On June 4 of the current year, Tbilisi State Medical University Professors of Jaw-face plastic surgery and Implantology Clinic: TSMU Honorary Doctor, Invited Professor Helmut Zieber, Honorary Doctor of TSMU, Professor Andreas Hammakheridy, Honorary Doctor of TSMU, Professor Vicker Vailert will deliver lectures at TSMU For Stomatology Faculty Students:
"Traumatology of Jaw-facial area - Clinic, Diagnostics, Treatment" (Prof. H. Zieber);
"The possibility of bone recuperation of upper and lower jaws" (Professor A. Hammakher);
"Wise Teeth - Peculiarities of Clinical Manifestations, Extraction Techniques" (Prof. V. Wailert);
The lectures will be held at TSMU administrative building at 1 pm, on the first floor, in the hall of the dissertation hall and the sessions.
Within the same visit, on June 3 at 13:30, German professors will receive patients at TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic and provide free consultations and will conduct operations on June 5 and 6.