Approved by Resolution #23/5
of TSMU Council of Representatives of 8 June 2012
Regulation of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University
Article 1. General provisions
1. The Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as “The Faculty") of the LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University (hereinafter referred to as “The University") is the major educational, academic and scientific administrative structural unit of the University which provides for teaching the students with approved and accredited academic higher education programs and granting them relevant academic degree. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
2. The Faculty shall be obliged to provide students with the best conditions for study and research; ensure access to future-oriented education in accordance with up-to-date standards in the relevant field of science; continuously apply efforts to improve educational programs and learning conditions; upon successful completion of educational programs, award the alumni with appropriate academic degree and issue a document conforming conferral of relevant degree. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
3. The activities of the Faculty shall be carried out on the basis of applicable legislation, University Statute, University Internal Regulations, Rector’s and Chancellor’s orders and this Regulation approved by the University Council of Representatives on the basis of a favorable opinion of the Academic Council upon the recommendation of the Faculty Board (07.03.2018
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4. The Faculty has the logo, round seal with logo and full name in Georgian and English languages, stamp and title page.
Article 2. Faculty goals and activities
1. The goals of the Faculty in the relevant fields:
a) Ensure training of highly qualified specialists with up-to-date competences and competitiveness in the educational and labor markets;
b) Considering public demands, ensure adherence to up-to-date standards and high quality education. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
2. The main directions of Faculty activities:
a) Train highly qualified specialists and promote their further professional growth;
b) Plan, establish, continuously upgrade and develop undergraduate and postgraduate (Master’s and Doctoral) programs as well as participate in their implementation.
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d) Establish and evolve programs of continuous professional development; (12.02.2024 №23/3)
e) Establish, implement and develop programs and curricula relevant to the content, orientation and structure of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System,
f) Coordinate training, academic research and practical activities of the departments;
g) Establish and implement joint scientific research projects, including in conjunction with international training and research centers;
h) Elaborate and develop textbooks and methodological recommendations;
i) Facilitate retraining and qualification upgrade of academic staff;
j) Facilitate practical activities of academic staff. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
3. In accordance with applicable legislation and this Regulation, the Faculty shall:
a) Elaborate main directions of educational and scientific research activities; establish relevant educational programs and plans;
b) At the beginning of academic year, determine coefficients for Common National Entrance Exam;
c) Elect representatives of administrative bodies in accordance with the procedure established by the University Internal Regulations;
d) Establish the Education Quality Assurance Service;
e) Within its competence and in accordance with Georgian legislation and University Statute, determine the issues related with financial and logistical support of Faculty’s educational and scientific research activities. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
f) Participate in elaboration of basic strategy for the University’s educational and scientific policy.
Article 3. Faculty structure and administrative bodies
The faculty consists of academic research, administrative and supporting structural units.
1. The administrative bodies (management entities) of the Faculty:
a) Faculty Board;
b) Faculty Dean;
c) Faculty Quality assurance Service.
2. Faculty structure:
a) Departments;
b) Dissertation Board;
c) Curriculum committee;
d) Dean's Office;
e) Other supporting structural units. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
3. The Faculty may include educational department(s) which carry out Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral education programs of academic higher education; as well as center(s) and/or other supporting structuralunit(s), rules of procedure of which are regulated by the relevant Regulation approved by the Board of Representatives upon the recommendation of the Faculty. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
4. Within their competence, the structural unit(s) of the Faculty shall execute the decisions made by the Faculty board and the Dean’s Office, elaborate proposals for development of relevant departments and submit them to the Faculty Board for approval. (07.03.2018
Article 4. Faculty Board
1. The Faculty Board is a representative body of the Faculty, comprising of the full academic staff of the Faculty and student self-government representatives.
The number of representatives to be elected from the student self-government to the Faculty Council shall amount to 1/4 of the Faculty Council members.
2. The Faculty Board shall exercise the powers vested in it by the Georgian legislation and Statute of the University.
3. The Faculty Board shall conduct its activities in accordance with the Regulation of the Board. The Faculty Dean shall coordinate Faculty Board activities and be responsible for implementation of decisions made.
4. Faculty Board shall:
a) Elect the Faculty Dean on the basis of free and equal suffrage by secret ballot, by a majority of number of its members;
b) Upon submission of the Dean, elaborate Faculty structure and Regulation and submit them to the Representative Board for approval;
c) Develop the Dissertation Board Regulation and submit it to the Academic council for approval;
d) Elect the Head of Faculty Quality Assurance Service;
e) Exercise other powers conferred by the law and the University Statute. Article 5. Faculty Dean
1. The Faculty Dean shall be elected for a term of 4 years by the Faculty Board in accordance with the procedure established by the TSMU Internal Regulations.
