Tbilisi State Medical University students attended the Summer School in Yerevan (Armenia)

On July 24 to August 8, 2013 Tbilisi State Medical University 23 students of the faculty of Medicine, Stomatology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation were attending the summer school for clinical practice at Yerevan State Medical University Clinics in the frames of the bilateral exchange program.  

TSMU students were practicing in the following Departments:  Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology, Therapy, Orthopedics, Orthodontics and Pediatric Stomatology.

It has been three years since the program started. The goal of the program is to support the development of highly skilled medical specialists in the region and to extend professional relationships between young Georgian and Armenian doctors.

After completing the course, the students were awarded by the certificates. They met with Rector of Yerevan State Medical University, Professor Mikayel Narimanyan, who sayid thank you to Georgian students for their participation in the program. He also emphasized the importance of the program and expressed readiness to develop collaboration with Tbilisi State Medical University.