty concerned shall present PhD research program prepared in accordance with provisions hereof together with materials of expert examination and ethical review to the Faculty Council. Following positive conclusion by the Faculty Council and consent of the Vice-Rectorfor Research, program shall be submitted to the Academic Council. PhD research program and a supervisor shall be approved by the Academic Council.(24/4; February 20, 2017; March 9,2020)
8. PhD research program approved by the Academic Council shall be published by the Printing Body of the University and posted to the website followed by announcement of admission contest.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
9. All changes to the approved PhD research program shall be made by decision of the Academic Council through motion brought by the Faculty Council and the Vice-Rector.

Article 3. Presentation of the PhD Research Program
PhD research program shall include:(24/4; February 20, 2017) 
1.Title of a PhD research program, relative field and specialty;(24/4; February 20,2017) 
2.Academic degree to be conferred upon a PhD student in the Georgian and English languages; 
3.Goals of the program, its relevance, scientific novelty and anticipated outcomes; 
4.Qualification, knowledge, level of competence and field of employment of a PhD student upon completion; 
5.Information on the structure of the PhD research program: number and distribution of credit units for taught courses;(24/4; February 20, 2017; July 6, 2020)
6.Material-technical description of the facilities required to undertake the program; 
7.Full list of supervisors, participants and their CVs; 
8. Agreements, contracts, memoranda etc. with research and other institutions engaged in planned PhD research program.(24/4; February 20, 2017; August 8, 2020)

Article 4. Admission to the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 

1.Admission to the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be announced twice per year in the beginning of the Autumn and Spring semesters. Medical Doctor shall be admitted to the status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (August 8, 2020)
2. Citizens of Georgia as well as other countries shall be eligible to apply to the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 
3. Admission shall be announced for a particular PhD research program approved by the Academic Council.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
4. Admission contest shall encompass: 
a)Assessment of the submitted documentation; 
b) Examination in the specialty (administered in written form) and foreign language (administered in written form and interview).(September 23, 2020)
41Admission examination in specialty as specified in a plan of PhD research program shall be administered in TSMU Examination Centre within the date defined by the individual administrative-legal act of the Rector.(August 8, 2020) 
42.In accordance with paragraph 4, subparagraph b of this article 
a) maximum assessment for examination shall be:
a.a) 100 scores for specialty;
a.b) 100 scores for foreign language (90 for written part and 10 for interview).
b) Examination assessment shall be positive provided an examination taker scores:
b.a) Minimum requirement of 60 scores in specialty;
b.b) Minimum requirement of 60 scores in foreign language.(September 23, 2020) 
43.In accordance with paragraph 4, subparagraph b of this article, applicant for the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be exempt from the foreign language examination and granted maximal score of 100 provided he/she submits, prior to the examination, a certificate of language ability compatible with CEFR:
a) TOEFL iBT – minimum requirement of 79 scores;
b) IELTS Academic - minimum requirement of 6.5 scores;
c) Cambridge English – minimum requirement of 176 scores (certificate must be issued within the 2 years prior to the date of submission to TSMU. Provided the score is not shown on the certificate, applicant shall submit a certificate of Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) issued within the 2 years prior to the date of submission to TSMU (September 23, 2020)
44.Candidate, who scores at least minimum requirement per examination as provided in paragraph 42, subparagraph b of this article and whose summated scores rank higher, shall become a PhD student. (September 23, 2020)
45. Provided candidates have similar summated scores, admission decision shall be based on an interview in specialty conducted by the board of examiners as provided in paragraph 5 of this article. (September 23, 2020)
5. Board of examiners shall be proposed by the Vice-Rector and approved by the TSMU Rector in agreement with the department concerned.
6. Applicants shall submit documents within 1 (one) month of the date of contest announcement.
7. Applicants shall submit documents listed in the appendix № 1 hereof. 
8. Candidate who has successfully passed his/her examination shall become a PhD student.