2. The same person may be elected to the position of Dean only twice in a row.
3. The Dean shall be elected in accordance with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition.
4. Elections of the Faculty Dean shall be provided by the University Election Commission.
5. Candidates for the position of Dean shall be registered in accordance with the procedure established by the University Internal Regulations.
6. The Faculty Dean shall:
a) Ensure effective academic and scientific activities at the Faculty;
b) Submit to the Faculty Board the Faculty Development Strategic Plan as well as academic and research programs;
c) Elaborate and submit to the Faculty Board for approval the Faculty structure and Regulation;
d) Within his/her competence, be responsible for implementation of decisions of the University’s Academic Council, Representative Board and Faculty Board;
e) Chair the Faculty Board sessions;
f) Exercise other powers conferred by the current legislation of Georgia and the University Statute.
7. The terms and procedures for early termination of the Dean's authority shall be determined by the University Internal Regulations. In case of early termination of Dean's authority, the position of Dean shall be exercised for the remainder of the Dean's term of office.
8. In case of temporary non-exercise of powers by the Dean, his/her duties shall be performed by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty. The direct authority of the Deputy Faculty Dean includes guidance on academic as well as methodological and scientific activities.
Article 6. Faculty Dean's office
1. The Dean’s office is an advisory body for the Faculty Dean. The Faculty Dean’s office shall be responsible for planning, organizing and controlling the academic, scientific and methodological activities of the Faculty. Ex officio, the Faculty Dean’s office shall comprise of: the Dean, the Deputy Dean(s), Head of Faculty Quality Assurance Service, Coordinator of Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor Programs and secretaries. The Dean’s office shall enforce the decisions made by the Faculty Board.
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2. The functions of the Dean’s office:
a) Elaborate documentation related to study schedule planning and teaching process;
b) Register and control all types of educational processes at the Faculty;
c) Organize academic process at the educational programs of the Faculty;
d) Develop measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of student learning;
e) Provide planning and organize methodological activities;
f) Jointly with the University Quality Assurance Service, ensure control of academic and learning processes quality at the Faculty;
g) Perform supporting technical, legal and organizational activities designed to support the activities of the Faculty’s administrative bodies.
h) Elaborate prospects for Faculty development and further improvement of material and technical basis.
3. The Deputy Faculty Dean is appointed by the Rector on the basis of the Faculty Dean’s nomination.
4. The functions of Deputy Faculty Dean: introduce the students to curricula and assist them with relevant orientation and individual curriculum development, explain program relationships; monitor the progress of students’ academic process and periodically control personal files of the students; control elaboration of study schedules; introduce the students to instructions, orders and directives; inform the students and the Faculty members about ongoing educational and scientific processes and organize relevant activities; participate in review of incoming documentation. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
5. The functions of the Coordinator of Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor Programs are: interact with relevant departments of the University on all matters related to implementation of academic Bachelor of Nursing/Midwifery educational programs, participate in administration of programs, monitor compliance with relevant instructions, directives and orders; prepare issues related to the nursing programs for review by the Faculty Board; introduce nursing students to educational programs, communicate with them during their studies; monitor progress of academic studies and exams, elaborate individual curricula and monitor performance; introduce instructions, orders and directives; implement measures designed for improvement of educational process in collaboration with University departments and Quality Assurance Service.
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6. The functions of the Secretary of the Dean’s Office: provide for primary and semestral registration of students; document the agreements with students; keep the students personal files; provide schedules, student lists, transcripts and other information to educational departments and relevant structures; maintain the students unified electronic database and systematically update it; within his/her competence elaborate, process and issue different purpose references and information; provide statistical processing of academic data; control students academic backlogs and financial debt; verify the final semester students database, produce diploma supplements; place students personal files in the archive. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
Article 7. Dissertation Board
1. The procedure for formation of the Dissertation Board, its Chairperson’s election and activities shall be determined in accordance with the Regulation approved by the University Academic Council upon the recommendation of the Faculty Board.
2. The Dissertation Board shall be the body established by the Faculty and awarding the Doctoral degree.
3. The Dissertation Board shall comprise of all the professors and associate professors of the Faculty possessing the Doctoral degree.
