DNA Day 2025 – Art Genome

DNA Day 2025 – Art Genome

The Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics of Tbilisi State Medical University and the Georgian Society of Medical Genetics and Epigenetics, on the occasion of DNA Day, invite you to participate in the art competition.

The contest is intended for students of Georgian and foreign language programs in biomedical fields. Participants will have the opportunity to present their works in the form of drawings or digital graphics.

Contest topic 2025Biobanks and a life without diseases.

Please send the art work on the following email: dnaday.art@gmail.com 
The deadline for submissions is 18 April, 2025.

The winnners of the contest will be announced on 25 April, 2025, DNA Day.
For detailed information and terms, see the link:

All participants will receive a certificate, and the winners will be awarded with cash prizes: 
First place - 500 GEL 
Second place - 300 GEL 
Third place - 200 GEL

A cash prize will be awarded to the winners by the Medical Genetics and Epigenetics Society.