Lectures and “Hands on” Trainings by German Professors at Tbilisi State Medical University

Lectures and “Hands on” Trainings by German Professors at Tbilisi State Medical University

On November 24-27, 2017, the German delegation including: Dr. George Grigolia, MD, PhD Honorary Doctor of Tbilisi State Medical University and Chief Doctor of  Surgery Department at University Clinic (Furstenfeldbruck) of Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich, Germany); Prof. Reinhold Lang Head of General and Visceral Surgery Department at Weilhaim Clinic; Prof. Fritz Spelsberg, Head of General and Visceral Surgery Department at Furstenfeldbruck Clinic;  Prof.  Georgios Meimarakis, Head of Vascular Surgery Department of Landshut Clinic; Private Professor Florian Weiss Head of Anesthesiology Department at  Furstenfeldbruck Clinic, Mr. Thomas Lipman Manager of Weilheim and Schongau University Clinics and Ms. Andrea Jochher – Weiss, Governor of Weilheim and Schongau Regions (Germany) will pay visit to Tbilisi State Medical University. German professors will deliver lectures for TSMU students and residents and provide “hands-on” training courses in Sonography and suturing technique / habits. Within the framework of the visit, German Professors will participate in selection of TSMU students (German-speaking) for passing training courses in German university clinics. It should be emphasized that since 2013, on the Dr. George Grigolia’s initiative Professors: Reinhold Lang, Georgios Meimarakis, Florian Weiss and Fritz Spelsberg have been organizing training courses for TSMU students  and residents in the University Clinics of Germany (students are provided free accommodation and scholarship).  For the contribution made to the development of Tbilisi State Medical University the candidacies of German Professors were presented to TSMU Academic Board meeting to grant them the title of Honorary Doctor of TSMU.

Schedule of Lectures:

24 November 12:00

,, Standards for surgical treatment of reflux disease “ - Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Lang;

,,International standards for surgical treatment of inguinal hernia“ - Prof. Dr. Fritz Spelsberg;

,, Methods of surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm“ - Prof. Dr. med. Georgios Meimarakis;

,,Sigmadivertikulitis, treatment tactics and  late results “ - D r. med. George Grigolia;

24 November 15:00

“Hands-on” training courses in Sonography and suturing technique / habits

Address:  N4, Gudamakari str. Lecture Hall at TSMU First University Clinic

25 November 10:00

,,Method of standard  and actual treatment in proctology,, -Prof. Dr. Fritz Spelsberg;

,, Capabilities of Intra and postoperative sonography " –Prof. Dr. med. Georgios Meimarakis;

,, Secondary pulmonary hypertension “ -PD. Dr. med. Florian Weis.

25 November 12:30

“Hands-on” training courses in Sonography and suturing technique / habits

Address:  N4, Gudamakari str. Lecture Hall at TSMU First University Clinic

27 November 10:00

,,Bariatric Surgery“ -Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Lang;

,, Septic cardiomyopathy “ - PD. Dr. med. Florian Weis; 

,, Postoperative strategy at anticoagulants and platelet aggregation inhibitors therapy”  - D r. med. George Grigolia.

Address: 33, Vazha-Pshavela ave, Administrative Building, Meeting Hall

The lectures will be delivered in German, simultaneous translation will be provided.