4. The Dissertation Board shall act in accordance with the Regulation approved by the Academic Council upon submission by the Faculty Board and award the Doctoral degree in the fields of science specified in the Regulation.
5. The Faculty Council is authorized, in the event that there is only one issue to be discussed and it is necessary to convene an extraordinary session, to make a decision in the form of electronic communication. The decision will be considered adopted if it is supported by the majority of the list of members of the Faculty Council. The Dean of the Faculty makes the decision to discuss the issue in electronic form - approved by the Representative Council. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
Article 8. Quality assurance Service of the Faculty
1. For the purpose of systematic internal evaluation of the Faculty’s educational and scientific research activities and quality of academic staff’s professional development as well as for continuous development of the education quality assurance system, the Faculty Quality Assurance Service shall be established, acting in accordance with this Regulation and University Quality Assurance Service Regulation. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
2. The Faculty Quality Assurance Service may cooperate with foreign countries, otherhigher education institutions and all university departments to develop transparent quality control criteria and methodology for their assurance. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
3. The main objectives of the Faculty Quality Assurance Service: promote high quality education through use of modern learning, teaching and assessment methods, introduce to the staff involved in the Faculty programs the Georgian, University and international normative and/or reference documents regulating academic and concurrent processes and support their implementation; in addition, implement relevant requirements and procedures within its competence. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
4. The Head of Faculty Quality Assurance Service shall be elected by the Faculty Board upon the recommendation of the Head of the University Quality Assurance Service, for the term of the basic educational stage.
5. The Head of Faculty Quality Assurance Service shall be a professor, and associate professor or assistant professor possessing an academic degree in the relevant field. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
6. The Faculty Quality Assurance Service shall be accountable to the Faculty Board for its activities. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
Article 8′. Curriculum Committee of the Faculty
1. The Curriculum Committee(s) are the Standing Working Body(s) of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation designed for evaluation/discussion of issues related to elaboration and development of academic education programs at the Faculty.
The Curriculum Committees of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as well as Nursing Education Programs shall operate in view of the sectorial differences of educational programs of the Faculty.
2. The Committee shall consider expert assessments submitted by the Quality Assurance Service in accordance with the relevant rules, procedures and established criteria concerning educational programs and curricula, educational literature, syllabuses etc. and make relevant recommendations for submission to the Faculty Board and further - to the University Academic Council.
The Curriculum Committee functions are:
a) Review educational programs elaborated by the Faculty and make appropriate recommendations;
b) Review compulsory and elective courses at the Faculty - syllabuses and produce relevant recommendations for the Faculty Board;
c) Review textbooks and develop recommendations for Faculty Board and Academic Council concerning their use for Faculty’s educational programs.
d) Develop recommendations on issues related to academic and research processes presented by the Faculty Dean or Faculty academic and clinical structural units.
3. The Committee may set up ad hoc subcommittees and/or working groups to study a specific task and produce relevant recommendations. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
Article 8². Faculty departments
1. Department is a structural academic and research unit of the Faculty which carries out educational, methodical, scientific and practical activities (clinical, laboratory, etc.) and provides training for Faculty students (including postgraduate and Doctoral students).
2. The main functions of the Training Department: develop syllabuses for the educational disciplines, carry out educational process, elaborate methodical recommendations and textbooks, develop and implement scientific projects, plan and implement practical (clinical, laboratory, etc.) activities.
3. Academic Department of the Faculty shall be headed by a professor or associate professor appointed via Rector’s individual legal act (if the department does not havea professor). If two or more professors are elected at the Department, they shall be appointed on a rotational basis for a proportionate period. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
4. The Head of Academic Department shall be primarily responsible forensuring smooth and highly qualified administration of academic process according to the approved curriculum. The Head of Department shall provide for proper performance of other duties prescribed by law and be accountable to the Rector, the Faculty Board and the Dean of the Faculty.
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5. Educational directions, departments and other structural units of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:
a) Department of Physics, Biophysics, Biomechanics and Information Technology
b) Department of Physiology
c) Department of Medical Biology and Parasitology
d) Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
e) Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics
f) Department of General Therapy
g) Laboratory Department
h) Department of Physical Medicine
i) Department Physical Rehabilitation Policy and Strategic Management
j) Clinical Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
k) Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor’s Programs
l) Early Childhood Development Academy (12.02.2024 №23/3)
Article 9. Academic and other staff of the Faculty
1. The academic staff of the Faculty shall consist of a professor, an associate professor and the assistant professors.
2. The marginal amount of professor’s pedagogic load shall be determined by the Academic Board and approved by the Representative Board.