Article 5. Reading for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

1.Reading for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy comprises 6 (six)semesters. Supervisor shall be entitled to bring a reasoned motion for extension of research/learning process to the Faculty Council providing a PhD student fails to accomplish learning and research upon completion of six semesters from the date of admission to a PhD program. Reasoned motion shall include:(July 6, 2020)
a)Information on a PhD student having completed taught courses and earned due number of credits;
b)Copies of annual progress reports made while reading for a PhD program and signed in the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs;
c)Information on a PhD student having completed at least two third of research and PhD thesis.(March 9, 2020)
11.Number of semesters to be added, limited to maximum 4 semesters, shall be determined by the Faculty Council. Decision shall be submitted to the Rector who issues an individual administrative-legal act. (March 9, 2020)
2. During a single academic year each supervisor shall superintend up to 3 (three) PhD students.
3. Taught courses of a PhD program shall comprise 45 credits.(May 16, 2019, №24/7)
4.Research component shall encompass scientific work (thesis), published papers on main results of a thesis, participation in scientific forums and defense of a thesis.
41.Within three months from the date of admission to a PhD program, PhD student shall submit to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD programs an individual plan of pursuing research with detailed description of work distribution per semester approved by a supervisor. (August 8, 2020)
5. Removed (24/4; February 20, 2017)
6. The rule of pursuing research and its assessment shall be determined by a supervisor and drawn up in detail in a plan of a PhD research program (24/4; February 20, 2017)
7. In order to pursue research and/or learning, University shall be entitled to sign contract with Georgian or Foreign scientific-research and educational institutions.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
8. Faculty facilitates academic mobility of a PhD student to Georgian and foreign scientific-research and educational institutions, their participation in local and international conferences.
9. In case of reasoned report, PhD student shall be granted academic leave.
10. Academic freedom of learning and scientific research for PhD students shall be ensured by the faculty by legislation.
11. PhD student shall be accountable to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs and a supervisor of a PhD program.
11.1 PhD student shall, by the end of the first and second academic years, report orally to the session of the department(s) concerned. Minutes of the session shall be taken and submitted to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs. 
11.2. In accordance with this paragraph, subparagraph 11.1, session thereof shall be attended by a representative of the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs or a supervisor of a PhD program.
11.3. Report thereof shall include description of work accomplished in accordance with an individual PhD research plan.
11.4. Report thereof shall be assessed in accordance with advances made in taught courses and research of a PhD program.
11.5.Report thereof shall be assessed as good, satisfactory requiring improvements in accordance with recommendations put forward and unsatisfactory obliging a PhD student to make a new report within 3 to 6 months.(August 8, 2020)
12. Upon completion of a PhD Program, PhD student shall present his/ her scientific work (thesis).(24/4; February 20, 2017)
13. Thesis shall include results of research conducted by a PhD student and scientific novelty.
14. Citizen of Georgia shall present a thesis in the Georgian language and a short foreign language version of it.
15. Citizen of a foreign country shall present a thesis in the English language and a short Georgian language version of it.
16. Following completion of a PhD research program, earning appropriate number of credits and passing examination, preliminary review of a thesis shall be held at the department under whose aegis the thesis was accomplished. Date and place shall be communicated to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs. Minutes of the preliminary review shall include assessment of the relevance, scientific, theoretical, practical worthiness of a scientific work, its structure and language fluency, as well as conclusion on the ingenuity of the main findings. Following approval of the thesis the latter shall be presented to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD programs for expert analysis, which, in its turn, shall submit the thesis to the Thesis Committee concerned.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
161.By the time of submission of completed PhD research findings for preliminary review, PhD student shall have published at least four scientific papers.
a) The main results of the thesis should be published in Georgia and abroad in peer-reviewed and refereed scientific journals of the field, collections of scientific works with an international-scale distribution. The minimum number of works requested is four.
For PhD students enrolled before 05.10.2020, the requested scientific publications must appear in the international database(s), while for students enrolled after 05.10.2020, - one scientific article should be published in at least 0.5 impact factor scientific journal indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus and three articles should appear in the international recognized database(s) (June 3.2022; N24/15).
b) PhD student shall be the first or second author for a publication and list TSMU as their affiliation. Authorship/ co-authorship of a book or monograph edited by a foreign publisher shall pass as an internationally rated publication provided the one corresponds with PhD research findings. The book must be cited in scientific databases of Web of Science or Scopus. Towards this end, TSMU Quality Assurance Service shall select an expert or a board of experts in the relevant field.(August 8, 2020)
Remark: (removed) (March 9, 2020) 

Article 51.  Suspension and Deprivation of the Status of PhD Student (March 9, 2020) 

1. Bases for suspension and deprivation of the status of PhD student are laid down in the TSMU Statute.
2. Save for the provisions laid down in the TSMU Statute, article 33, paragraph 10, following shall be used to deprive PhD student of the status:
a)Plagiarism and data falsification;
b) failure to accomplish learning and research within due timelines.

Article 6. Final Provisions 
Amendments and additions to the Regulations shall be made by decision of the Academic Council of the University based on proposal of the Faculty Council in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, Law of Georgia on Medical Practice and Statute of the University.

