Public Lectures by Professor of Pisa University

Public Lectures by Professor of Pisa University

Under ERASMUS+ KA107 Mobility Programme  Chiara Posareli, researcher at the Department of Molecular Diseases and Critical Medicine, University of Pisa  visited Tbilisi State Medical University. She will deliver public lectures and hold a workshop.

November 14  - 10:00 -12:00
Public lecture – “How to treat glaucoma? minimally invasive glaucoma surgery”. The lecture will be delivered for TSMU students, residents and ophthalmologists.
Address: TSMU first university clinic. I  - Lecture Room

November 15  - 10:00 -12:00
Public lecture – "Supraciliary methods of glaucoma surgery"
Address: TSMU first university clinic. I  - Lecture Room

November 16 - 10:00 -12:00
Workshop  - “Cyclodestructive procedures of high-intensity focused ultrasound for glaucoma treatment “