3. An academic position may only be occupied through open competition, which shall be consistent with the principles of transparency, equality and fair competition.
4. Conditions and criteria for the selection of academic staff by competition shall be determined by the law and the University Statute.
5. The Rector shall conclude individual employment contracts with the winning academic staff, taking into account the requirements of Higher Education and Labor Laws.
6. Authority of the academic staff shall automatically last until the authority of the newly elected academic staff is recognized in accordance with the established procedure.
7. In accordance with their competence, the academic staff may:
a) Participate in management of the University, including administrative bodies;
b) Teach and conduct research independently within the approved program, publish scientific papers;
c) Within the scope of the educational program, independently determine the content of educational course programs (syllabuses), teaching methods and means;
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d) Exercise other powers conferred on them by law.
8. The academic staff shall:
a) Adhere to the Code of Ethics and the norms of disciplinary liability;
b) Fulfill the obligations imposed under the employment contract;
c) Upon qualification upgrade, submit a report on completed activities.
d) Comply with the requirements determined by the University Statute, this Regulation and the legislation;
8′. A professor is a Doctoral degree holder with at least 6 years of educational research experience who directs and manages the academic process as well as scientific researchactivities of associate professors, assistant professors and students in his/her department.
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8². An associate professor is a Doctoral degree holder who participates in academic process of the department/direction and leads the research activities of the assistant professors and students. (07.03.2018 №23 / 3)
8³. An assistant professor is a Doctoral degree holder who directs laboratory, seminar and/or practical studies. (07.03.2018 №23 / 3)
9. The following shall be grounds for dismissal of academic staff:
a) Personal application;
b) Expiration of a fixed-term employment contract;
c) Gross or systematic violation of the Code of Ethics and norms of disciplinary liability;
d) Violation of employment contract terms;
e) Retirement or award of the title of Emeritus;
f) Other cases provided for by law.
10. Administrative positions of the Faculty shall include: the Dean, the Deputy Dean (s) and the Head of Faculty Quality Assurance Service. A person over the age of 65 may not be elected or appointed to the administrative positions at the Faculty.
11. Besides the academic staff, the pedagogic staff of the Faculty shall include invited specialist, senior teachers and teachers who carry out practical and laboratory seminar activities without holding an academic position. The number of the Faculty pedagogic staff shall be determined on the basis of the amount of academic, scientific and methodological activities. The amount of workload of Faculty teachers shall be determined by the University administration considering their qualifications, workload and specificity as well as scope of their scientific and methodological activities. Persons carrying out the administrative functions may have a pedagogical load according to their profession and qualifications. 07.03.2018 №23/3)
12. The Faculty support staff shall include other personnel required for the Faculty activities and envisaged by the University staff list.
13. Individual activities of the Faculty not envisaged by the University staff list shall be carried out by the invited staff on the basis of the relevant employment contract.
14. Relationships concerning promotion and disciplinary responsibility of the Faculty staff shall be regulated on the basis of the University Stature, Internal Regulations and other statutory requirements.
Article 10. Faculty educational programs and academic process
1. During the academic period, the subjects envisaged by the program shall be taught in the form of weekly lectures as well as practical and laboratory lessons.
2. Content and structure of educational programs, curriculum, human, material and technical as well as infrastructural provision, forms and methods of teaching, evaluation methodology and principles, learning outcomes, acquired general, transferable and sectorial competences, knowledge and skills, employment and/or further education areas shall be reviewed and defined by the Faculty Board. In case of a positive decision, the program shall be submitted to the University Academic Council for approval in accordance with the established procedure.
A professor or an Associate professor may submit and direct the educational program. On the basis of the relevant recommendation, the Curriculum Committee shall submit an educational program to the Faculty Board for consideration. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
2′. At the Faculty, organization and conduct of academic process shall be based on theapplicable Georgian legislation, University Charter, Internal Regulations and this Regulation.
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2². The Faculty implements the following programs of the first and second level of academic higher education:
Bachelor program of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Georgian medium); Bachelor program of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (English medium); Georgian-Austrian Bachelor degree Nursing program;
Bachelor degree Midwifery Program; Master's program "Pediatric Rehabilitation"; Master's program "Advisor in Rehabilitation"; Master's program "Sports Rehabilitation";
Master's program "Biomedical Engineering" (together with the LEPL Akaki Tsereteli State University and LEPL Georgian Technical University).