Appendix 1 

List of Documents Required to Apply for the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy:

1. Application form; 
2. Statement of support from his/her last job or institution of higher education; 
3. Copy of a document/diploma of a higher education or qualification; 
4. List of scientific works with primary sources and xerocopies (if any); 
5. Copy of an ID card;
6. CV or employment verification letter with a photograph and a seal. 
7. Photograph (3*4) e-version.

Tbilisi State Medical University

Article 1. General Provisions 
1. Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations, regulate rules and terms for pursuing education programs and scientific-research for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Tbilisi State Medical University, hereinafter referred to as the University. 
2. Main goal of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is to recruit scientific and pedagogical staff by applying programs approved by the Academic Council and upon completion of which the Academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred. 
3.Supervision of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is carried out in accordance with these Regulations and the Law of Georgia on Higher Education.

Article 2. Requirements for the PhD Research Program (24/4; February 20, 2017)
1.PhD program shall include taught courses and scientific research whose theoretical, experimental and clinical findings are consequential to the development of medical science.
11.Submission of PhD research projects to the Quality Assurance Service of TSMU, their assessment and approval by the Academic Council shall take place during the academic year (08.08.2020).
2. removed. (July 6, 2020) 
3. Preliminary review of a PhD research program shall be held by decision of the Dean of the Faculty at the session of the department under whose aegis PhD research program was prepared. Every candidate on admission to the status of student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be placed under the supervision of a professor, associate professor or emeritus or principal scientist of a scientific-research unit of TSMU. Other supervisors, in case of joint supervision, may hold Academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
4. Following preliminary review, expert examination of the PhD research program shall be conducted I.e. assessment of the latter from the scientific and methodical points of view, evaluation of theoretical and practical worthiness of anticipated outcomes as well as compatibility of the taught courses with the subject of the program. (24/4; February 20, 2017) 
a) Two copies of the PhD research program together with conclusion on the preliminary review made by the department concerned shall be submitted to the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
b) Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty in the process of assessment of the PhD research program shall be guided by the established rule (see Regulations, Quality Assurance Service).(24/4 of February 2, 2017)
c) Within 10 days of the date of completion of expert examination, Quality Assurance Service shall put forward and submit recommendations to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs which, in its turn, shall present them to a supervisor.(24/4; February 20,2017)
d) Supervisor shall, based on recommendations, and, if he/she considers necessary, make corrections to and submit PhD research program or provide reasoned rejection for adoption of recommendations.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
e) Cost estimation for the PhD research program shall be done by TSMU Economic Department and approved by TSMU Council of Representatives.(24/5; February 19, 2018)
f) Programs for which scientific grants have been disbursed shall not be subject to financial examination.
5. In case of human subject research or research conducted on human biological material and/ or data, program together with appropriate documentation shall be submitted to TSMU Biomedical Research Ethics Committee for ethical review whose positive conclusion shall be mandatory for approval of the PhD research program. Biomedical Research Ethics Committee in its work including timelines regarding presentation and assessment of the program shall be guided by regulations of the committee.
6. In case of animal research, PhD research program together with appropriate documentation shall be submitted to TSMU Animal Research Committee whose positive conclusion shall be mandatory for approval of the PhD research program. Animal Research Committee in its work shall be guided by regulations of the committee.

Article 61. Select Consultative Commission
a. Head of TSMU Quality Assurance Service shall submit PhD research program and attached documents to the Select Consultative Commission headed by the Vice-rector for Research prior to discussion in the joint session of the Faculty Councils of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Select Consultative Commission shall be comprised of permanent and temporary members. Temporary members shall be selected in accordance with the subject of a PhD research program. Permanent members of the Select Consultative Commission shall be defined by the Rector’s administrative-legal act. 
b. Vice-rector for Research, Rector’s delegate, shall select temporary members of the Select Consultative Commission. (24/11; 17.03.2022)
7. Dean of the Faculty concerned shall present PhD research program prepared in accordance with provisions hereof together with materials of expert examination and ethical review to the Faculty Council. Following positive conclusion by the Faculty Council and consent of the Vice-Rectorfor Research, program shall be submitted to the Academic Council. PhD research program and a supervisor shall be approved by the Academic Council.(24/4; February 20, 2017; March 9,2020)
8. PhD research program approved by the Academic Council shall be published by the Printing Body of the University and posted to the website followed by announcement of admission contest.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
9. All changes to the approved PhD research program shall be made by decision of the Academic Council through motion brought by the Faculty Council and the Vice-Rector.

