Approved By physical medicine
and rehabilitation
Faculty Board - 21.12.2016
Tbilisi State Medical University Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation Faculty Nursing bachelor
and professional programs
Curriculum Committee
Article 1. General provisions
This provision defines goals, functions, working procedure, the staff and rules on updating the provision of the Curriculum Committee ("Committee") of the Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor Programs´ of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Faculty of the Tbilisi State Medical University.
The Committee's provision has been elaborated on the basis of the structure and regulation of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Faculty of Tbilisi State Medical University. The curriculum committee's statute is approved at the Faculty Board meeting.
The Committee's Statute is approved by the Faculty Board.
The Committee is a permanent working body of Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor programs at the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Tbilisi State Medical University, which participates in the elaboration and discussing of educational programs, their updating processes and material elaboration.
Article 2. Objectives and Functions of the Curriculum Committee
1. The objective of the Committee is to evaluate and discuss the elaborating and developing issues related to the Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor programs at the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Tbilisi State Medical University. The Committee discusses the following Programs: Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery at the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Tbilisi State Medical University and prepares the relevant recommendation on Faculty council and then submits to the University Academic Council.
2. The functions of the Committee are:
A) Discuss educational programs prepared by faculty training structural units (department, direction) and elaboration of relevant recommendations;
B) Recommendations on the study (main, supportive, other) literature for the implementation of Nursing and Midwifery Bachelor programs in the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the University;
C) developing recommendations for the academic process of any issues related to the educational program and the step-sectoral specificity, human, material and technical resources and infrastructure, learning outcomes, graduates of general and subject-specific competencies, knowledge and skills generated, employment prospective Annals Sits upon.
Article 3. Structure and the Committee staff
1. The Committee consists of the Chairman of the Committee, the Committee
Secretary and committee members.
2. The number of members of the Committee shall be determined by at least 5 persons.
3. The composition of the Committee and the Chairman of the Committee shall be approved by the Board of the Faculty.
4. A member of the Committee could be representatives of the Clinical Structural Units of the Study Direction / Department of Tbilisi State Medical University, in which Nursing and Midwiferi Bachelor programs are implemented. The candidate / member of the curriculum committee member from the department / direction will submit the department / direction of the department, based on the results of the discussion in the department / direction.
5. A member of the committee could be a faculty professor, associate professor or assistant professor, employer, graduate, student.
6. To facilitate the involvement of potential employers of the graduates, a member of the Committee on Developing and Development of Educational Programs - Deans of the Faculty Dean for the approval of the Faculty Board, specialists working in the country's healthcare system.
7. The candidacy of the Chairman of the Committee shall be presented by the Dean of the Faculty and shall be approved by the Board of the Faculty from the members of the Committee.
8. The Secretary of the Committee shall be elected by the Chairman of the Committee at the first sitting of the Committee with a majority of the members of the Committee.
9. The Secretary of the Committee shall determine the minutes of the Committee meeting.
10. In case of absence of the chairman of the committee, the chairperson shall be elected by the committee on a particular session by a majority of the members of the Committee.
11.The working term of the committee member shall be determined by the Committee for 4 years. A person may be appointed as a member of the committee for a period of two terms, after which it is allowed to be elected as a member of the committee after one term expires.
12. The working term of the chairman of the committee shall be determined by 4 years. A person may be appointed as the chairman of the committee for two terms.
13. After resigning the chairman’s poisition A person may be elected as a member of the Committee, according to the existing regulations.
14. The Committee may create temporary sub-committees and / or working groups to study the specific objective and prepare the appropriate recommendation. The decision on the creation of such subcommittee and / or working group shall be adopted by the Committee in accordance with the rule set forth in Article 4 of the present Regulation "Committee of Working Committee".
Article 4. The rule of the Committee work
1. The Committee Meeting is called and conducted by the Chairman of the Committee.
2. The Committee shall work during the academic year.
3. The unplanned session of the committee may be invited by at least 2 members of the Committee. In such case, the Chairman of the Committee shall convene a meeting no later than 1 week after the request.
4. The Secretary of the Committee shall ensure that the Committee members are informed about the date and agenda of the meeting.
5. The Committee Sitting is authorized to make a decision if the session is attended by
More than half of the its members.
6. The issue is resolved by open balloting. The decision has been made if the majority of the list of voters will vote.
7. Voting procedure may be held secretly at the request of one-third of the members of the committee members,.
8. The committee meeting shall be organisd in comliance with the protocol. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the committee.
9. The following information shall be reflected in the committee protocol:
A) the date of holding the meeting,
B) List of attendees, signatures,
C) Chairperson and Secretary of the Meeting,
D) the agenda of the meeting,
E) Processes, contents and results of examination of the issues envisaged by the agenda.
10.The Committee shall have the right to request additional information on the issue / material presented at the meeting.
11. The Committee is authorized to request the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty to re-evaluate the individual program / course or training material
12. The technical side of the committee's work (working space, equipment) provides the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
13.The work of the committee members is not paid.
14. The educational program, curriculum and syllabus of training courses, accompanying materials, the Committee will be considered for review at the Quality Assurance Service after his / her expert evaluation.
15. Assessment of Quality Assurance Service is a working document for the Curriculum Committee.
16.The Committee shall transfer a recommendation issue to the Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, which will submit the relevant conclusion to the Academic Council of Tbilisi State Medical University for approval.
Article 5. Final provisions
1. The amendment to the Committee may be initiated by a member of the Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board member or Committee member.
2. The Committee shall discuss the changes about the proposal no later than one month and shall submit the results of the review to the Faculty Board as proof or information.
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