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3. Academic process shall involve planning, organization and implementation of all types of educational and methodological activities. At the Faculty, the major documents regulating theacademic process shall be curricula and programs (syllabuses) submitted by departments.
4. At the Faculty, student knowledge shall be assessed in accordance with the University assessment system and educational programs (syllabuses). The student shall be required to passall exams in accordance with the educational program (syllabus) and the Faculty academic plan (curriculum). For the students with disabilities, the Faculty may set benefits to establish the conditions necessary for their comprehensive education.
5. Faculty examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the uniform procedure established by the University.
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7. At the Faculty, rules for calculation of educational program credits and assessment as well as restudy of subjects shall be regulated in accordance with the uniform procedure established by the University.
7′. If the student fails to pass the exam for any reason (failing grade on the exam, non- attendances, committing disciplinary misconduct, etc.), he/she shall be required to repeatedly study the same subject in the next academic year and/or next semester, ensuring the required attendance. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
8. Conditions for suspension and termination of student status shall be regulated by the University Statute and Internal Regulations.
9. While studying at the Faculty, students of all stages may take an academic leave not exceeding the time limit set by the University Statute.
10. In order to take academic leave, the student shall apply to the University in writing. The Rector of TSMU shall make a decision on this issue upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty.
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12. The Faculty Administration shall issue relevant notice on the student's use of academic leave.
13. Transfer of a student from another higher education institution or other faculty of the University and restoration of the student's status shall be regulated by the current legislation of Georgia, the University Statute and Internal Regulations. The internal organizational issues concerning transfer and restoration shall be regulated by University legal acts, Academic Council decisions and Rector's orders.
14. According to the Georgian legislation, student intra-university mobility from one facultyto another as well as mobility from another higher educational institution shall be permitted only starting from the second year of studies, within the faculty student quota.
15. Student mobility shall be provided considering the grade report sheet (transcript) submitted prior to beginning of the academic semester.
15′. The final decision on mobility shall be made by the Academic Council of the University. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
16. In case of student mobility, the Faculty Board with the approval of the relevant department (direction) and the Dean shall establish the semester/course on which the transferred student will continue the studies, as well as a list of subjects that shall be required based on the transcript presented by the student.
17. If a student is transferred from another higher education institution, the above procedures shall be followed in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation. On the basis of the transcript submitted by the student, the Faculty Board shall decide which semester/course the student shall pursue and which subjects are required for him/her.
18. The degree (qualification) required by the stage shall be awarded to the student upon learning the educational program and accumulating compulsory credits.
19. Along with diploma, the Faculty alumnus shall receive the diploma supplement in the prescribed form, which is not valid without diploma. The diploma shall be issued to the owner personally upon presenting the ID card. The diploma may be issued to another person on the basis of the power of attorney formalized according to the procedure established by thelegislation.
20. In case of loss of diploma (supplement) a copy of the diploma (supplement) shall be issued in accordance with the procedure established by the University. In this case, the fact of loss shall be confirmed on the basis of the relevant notice.
21. At the Faculty, teaching shall be provided in two languages: Georgian and English.
22. At the Faculty, the academic year shall consist of two (Fall and Spring) semesters.
Article 11. Educational stages
1. The educational stages of the Faculty: Bachelor's program (The First Cycle of Academic Higher Education), Master's program (The Second Cycle of Academic Higher Education) and Doctoral studies (The Third Cycle of Academic Higher Education). (12.02.2024 №23/3)
2. At the Faculty, each educational stage of academic higher education shall include a set of curricula. The basis for continuing education at the next educational stage is successful completion of previous educational stage.
Article 12. Bachelor's programs
1. Only a person holding a state document certifying complete general education or its equivalent document may continue studies for a Bachelor's program.
2. The purpose of a Bachelor's Program, in addition to professional training at a level higher than complete general education, is to deepen the knowledge of theoretical aspects of academic disciplines in order to ensure the training of persons through research programs for further studies for a Master's academic degree and working within the limitations laid down by Georgian legislation.
Article 13. Master’s programs
1. Master’s program is a second stage academic higher education program which includes scientific research elements and aims to train a Bachelor’s next higher level specialists or researchers as well as prepare students for employment based on acquired qualifications. The following persons shall be eligible for doing a Master's degree: the Bachelors (240 credits);the persons with the Master’s or an equivalent degree who have cumulative credit of at least 300 and a relevant diploma; the citizens with specialization and competence defined by the Master's program according to their specialties, with following cumulative credits: 240 credits for the Bachelors and 300 credits for the specialists with a Master’s or an equivalent degree. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
2. Admission to the grad schools shall be carried out at accredited Master’s programs in accordance with applicable law.
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4. Information on the registration procedure for Master's programs shall be posted on TSMU official website.
