Master-class of Effective Communication

Master-class of Effective Communication

Training-seminar - Master-class of Effective Communication  will  held On December 20, 18:00.

Speakers: Haseeb Hasan; Zaufy Hasan; Amal Hasan

Areas of Focus: 

Relationship can either make you or break you. If you want to reach your dreams in life then its vital to acquire the art of maintaining healthy and productive relationships. Many people fade away in time and compromise on their dreams dude to some relationship issues that they cannot resolve effectively. Many people are good in their professional relationships but fail in their personal relationships. The key is to convert negative relationships to positive ones if you really do want to be successful. 

The "Relationship Management Program” focusses on 5 vital aspects of our lives. Any imbalance between these 5 important dimensions creates unrest and impacts our lives, adversely. With conscious effort and with the right ‘Tools’, one can learn and master the art of relationship management.

People of all generations are welcome to attend the Speaker Festival; training seminars include theoretical and practical workshops. Tickets of the Festival are available at

Tbilisi State Medical University, Administration Building, First floor.