Free Consultation for People with Disabilities at the Medical Rehabilitation Clinic

Free Consultation for People with Disabilities at the Medical Rehabilitation Clinic

On February, 24 – 28, 10:00 -18:00 newly opened Ken Walker Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic invites peoples with disabilities for the free consultation hours. 

Free consultations are for disabled children and adults with cerebral palsy, development delays, musculoskeletal disorders, spinal cord disorders, traumatic brain injury and postoperative care. 

The free consultations is held by professional team of the clinic (doctor, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist). Further treatment and rehabilitation plans are determined after the consultation. Professional doctors of Ken Walker Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic and TSMU First University Clinic also international specialists from Emory Medical School (USA, Atlanta) in frames of USAID project are consulting the patients. The Ken Walker Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic is equipped with high-tech, innovative technologies.  

Please feel free to contact in advance for the visit:

Tel: 599 23 39 16; 595 50 62 62; 558 61 51 15;

Days and time: 24 – 28 February, 10:00 - 18:00

Address: N4, Gudamakari St. Tbilisi

After the free consultation rehabilitation course is available at the clinic (state program envisages funding opportunities for children under 18).

Ken Walker Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic was established in January, 2020. The team of the clinic is trained by the professional trainers of TSMU, Partners for International development (PFID) and Emory Medical School (USA, Atlanta) in partnership with USAID.