5. The candidate enrolled after passing the Unified Postgraduate Examinations and Internal University Examinations shall be considered as a Master’s student.
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6′. Master’s program admission and learning conditions, requirements for the Master's program and master's thesis shall be regulated by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, TSMU Statute, Faculty Regulation and the Regulation on Master’s programs. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
Article 14. Doctoral programs
1. Doctoral program is a third stage of academic higher education which mainly aims at training the scientific and pedagogical staff. Existence of a scientific research program shall be the necessary condition for admission to the Doctoral program. (07.03.2018
2. Doctoral program shall be approved after preliminary expert examination.
3. Evaluation of the Doctoral programs shall include expert examination performed according to the procedure established by the University. Expert examination shall imply scientific and methodological evaluation of the doctoral research programs as well as assessment of theoretical and practical values of expected outcomes and adequacy of academic component with program content.
4. The Doctoral program and Director shall be approved by the TSMU Academic Council upon the recommendation of the Faculty Board.
5. Conditions for admission to Doctoral program and requirements for Doctoral programs shall be regulated by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and the Faculty Regulation on Doctoral programs. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
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Article 15. Student rights and responsibilities
1. Student is a person enrolled in a higher education institution under the procedure established by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and the University Statute and studying at a Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral educational programs of the Faculty. (12.02.2024 №23/3)
2. The prerequisite for enrollment of those eligible to study at the University shall be an initial administrative registration. Registration shall require submission of the following documents to the Dean’s office of the relevant faculty of the University:
a) Application for University Enrollment;
b) Document certifying general education;
c) Document certifying military registration (for males);
d) Four color photographs (3X4);
e) Copy of ID card (original is presented in person);
f) Agreement between the University and the student;
g) Document certifying payment of tuition fees.
3. The rights and obligations of the Faculty student shall be defined by the current legislation of Georgia, University Statute, University Internal Regulations, Code of Ethics and this Regulation. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
4. A student shall be obliged to study thoroughly the compulsory subjects identified by the Faculty, and adhere to the University Charter, Internal Regulations, Code of Ethics and this Regulation. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
5. Students partially funded by a state grant shall pay the difference between the state funding and tuition fees in accordance with the University procedure and deadlines.
6. Students shall have right to:
a) Acquire high quality education;
b) Participate in scientific research;
c) Use the material and technical and, library and, informational and other resources of the university on equal terms, as provided for by the University Statute, University Internal Regulations and other Regulations;
d) Obtain comprehensive information on University activities, including financial and economic ones, as provided by the legislation of Georgia;
e) Elect a representative and be elected as a member of the students' self-government body, as well as of the University and the Faculty management representative bodies on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, as provided by the University Statute;
f) Freely establish and/or join student organizations according to their interests.
g) Freely express opinions and reasonably refuse to share ideas offered during the study process;
h) Participate in elaboration of individual curricula.
i) Enjoy other rights conferred by the legislation of Georgia.j) Deleted (07.03.2018 №23/3)
k) Through public information sources, familiarize themselves with the list and content of elective subjects and submit to the Dean's Office a written application on the selected discipline within the first week of the semester.
7. Relationships concerning student incentives and disciplinary liability shall be regulated on the basis of requirements of the University Charter, Internal Regulations and other statutory acts.
Article 16. Student self-government of the Faculty
1. Student self-government based on universal, equal and direct elections shall function at the Faculty.
2. The Faculty’s student self-government shall be the basis for creation and functioning of the Common University Student Self-Government designed for promotion of student mobilityand activeness.
3. Student self-government shall operate in accordance with the current legislation of Georgia, the University Statute and its own Regulation. (07.03.2018 №23/3)
Based on its Regulation, the student self-government shall:
a) Ensure protection of students' rights;
b) Elect student self-government representatives to the Faculty Board;
c) Have the right to develop recommendations and suggestions for further refinement andimprovement of academic process and submit them to the Faculty Board;
d) Perform other activities specified by the Student Self-Government Regulation.
4. Faculty administration does not interfere with student self-government activities.
5. Article 17. Final provisions
The Faculty Regulation shall be revoked, amended or supplemented by the Representative Board upon the recommendation of the Faculty Board.