Public Defender of Alexander Tsertsvadze's Dissertation Thesis for obtaining Academic Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy

Public Defender of Alexander Tsertsvadze's Dissertation Thesis for obtaining Academic Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy

29 June 2018, 16:00 - Organizational Corps of the TSMU Administrative Hall will hold the physical and chemical and pharmacologic assessment of the "Kolkhati Lowland Powdery Pineapple Peloids" of Alexander Tsertsvadze's Dissertation Workshop for the academic degree of Doctor of Pharmacy.

The scientific directors are: Dali Berashvili - Professor of TSMU Pharmacognosy and Botany Direction; Izolda Machutadze - Head of the Department of Conservation of Colchis Peat and Water Ecosystems of the Institute of Phytipathology and Biodiversity of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Chief Research Officer; Experts - Nana Gorgaslidze - Academic Doctor of Pharmacy; Archil Lia Tsiklauri - Doctor of Pharmacy Malkhaz Jokhadze - Doctor of Pharmacology Academic Sciences.

Address: Vaja-Pshavela Ave. N-33, TSMU Administrative Corps Assembly Hall