Georgian professors working abroad: Dr Apollo Meskhi and Nino Solomonia delivered the lectures at Tbilisi State Medical University

On September 9 - 10, 2013 organizing by Tbilisi State Medical University Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Continuous Professional Development and Georgian Obstetricians and Gynecologists Association, Georgian professors: Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of the Great Britain, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, Dr Apollo Meskhi and Regional Instructor of Neonatal Rescucitation Program (USA) , Lead Instructor  of program S.T.A.B.L.E. (USA), neonatologists, Nino Solomonia paid an official visit to Tbilisi State Medical University.

Georgian colleagues delivered the following lectures for TSMU residents and young doctors in Meeting Hall of TSMU Administrative Building:

  • “Understanding and management of post-partum haemorrhage “ (Part I) - Dr Apollo Meskhi
  • “Neonatal Resuscitation in delivery room “– Nino Solomonia
  • “Understanding and management of post-partum haemorrhage (Part II) - Dr Apollo Meskhi

During the interactive lectures, professors liked active Georgian residents.