By the Decree 23/21of December 21, 2021
of the representative board of
LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University
LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University
Security Service
Article 1. General Decrees
1.1. Tbilisi State Medical University (hereinafter - the University) security service (hereinafter - the service) is a structural unit of the university;
1.2. The service conducts its activities based on the legislation of Georgia, the statute of the university, the present statute, and other legal acts in effect at the university;
1.3. The service is subordinate to the Deputy Chancellor of Tbilisi State Medical University in the field of strategic development of infrastructure projects - within his competence;
1.4. Within its competence, the service is accountable to the rector, chancellor, and other persons with proper authority;
1.5. The office employee has a special uniform (clothes) with the necessary signs for identification.
Article 2. Field of activity and main functions of the security service
2.1. The main functions of the service are:
2.1.1. protection of public order on the inner and outer perimeter of the buildings used by the university, on the land, and in the surrounding area;
2.1.2. Protection of material resources belonging to the University;
2.3. The activity of the service is based on the principles of humanity, protection of constitutional rights, respect for the dignity of the person, society, democracy and justice;
2.4. When dealing with citizens, the service employee acts by general ethics norms;
2.5. In matters of struggle and prevention against law-breakers, the service cooperates with law enforcement bodies as established by the legislation.
2.6. The service, within the scope of its competence, has the right to perform the following functions:
2.6.1. to demand from the employees, students, and outsiders, within the competence of the service, to comply with the internal regulations of the university;
2.6.2. take appropriate measures against the person who violates the order and, if necessary, apply for help from a person with the appropriate authority in the university administration, the security police arrest team, and/or the nearest police station;
2.7. to assist persons with disabilities/disabled persons in the issue of smooth and comfortable movement in the university building;
2.8. The security of the university buildings and the locations considered in the present paragraph 2.1.1 is performed by the service:
2..8.1. from particular monitoring points;
2.8.2. with external and internal perimeter surveillance cameras;
2.8.3. By using other forms and methods of protection, including technical means, permitted by the legislation of Georgia
Article 3. Service structure
3.1. The following positions are taken into account in the TSMU service: head of the service, deputy head of service, and employees of the service (specialists);
3.2. The head of the service and the service employees are appointed and dismissed by the university rector. In case of the absence of the head of service (vacation, business trip, illness, or inability to perform duties due to other reasons), his duty is performed by the deputy head of service or any other person based on the relevant order of the rector;
Article 4. Final decrees
4.1. Amendments and additions to the statute are made by the rules established by the legislation in force in Georgia;
4.2. Reorganization and liquidation of the service is carried out by the legislation in force in Georgia;
4.3. The regulation is valid from the moment of its approval by the representative council;
4.4. The provision loses its validity in case of approval of a new provision and/or liquidation of the service.