The 1st Scientific Conference in Langauges for Specific Purposes
On May 2, 2018, the first Scientific Conference in Langauges for Specific Purposes was organized by Foreign Language Center of Tbilisi State Medical University.The aim of the conference was to actively involve students in scientific activities and present reports in different languages for specific languages based to the following subjects: recent medical achievements, innovative methods of treatment, diseases and syndromes and occupational diseases. About 40 students of different faculties of the University took part in the conference, among them were foreign students.
Professor Mrs. Nino Abralava, the head of the Foreign Language Center opened students’ scientific conference. Mrs. Nino thanked students for participating in the conference and wished them fruitful work.She emphasized the importance of the foreign language in the modern world, which is necessary for success, because professional progress in today's world is unimaginable without knowledge of foreign languages.She also noted that such conferences will promote students’ future development and progress.
Assistant-ProfessorMrs. Maka Tatishvili also addressed students and professors, who expressed hope that scientific conference in languages for specific purposes will be traditional. She also mentioned that it is significant to know Medical terminology at high level. Therefore, it is necessary for students to participate in this kind of conferences, exchange ideas and communicate.
The organizer of the conference and English language lecturer of Foreign Language Center Ms. Tinatin Bubuteishvili presented the conference program, which was divided into on four sections - English, German, French and Russian languages.It is noteworthy that the students' reportswere held in a parallel mode at the conference.Each section had the head and jury who evaluated students.Professoriate and students were able to express their opinions, ask questions and have adiscussion.
There were announced the best presentations in each language section:
English language ( This section was divided into three parts)-
ILevan Bajelidze, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-
„Paranoid Schizophrenia”;
I George Tvildiani, Faculty Physical Health and Rehabilitation, the first academic year-„Medical Technologies” ;
II Anastasia Osikmashvili,Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-„Stem Cell Therapy- Now and in the Future”;
II Meri Pipia, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-
„New Possibilities of DNA Changes” (CRISPER);
II Iana Dolidze, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-„The Future of Medicine:Bionic Limbs”;
II Giorgi Pochkua, Faculty of Medicine, the second academic year-
„ Marijuina Addiction”
II Ana Osiashvili, Faculty of Medicine, the second academic year-
„Biochemical and Genetic Aspects of Anxiety Disorders”;
III Tsitsi Maisuradze, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-
„Spark of Genius? Awakening a Better Brain”;
III Nika Khutsishvili, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year–
„Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome”;
IIINino Chelidze, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-
„ Coronary Artery Disease”;
IIIMariam Tvauri,Faculty of Medicine, the third academic year-
„ New Methods of Treating Heart Failure”;
III Ana Batsankalashvili, Faculty of Stomatology, the third academic course- „Osteomyelitis of the Jaws”;
III Mariam Macharashvili and Lali Esebua, Faculty of Medicine, the third academic year-„Chronic Pain and Sleep Disorders in Palliative Care”;
III Nato Tsiklauri, Faculty of Medicine, the fifth academic year-
„ Personalised Medicine Approaches”;
III Natia Tsertsvadze, Faculty of Stomatology, the fifth course-
„Pleomorhic Adenoma”.
Foreign Students-
I Sukanya Pati Faculty of Medicine, the sixth academic year-
„Endometriosis an Enigma and Laparoscopy its Heuristic”;
II Lakitha Rathnaweera Faculty of Medicine, the third academic year-„Immunizatin in Sri Lanka”
German Language-
I Kakha Bregvadze, Faculty of Medicine, the sixth academic year-
„Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma-New Insights into the Pathogenesis and Therapy”;
II Mariam Shalikashvili, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-
„Musical Harmony as Therapy”;
III Ketevan Phevadze, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic year-
„ Experimental Researches on Animals”.
Russian Language-
I Irina Selepanova, Faculty of Medicine, the fifth academic Year-
„Modern methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis ";
I Xatia Tsirekidze, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic Year-
„ Face Transplant”
II Angelina Gulbani, Faculty of Medicine, the first academic Year-
„ Hsp70-
II Ana Khutsidze Faculty of Medicine, the first academic Year-
“ Human Brain”
French Language-
I Tamar Tsetskhladze, Faculty of Medicine, the third academic Year-„Kawasaki Disease Symptoms “;
II Nutsa Chigladze and Mariam Akhmeteli
Faculty of Medicine, the third academic year-
„Benign Ovarian Tumours”.
The conference winners’ papers will be published in the TSMU Foreign Language Departnment annual collection of conference articles.Relevant certificates will be handed to all participants of the conference. At the end of the conference there was held an interesting discussion and it was summarized the work of sections.