The festival - White Coat

The festival - White Coat

From October 19 to November 20 By organizing International Students Society in Tbilisi State Medical University is planing the festival "White Coat ". 

The festival program includes cultural educational and sports activities.

The goals of the festival are:

-Include TSMU students in educational, cultural-creative and sport-recreational activities;

Introduction and management of large-scale youth activities in the university;

- Promoting healthy lifestyle and anti-malicious propaganda;

- Promote the realization of the intellectual potential of the students and increase civic self-consciousness;

- Engage young people in activities in the university and diversity of student years;

Only TSMU students can participate in the festival.

Festival schedule:

19/10 - chess

22 / 10-03 / 11 - football

25-26 / 10 - What? Where? When?

01-02 / 11- Debate championship

06/11 - table tennis


08/11 - Basketball

09 / 11-11 / 11 - volleyball

13/11- Arm wrestling 

15/11 - City Game

Those who wish to participate in the festival please register at the following link