Article 3. Presentation of the PhD Research Program
PhD research program shall include:(24/4; February 20, 2017) 
1.Title of a PhD research program, relative field and specialty;(24/4; February 20,2017) 
2.Academic degree to be conferred upon a PhD student in the Georgian and English languages; 
3.Goals of the program, its relevance, scientific novelty and anticipated outcomes; 
4.Qualification, knowledge, level of competence and field of employment of a PhD student upon completion; 
5.Information on the structure of the PhD research program: number and distribution of credit units for taught courses;(24/4; February 20, 2017; July 6, 2020)
6.Material-technical description of the facilities required to undertake the program; 
7.Full list of supervisors, participants and their CVs; 
8. Agreements, contracts, memoranda etc. with research and other institutions engaged in planned PhD research program.(24/4; February 20, 2017; August 8, 2020)

Article 4. Admission to the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 

1.Admission to the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be announced twice per year in the beginning of the Autumn and Spring semesters. Medical Doctor shall be admitted to the status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (August 8, 2020)
2. Citizens of Georgia as well as other countries shall be eligible to apply to the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 
3. Admission shall be announced for a particular PhD research program approved by the Academic Council.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
4. Admission contest shall encompass: 
a)Assessment of the submitted documentation; 
b) Examination in the specialty (administered in written form) and foreign language (administered in written form and interview).(September 23, 2020)
41Admission examination in specialty as specified in a plan of PhD research program shall be administered in TSMU Examination Centre within the date defined by the individual administrative-legal act of the Rector.(August 8, 2020) 
42.In accordance with paragraph 4, subparagraph b of this article 
a) maximum assessment for examination shall be:
a.a) 100 scores for specialty;
a.b) 100 scores for foreign language (90 for written part and 10 for interview).
b) Examination assessment shall be positive provided an examination taker scores:
b.a) Minimum requirement of 60 scores in specialty;
b.b) Minimum requirement of 60 scores in foreign language.(September 23, 2020) 
43.In accordance with paragraph 4, subparagraph b of this article, applicant for the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be exempt from the foreign language examination and granted maximal score of 100 provided he/she submits, prior to the examination, a certificate of language ability compatible with CEFR:
a) TOEFL iBT – minimum requirement of 79 scores;
b) IELTS Academic - minimum requirement of 6.5 scores;
c) Cambridge English – minimum requirement of 176 scores (certificate must be issued within the 2 years prior to the date of submission to TSMU. Provided the score is not shown on the certificate, applicant shall submit a certificate of Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) issued within the 2 years prior to the date of submission to TSMU (September 23, 2020)
44.Candidate, who scores at least minimum requirement per examination as provided in paragraph 42, subparagraph b of this article and whose summated scores rank higher, shall become a PhD student. (September 23, 2020)
45. Provided candidates have similar summated scores, admission decision shall be based on an interview in specialty conducted by the board of examiners as provided in paragraph 5 of this article. (September 23, 2020)
5. Board of examiners shall be proposed by the Vice-Rector and approved by the TSMU Rector in agreement with the department concerned.
6. Applicants shall submit documents within 1 (one) month of the date of contest announcement.
7. Applicants shall submit documents listed in the appendix № 1 hereof. 
8. Candidate who has successfully passed his/her examination shall become a PhD student.

Article 5. Reading for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

1.Reading for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy comprises 6 (six)semesters. Supervisor shall be entitled to bring a reasoned motion for extension of research/learning process to the Faculty Council providing a PhD student fails to accomplish learning and research upon completion of six semesters from the date of admission to a PhD program. Reasoned motion shall include:(July 6, 2020)
a)Information on a PhD student having completed taught courses and earned due number of credits;
b)Copies of annual progress reports made while reading for a PhD program and signed in the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs;
c)Information on a PhD student having completed at least two third of research and PhD thesis.(March 9, 2020)
11.Number of semesters to be added, limited to maximum 4 semesters, shall be determined by the Faculty Council. Decision shall be submitted to the Rector who issues an individual administrative-legal act. (March 9, 2020)
2. During a single academic year each supervisor shall superintend up to 3 (three) PhD students.
3. Taught courses of a PhD program shall comprise 45 credits.(May 16, 2019, №24/7)
4.Research component shall encompass scientific work (thesis), published papers on main results of a thesis, participation in scientific forums and defense of a thesis.
41.Within three months from the date of admission to a PhD program, PhD student shall submit to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD programs an individual plan of pursuing research with detailed description of work distribution per semester approved by a supervisor. (August 8, 2020)
5. Removed (24/4; February 20, 2017)
6. The rule of pursuing research and its assessment shall be determined by a supervisor and drawn up in detail in a plan of a PhD research program (24/4; February 20, 2017)
7. In order to pursue research and/or learning, University shall be entitled to sign contract with Georgian or Foreign scientific-research and educational institutions.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
8. Faculty facilitates academic mobility of a PhD student to Georgian and foreign scientific-research and educational institutions, their participation in local and international conferences.
9. In case of reasoned report, PhD student shall be granted academic leave.
10. Academic freedom of learning and scientific research for PhD students shall be ensured by the faculty by legislation.
11. PhD student shall be accountable to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs and a supervisor of a PhD program.
11.1 PhD student shall, by the end of the first and second academic years, report orally to the session of the department(s) concerned. Minutes of the session shall be taken and submitted to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs. 
11.2. In accordance with this paragraph, subparagraph 11.1, session thereof shall be attended by a representative of the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs or a supervisor of a PhD program.
11.3. Report thereof shall include description of work accomplished in accordance with an individual PhD research plan.
11.4. Report thereof shall be assessed in accordance with advances made in taught courses and research of a PhD program.
11.5.Report thereof shall be assessed as good, satisfactory requiring improvements in accordance with recommendations put forward and unsatisfactory obliging a PhD student to make a new report within 3 to 6 months.(August 8, 2020)
12. Upon completion of a PhD Program, PhD student shall present his/ her scientific work (thesis).(24/4; February 20, 2017)
13. Thesis shall include results of research conducted by a PhD student and scientific novelty.
14. Citizen of Georgia shall present a thesis in the Georgian language and a short foreign language version of it.
15. Citizen of a foreign country shall present a thesis in the English language and a short Georgian language version of it.
16. Following completion of a PhD research program, earning appropriate number of credits and passing examination, preliminary review of a thesis shall be held at the department under whose aegis the thesis was accomplished. Date and place shall be communicated to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD Programs. Minutes of the preliminary review shall include assessment of the relevance, scientific, theoretical, practical worthiness of a scientific work, its structure and language fluency, as well as conclusion on the ingenuity of the main findings. Following approval of the thesis the latter shall be presented to the Department of Research Coordination, Master and PhD programs for expert analysis, which, in its turn, shall submit the thesis to the Thesis Committee concerned.(24/4; February 20, 2017)
161.By the time of submission of completed PhD research findings for preliminary review, PhD student shall have published at least four scientific papers.
a) The main results of the thesis should be published in Georgia and abroad in peer-reviewed and refereed scientific journals of the field, collections of scientific works with an international-scale distribution. The minimum number of works requested is four.
For PhD students enrolled before 05.10.2020, the requested scientific publications must appear in the international database(s), while for students enrolled after 05.10.2020, - one scientific article should be published in at least 0.5 impact factor scientific journal indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus and three articles should appear in the international recognized database(s) (June 3.2022; N24/15).
b) PhD student shall be the first or second author for a publication and list TSMU as their affiliation. Authorship/ co-authorship of a book or monograph edited by a foreign publisher shall pass as an internationally rated publication provided the one corresponds with PhD research findings. The book must be cited in scientific databases of Web of Science or Scopus. Towards this end, TSMU Quality Assurance Service shall select an expert or a board of experts in the relevant field.(August 8, 2020)
Remark: (removed) (March 9, 2020) 

Article 51.  Suspension and Deprivation of the Status of PhD Student (March 9, 2020) 

1. Bases for suspension and deprivation of the status of PhD student are laid down in the TSMU Statute.
2. Save for the provisions laid down in the TSMU Statute, article 33, paragraph 10, following shall be used to deprive PhD student of the status:
a)Plagiarism and data falsification;
b) failure to accomplish learning and research within due timelines.

Article 6. Final Provisions 
Amendments and additions to the Regulations shall be made by decision of the Academic Council of the University based on proposal of the Faculty Council in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, Law of Georgia on Medical Practice and Statute of the University.

Appendix 1 

List of Documents Required to Apply for the Status of Student for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy:

1. Application form; 
2. Statement of support from his/her last job or institution of higher education; 
3. Copy of a document/diploma of a higher education or qualification; 
4. List of scientific works with primary sources and xerocopies (if any); 
5. Copy of an ID card;
6. CV or employment verification letter with a photograph and a seal. 
7. Photograph (3*4) e-version.